I check today our board, nothing interesting!
You know i'm in school now! Refrigeration and A/C!!!
I give same of questions which they ask us on there test.
There question for you:
If a tree's leaves turn yellow and orange and began to fall it means:
1) it is time to water it
2) too late to water it
3) autumn is here
4)it is spring here
5) it is tired of growing leaves.
Why are beaver's vegetarian?
1) bears hard to catch
2) people just don't taste very good
3)tree's are nutritious and staple food supply
4) fish are fattering
What is largest lake in Canada?
1) Lake Huron
2) Lake Ontario
3) Lake Winnipeg
4) Lake Superior
5) Lake Erie
Where does mile zero star on the trans -canada highway?
1) Vancouver
2) Victoria
3) Ottawa
4) St. Johns
5) Charlettown
I believe that you can easy find answer for all question!!! But it is just half from my test and to pass it you should have min 80%.
Now try to do that with out any help!!!
If you pass you can be at 5% refrigerator mechanic .
I wish that this post made your live easier!!!
Best whishes, Vitali.