I need to speak and find out if ,my payment is processed ,as last time I had a problem and the psyme

Community Member

I purchased, a hot air brush , did the payment ,but just need the confirmation,or I will end up paying up twice ,which happened once, so how do I know this ,I have lost the page that I was on,

Please help.




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I need to speak and find out if ,my payment is processed ,as last time I had a problem and the psyme


Hello 'desa-elain',

If you want to know if your payment has been received by the seller, you should have a paypal receipt in your regular email.

It will be from service@intl.paypal and the subject will be Receipt for your payment to. . . .

Do you have one of these? 


You can also check your Purchase History here on ebay.  

See the My eBay at the very top of this page?  Click the scroll-down menu to find your Purchase History.

If the item has been bought and paid for, the little dollar $ign icon will be   black

If it is pale grey then it has not been paid.


Similarly, you can check your paypal account Transaction History and see if the item appears there and has been paid for, - ie, the payment has been processed.  If your paypal payment was to come out of your bank account, that is called an e-cheque and can take up to 10 days to 'clear'.  The seller cannot mail the item to you before the payment clears.


If you paid by credit card, you can call the 1-800 number on the back of the card to hear Recent Transactions and ascertain if the payment has been made.


I don't know how you could have ever paid twice for a single item unless you inadvertently bought 2 by mistake.  Only you can authorize a payment, and the ebay system always knows if you have paid or not so it isn't really possible to pay twice for the one item.  You would have to post more details about that.  It is, however, a good idea to always pay for items directly from your Purchase History (or shopping cart) here on the ebay website.  That way you never get tricked into sending money to a fake 'phishing' email.  


For now, however, check your Purchase History since that would be quickest and easiest.





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