I got my first neg today

Community Member
From a newbie non paying bidder. I emailed a zillion times, filed an npb, and the fvf yesterday, as well as left negative feedback. Now, I get this retaliatory neg. I guess that makes me a true powerseller!
How absurd that we are in a position where we can't leave truthful feedback in case we get a neg. This bidder has nothing in their bid history, except for the (non) purchase of my item. I think that I've been set up by another jewelry seller...(I know that sounds paranoid, but it does happen)...
Any comments or suggestions?
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I got my first neg today

Community Member
sad 😞
Message 2 of 13
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I got my first neg today

Community Member
and yes, things like that can happen (other sellers...)
Message 3 of 13
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I got my first neg today

Community Member
I have 2 negs and neither one of them deserved. I think that you will find the same from just about every power seller here.

My philosophy, dont waste 5 seconds thinking about it or talking about it. Move on, sell to a bunch of things to decent people and get the positives you deserve.

I honestly cant believe all the concern people have over the negative feedbacks. You will get them, that is a guaranty and a fact of life and you probably wont deserve getting them either.

But unless and until eBay changes their entire feedback system and policy, I am afraid you will have to live with that one negative feedback.

And with a 645 feedback rating are you really concerned that future buyers may think you are not trust worthy?

If it is a competitor and you have that information then use it and get your negative reversed but dont spend good energy on this issue. Better spent getting more listings up and more sales after all did you go into business to get high eBay feedback or profit?


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I got my first neg today

Community Member
Nope, I'm not concerned about other ebayers thinking that I'm untrustworthy, it is just really annoying that someone can actually do that. Once a seller files an npb, and a fvf, and leaves a neg, the bidder shouldn't be allowed to leave feedback in response. It is just stupid!
There, I got that off my chest!
Message 5 of 13
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I got my first neg today

Community Member
I agree. I lost plenty of rest over my first from someone I was buying from and they never sent the item, they even admitted it and they just refused to refund me. So after 5 MONTHS I negged them and filed a claim thru my credit card company thru PayPal. That neg should have been removed. Pretty much the same with my 2nd were I was 100% the victim however I dodnt loose any sleep over it any more.

I just had to remind myself why I a selling on eBay and it was the ability to sell and make money and as long as I never loose sight of that I will be fine.

Message 6 of 13
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I got my first neg today

Community Member
Did you pull their contact info? I know you said you emailed them with no response. Its worth a try, as eBay will remove the neg if their contact info is bogus.
Message 7 of 13
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I got my first neg today

Community Member
K - Oh wow, I am so sorry to see that it finally happened for you. I know how much you dreaded that very thing. But trust me, the feeling fades quite fast and you just get on with it. There is an upshot to getting one. It makes you have nothing to lose anymore and now you'll see that you'll be more inclined to be honest about buyers who do you dirt. You won't be afraid anymore. It'll be the end of taking someone's crap just to avoid a neg.

Cheer up Chica 🙂 I will get better and the good people will not think anything less of you for it!!


Message 8 of 13
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I got my first neg today

Community Member
So sorry to hear this Karen. I have 3 of the darn things.......got my first after over 700 (I believe it was) all positive. The first one hurts the most. It's a shame that we have to put up with these people who pull this carp, but people will see the truth in your feedback and it won't hurt.
Message 9 of 13
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I got my first neg today

Community Member
Thanks everyone.
It was obviously a setup...the person even said, "Sent the money, but the buyer didn't send the goods", or whatever...The BUYER! I was the SELLER! I'm still po'd over it, I can tell you. I did pull the buyer's info before I filed the npb...and I have it somewhere, but will have to dig through countless emails. The whole thing is just bogus. I honestly think that it comes from posting on the American boards.
jay...I haven't heard from you in awhile...write me!
Message 10 of 13
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I got my first neg today

Community Member
I have also received some negs, but I have also never been asked about them by subsequent buyers. To me, it's a part of doing business. Keep selling, keep your attitude positive, because success is about learning not blaming.

Message 11 of 13
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I got my first neg today

I think a good response to a neg comment like that would be:
Prove you paid, and I'll happily pay to remove this neg.
Message 12 of 13
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I got my first neg today

Community Member
I have 20 negs now, 15 of them from suspicious (-1) type accounts and 4 from retaliatory buyers or sellers who "slapped" me back when I negged them. I'm at 98.7% positive, and I don't lose a lot of sleep. You can file to have your neg removed, if you suspect it was from someone on a "campaign to harass" you. Otherwise, it's just a casualty of doing business.

I'd file a report that their contact info is incorrect, at least, and have them NARUd for it.
Message 13 of 13
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