I sell worldwide from EBay.ca. When searching my own items on .com why am I not shown as Top Rated?

Hi All 🙂


Still torn about weather to switch to CAD or go to .com. I tried searching my items on .com and though I found them, I noticed am not

being shown as Top Rated & Power seller as I am on .ca ?


This will and must affect my sales when buyers are browsing for items regardless where they come from.


Any input would be appreciated.

Thank so much 🙂

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I sell worldwide from EBay.ca. When searching my own items on .com why am I not shown as Top Rated?

"This will and must affect my sales"


No.  There is no effect.  Nice icon but folks really do not care.


The system has been like that for years.


On eBay.ca, if you are a TRS (Global), you get the icon and 20% rebate on your FVF. 


When listing on eBay.com or viewing on eBay.com there is no icon but you still get your 20% rebate.  The icon on eBay.com is for TRS-Plus only (90% tracking etc...)


Life is full of real problems.  This is not one of them.

Message 2 of 14
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I sell worldwide from EBay.ca. When searching my own items on .com why am I not shown as Top Rated?

@authenticantiques wrote:

This will and must affect my sales when buyers are browsing for items regardless where they come from.


I can't confirm that. I always was TRS on Ebay.com - until they introduced the infamous "90 % tracking" requirement. 


I lost my TRS badge after that but I didn't notice any change in my sales volume  .... except that (it seems) I sell now even more 😉

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I sell worldwide from EBay.ca. When searching my own items on .com why am I not shown as Top Rated?

So basically I am worrying for nothing?


I'll take that 🙂


Thank you!

Message 4 of 14
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I sell worldwide from EBay.ca. When searching my own items on .com why am I not shown as Top Rated?

@authenticantiques wrote:

So basically I am worrying for nothing?


I'll take that 🙂


Thank you!

Customer buy based on pictures. Do you have twelve high quality pictures in every listing? Customers have no regard for a "best of show" badge in the corner.

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I sell worldwide from EBay.ca. When searching my own items on .com why am I not shown as Top Rated?

Yes absolutely - unless it is a really simple item that can be showcased in 5-6 but rarely do I have less than 12 shots.


When I notice the item is not gaining attention I then rotate or redo the pictures every now and then and offer extra ones when asked.


I try to keep my descriptions to the necessary details as I find when too much info is added such as shipping rates, return policies and so on it seem to just discourage someone from reading all that...or is that just me?



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I sell worldwide from EBay.ca. When searching my own items on .com why am I not shown as Top Rated?

I find your listings to be very hard to read and instant eye-ache. Centered text, all capitals, small font, pointless colored fonts. This is listing 152092127665 and others.


If I check listings 162062306600, better,  no centered text, still all capitals, bigger font, no colored fonts.


You seem to be changing the description. But which direction? Hopefully to the second one above.


Constructive criticism. No offense intended.

Message 7 of 14
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I sell worldwide from EBay.ca. When searching my own items on .com why am I not shown as Top Rated?

eBay best practices, 14 pt, black, no colours.


Bullet points.


Get rid of everything starting with "Don't forget..."


50+% Of customers never read the description.  That % is growing. Last year, 62% of all sales were "touched" by a mobile device. Your description is not mobile friendly. The US is the fastest growing market for sales via mobile devices.

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I sell worldwide from EBay.ca. When searching my own items on .com why am I not shown as Top Rated?

Ok I understand. No offence taken, I welcome any opportunity to better myself. I do this full time and I love it 😉


Your preferred description is when I first started but then I saw so many others with "busier" description loaded with all kinds of info and so I started to question myself and just finished with " I am doing this wrong" leading to the layout and colored fonts you dislike.


I agree with you now looking at it that It definitely is distracting and therefore I will go back the more basic layout.


Thank you for the input and any other comments or suggestions are most appreciated 🙂




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I sell worldwide from EBay.ca. When searching my own items on .com why am I not shown as Top Rated?

Thank you very much. I will start applying that immediately.



Message 10 of 14
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I sell worldwide from EBay.ca. When searching my own items on .com why am I not shown as Top Rated?

Down the road it will be beneificial to have short descriptions so that your descriptions are maintained as you wrote them for mobile phones (has to be less than 800 characters, including HTML characters and line breaks count as 50 characters see other threads).


In anticipation of that I've been changing my descriptions:









I've been doing this for a few weeks now, and items with the new wordings are selling at the same rate as before, and so far no "misunderstandings" from the reduced wording......


As well, I think your pictures are awesome, the only thing I would suggest is to take them with higher resolution. If I click on your pictures, I can't  "expand" them.... (check what you can do on my "after" picture, you can click on the picture and expand it....) doing that might let you reduce your pictures. My "standard" number is 5.

Message 11 of 14
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I sell worldwide from EBay.ca. When searching my own items on .com why am I not shown as Top Rated?

This topic is about the new description rules for mobile.




The latest posts have links to the seller update with some info on how characters are counted. Post 72 is very informative. It gives this eBay link with how characters are counted.




This page discusses active content in eBay listings.




I just discovered these pages so I have no insight or comments on them.



Message 12 of 14
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I sell worldwide from EBay.ca. When searching my own items on .com why am I not shown as Top Rated?

Wow yes, the before and after make a huge difference.


As for the pics, thank you 🙂 and I will try the higher resolution.



Message 13 of 14
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I sell worldwide from EBay.ca. When searching my own items on .com why am I not shown as Top Rated?

Awesome thanks so much, I will be reviewing these and making the necessary adjustments!



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