06-21-2015 01:49 PM
Theres alot of negative feedback for GSP. And yes it sucks. I bought a set of new headlights for my car. They shipped ups to global screwing around center where one sat for a day and popped up as delayed for a day then shipped. The other one.. must have been stored in someone's locker for an 8 day vacation before it claims to now be shipped. EBay has no contact email for gsp issues advertised. If everyone is displeased with the service why push it so hard. To be honest I think I'm done with eBay and will just use amazon. They have free shipping and it arrives in less than 2 weeks. If someone from eBay reads this feel free to email me. Though I highly doubt they care.
06-21-2015 04:29 PM
@mhillaby wrote:
Theres alot of negative feedback for GSP. And yes it sucks. I bought a set of new headlights for my car. They shipped ups to global screwing around center where one sat for a day and popped up as delayed for a day then shipped. The other one.. must have been stored in someone's locker for an 8 day vacation before it claims to now be shipped. EBay has no contact email for gsp issues advertised. If everyone is displeased with the service why push it so hard. To be honest I think I'm done with eBay and will just use amazon. They have free shipping and it arrives in less than 2 weeks. If someone from eBay reads this feel free to email me. Though I highly doubt they care.
How long did those two GSP items take to reach you? A day's delay isn't unusual for items shipped by other means, for what it's worth.
And when you quote "less than two weeks" for a shipment from Amazon, is that for an item warehoused in the United States or in Canada? Just want to make sure we're comparing apples to apples here.
06-22-2015 04:19 PM
They arrived at the shipping center on the 10th then one item shipped the next day while the other nearly identical item sat for 8 days. Doesn't matter if amazon us or ca, a professional organization doesn't sit on customer purchases for 8 days. Global shipping systems move 24/7. And as some will say Pitney bowes is not my seller, I feel they are they sold me shipping and customs clearances.
06-22-2015 09:05 PM - edited 06-22-2015 09:07 PM
I still have absolutely no idea how long these items took to reach you, nor do I know if you're referring to Amazon purchases from the United States or Canada.
06-23-2015 05:36 AM
One still hasn't its been 16 days. And I've ordered from both .. not the point of the statement though.
06-23-2015 10:40 AM
@mhillaby wrote:
One still hasn't its been 16 days. And I've ordered from both .. not the point of the statement though.
You did mention in your rant that you can get items from Amazon in less than two weeks, but I'm still not clear on whether those items are being shipped from the United States or if they're items that are already warehoused in Canada (which is often the case).
There's no question that there's a lot of stuff that has to be done "just right" on the seller's end for the GSP to work reasonably well for the buyer. The biggest impediment to this seems to be that some sellers aren't even aware that the GSP is being offered on their listings and this results in insufficient information being prepared and presented on the listing page. This information would enable the item to pass through the Global Shipping Center much more quickly. I suspect this is the main reason for the eight day delay your item experienced.