Me??:O Concerned about fraud?? Are you sure??:|
Have you misinterpreted something I said, Monique? I actually think eBay is doing a fairly decent job in controlling fraud on the site. My last comment about fraud had to do with sellers that complain about fraud on the site seem to be the first ones that will mark an item as a gift.
I use the tools that eBay supplies me with to protect myself against fraud and they have served me very well thus far. I do have some nagging suspicions that the new "privacy" measures that will not allow me to view some bidders buying activity will have an effect on my ability to guard againnst fraud but I'm waiting to see what develops before raising a stink.
Otherwise, developments in the last couple of years have only helped. Buyer Requirements, Immediate Payment, Dispute Resolution, Paypal's introduction of confirmed addresses for Canada, etc. have all been positive moves IMHO.
I also didn't have a lot of problems with the current feedback system. My jury is out on the announced changes to the system (Feedback v2.0) And, as you may have surmised, I certainly don't have issues with multiple IDs.
Before I begin to sound like all is well in eBayLand, there are still a lot of things the company needs to work on. I, for one, would like to see done away with as I find no genuine use for the separate entity. It seems to do very little for Canadian sellers other than poorly run mediocre promotions that seem to only have appeal only for casual sellers. Where are the initiatives like the rate calculator, resolution of the applicable taxes problem on Paypal, promised improvements in seller profitability, etc.? What has happened to the Voices program? Where did "On the Road" go? And if .ca is charged with bringing new buyers to the site, why will they not support the Education Specialist program in Canada as it is supported in the USA?
If is not going to be of benefit to Canadian sellers or buyers, it should be done away with. That might be inflammatory to some, but I've been wondering for some time what we actually get out of Does JB think an appearance on the CTS board once a month to answer (sort of) a few questions justifies .ca's existence?
As for your idea re sorting sellers... it's not a bad one at all. I guess my only concern is that the number of sort columns is now getting substantial. Bad enough that we have to scroll up and down - I hate scrolling right and left.