07-06-2012 07:50 PM
I even bought many other items from that seller. Is it usual to just ignore an offer. And please understand that my offer was reasonable.
07-06-2012 10:37 PM
07-07-2012 09:24 AM
Hello 'oscar',
There may be any number of reasons why the seller let it expire, not least of which he may have intended to respond but became too busy or forgot. Sellers have real lives and sometimes serious distractions come along.
Usually if the seller feels your offer is not quite reasonable enough, he will make a counter-offer. At that point you either accept (then pay), reject, ignore, or make a further counter.
You can make up to 3 offers on an item, so why not add a pinch more to your second offer? Or send him a kind note explaining that you didn't mean to insult him, rather you had anticipated he would make a counter-offer. Keep in mind that most sellers are too busy to haggle into eternity with you, and a counter-offer is usually the lowest the seller is willing to go.
The following link will explain all about offers, although you have probably seen it:
07-09-2012 03:35 PM
If your seller is in the US, they may have been distracted because July 4th is a national holiday and most people go out of town for the 4th. Or your seller forgot to check their email.