09-17-2016 03:23 PM
How is this even possible? (I have obscured anything which can identify the seller.)
How does a seller who is new with only 2.5 months of being a registered member and NO feedback whatsoever achieve a selling limit of more than 1.3 million items? Are selling limits not universally applied? Does eBay Australia play by some rules of which I am unaware?
09-17-2016 03:34 PM - edited 09-17-2016 03:35 PM
Selling limits, to the best of my limited knowledge, are set separately by each eBay.
Or perhaps, this seller has an eBay fairy godfather to help the process...
Note: speaking as someone who has never hit any eBay limits in 12 years of selling -- I'm just small potatoes in the selling field...
09-17-2016 03:46 PM
Very interesting.
The ceiling on my selling limit when I was new and all gung-ho was a real pain in the butt.
I cannot imagine meeting mine now. Every few months, I am sent the obligatory 'we've noticed you've done a great job' and double it again both in terms of count and value. I don't want to insult the Limit Gods but it's much higher than I could imagine reaching.
But this.... THIS... is questionable to my mind. And also sad. If they've had 1.3 million items listed for 2.5 months and no nibbles. They have no feedback whatsoever, received or left for others.
09-17-2016 05:20 PM
There must be more to this than meets the eye.
This seller is brand new and located in Australia.
These 1.3 million items are located in the USA.
The listings are set up so that only Canada is available as a ship-to location. And they are listed in CAD.
How does this work together to make sense? What am I looking at here? A drop-shipper clearly but that's not the whole picture, is it?
09-17-2016 06:42 PM
09-17-2016 06:46 PM
We're all 'corporate entities' are we not? And, pardon me for adding insult to this seller's injury, but that's one heck of a crummy business plan if they've had 1.3 million listings live for almost three months with ZERO sales. What corporate entity would do so poorly? How can they possibly afford their store fees like this?
09-17-2016 07:28 PM
@mjwl2006 wrote:There must be more to this than meets the eye.
This seller is brand new and located in Australia.
These 1.3 million items are located in the USA.
The listings are set up so that only Canada is available as a ship-to location. And they are listed in CAD.
How does this work together to make sense? What am I looking at here? A drop-shipper clearly but that's not the whole picture, is it?
Seller in Australia, Items in USA, Listed in $CAD and Shipping only to Canada.
I'm not the least surprised they haven't sold anything. 🙂
09-17-2016 08:50 PM
09-18-2016 05:06 PM
How do you know that they have been listing for that long? I guess if they are gtc listings you would be able to tell by checking the date of the oldest listing. Otherwise, I'm not sure how to figure that out now that completed unsold listings show for just a month.
09-18-2016 05:14 PM
They added another 200,000 listings overnight.
1,571,489 results found in all categories
You're right, I don't know anything because none of it makes sense.
This seller is new yet they have 1.5 million active listings. No feedback AT ALL yet 156 Sold Items under Completed Listings. First sale was Sept. 7. Running GTC. And no one has left feedback yet?
09-19-2016 04:53 PM - edited 09-19-2016 04:56 PM
Now at Items for sale (1834673)
One follower
No feedback
Now says 126 Sold Items between Sept 7 and Sept 19
09-19-2016 04:58 PM
What does the seller sell? From the picture I thought "vacuums" but that's not it. 🙂
I am thinking a Chinese seller with other large scale (large sale?) user IDs and that is how they were able to add this one.
09-19-2016 05:02 PM - edited 09-19-2016 05:03 PM
It's a little of everything: toys and books. Some appliances?
There's something funny happening here with their store today. The Items for Sale just shows 1.8 million but I can currently only view five under Items For Sale. Maybe they are in the middle of changing their shipping preferences.
Honestly, to me it looks like The A-River opened a store on ebay and called it something Canadian-sounding. And ebay said, "Okay!"
09-19-2016 05:20 PM
@mjwl2006 wrote:
Honestly, to me it looks like The A-River opened a store on ebay and called it something Canadian-sounding. And ebay said, "Okay!"
A great river in Canada. Sounds like the St. Lawrence, but that doesn't match the picture either. If something big DID open up on eBay I suppose eBay would be fine with it if they made fees off every sale since eBay itself does not actually sell anything.
Where is your search location? Canada only or Worldwide? LOL! I want to go find it. 🙂
09-19-2016 05:59 PM
Found it! I just had to think a bit. 😉 Syrup, not river. Some items are said to be in the US and some in the UK. A drop shipper for sure, targeting Canadian buyers.
09-19-2016 06:05 PM
Wow! I think you could be a detective. I'd never have found that store by using the single vague hint I didn't even really consider that I had offered about their name.
I am impressed, seriously.
So... what is your take on this now that you are looking at it too?
Dropshipper for sure but how does one go from no one of notice to securing some exclusive deal where they are allowed to list 1.8 million (and counting) items which they clearly don't have in their own possession? And how is it that there are not accountable to the selling limit the rest of us had to work our way through?
09-19-2016 06:07 PM
Or, like Mr. E said, am I really just that naive to think we all play by the same rules?
09-19-2016 06:16 PM
@mjwl2006 wrote:how does one go from no one of notice to securing some exclusive deal where they are allowed to list 1.8 million (and counting) items which they clearly don't have in their own possession? And how is it that there are not accountable to the selling limit the rest of us had to work our way through?
My best guess would be that the seller either has other successful IDs with a few hundred thousand items and got the green light this way (over a million listings? Wow!) or else simply explained that as a massive large-scale seller there is no way they can nibble their way up to full-scale selling the way regular garage-sale sellers do it. There may be background info that we will never see but that verifies them as a genuine business who are not going to list an ipad and run off with the buyer's money. And I would still bet its an Asian seller, like that story book one about the 40 Thieves.
09-19-2016 06:24 PM
You are likely right.
I was just surprised to see it. Zero feedback and 1.8 million items for sale.
I somehow assumed we all big and small worked our way through the selling limits the same way but I guess that was dumb of me.
09-19-2016 08:37 PM
Being no detective, I looked up the book "Date Like a Girl, Marry Like a Woman".
One of only four copies listed, but the hilarious part was that the other suggestions included. "Why Men Marry **bleep**es" and a Wonder Woman superhero doll.
I'm easily amused.