02-28-2013 01:16 PM
I want to be able to sell more than 10 items a month since I paid the $50/month for a store.
02-28-2013 02:55 PM
I eventually quit selling as I had limits put on my account that was trouble free. If I sell something I have to wait 21 days for the money and pay the shipping myself till the money clears then I would get it back. I guess I am guilty of selling as a hobby not selling enough stuff. I never had a problem before selling until this new BS so I stopped. PS: I have a 100% approval rating but am still the bad guy....
02-28-2013 05:13 PM
Any store , even basic, can't be justified while under new seller limits. 50 free listings are available monthly for auctions.
Could use contact us and call ebay and ask what they recommend you do. If can't be increased than close until lifted.
Can't recover the 30 fee incurred.
02-28-2013 05:14 PM
Sorry , should read the 30 day fee incurred.
02-28-2013 10:39 PM
The restrictions are on occasional and new sellers as well as on sellers whose customers have had unsatisfactory transactions.
Restrictions last longer for sellers in certain categories which have high-value or high-fraud products. I suspect that as a seller of cosmetics (false eyelashes) you may fall into one of those categories.
Get rid of the store. It is a waste of money. Use the 50 free auctions promotion for new sellers. And look into making another 50 free auctions by listing them on eBaydotCOM as well as here on eBaydotCA.
There is a cheaper store at $15 a month, but don't even think about it until you have built enough feedback and DSRs to lose those restrictions. (You know that Paypal will not release your customers' payments for 21 days against your good performance, right?). And you should have 54 or more unique listings as a minimum in any level of Store.
02-28-2013 10:48 PM
Is there a sales tax charge?
Yes, the sales tax will be a maximum of 10% in countries that are the furthest away from Canada.
So English is not your first language? A "sales tax" is only levied by a government. You cannot charge a sales tax unless you are registered to do so with the government. You have to add your registration number to every invoice, report the taxes collected monthly and remit them. If you are not registered, Revenue Canada is going to be very unhappy.
Further, sales taxes are always domestic. They are not charged on items that are exported. Governments want to encourage exports.
I think what you want to do is charge a premium on your shipping charge to some countries. But if you use Calculated Shipping this will be done for you automatically. If you are using LetterPost (and those lashes could easily go letter rate) the rate is the same for a nearby country like Greenland or a faraway country like Botswana. You can add a Handling Charge , mostly to cover the cost of packaging but it must be a set amount not a percentage.
The shipping and handling charge must be given (there is a tab for it) and cannot be changed.