01-12-2015 01:28 PM
01-12-2015 05:23 PM
That being said, I would advise you not to use a Reserve.
Set your opening price where you would be comfortable selling. If you want $100 open at $99.99. If you want $350.00 at $349.99.
No one can bid less than that-- so automatically you have the protection of a Reserve without discouraging customers.
Buyers don't like Reserves. Many will backbutton when they see one and many will send you annoying Offers that are much lower than you would ever consider.
Some sellers will publish the Reserve in the description or in the title. Which strikes me as the worst of all choices.
You do know that if your item sells your customer's cleared payment will be Held against your good service for 21 Days? This is nothing personal, it's a Buyer Protection policy.
You can print a shipping label through Paypal from the Held money, though. And you can get 5% to 18% discounts from PO counter prices on PP shipping labels, so do use those.
But if you want to do well with this item, don't make it your first sale. Sell a few cheaper items first to get the hang of online selling and mail order.
Better yet, do some buying to build your feedback (trustworthiness) and to understand the customer's viewpoint.
Best wishes in your new endeavour!
01-14-2015 07:44 PM
01-14-2015 07:47 PM