12-10-2012 08:52 AM
I advertised an item on Kijiji and subsequently sold it yesterday.
Since then I have received three emails telling me that the purchaser would be selling it on ebay. Sure enough I saw it this morning.
The item is unmistakably the one I just sold. However, the label identifying where it was purchased has been removed as were the tags that it had been cleaned. Also, it is advertised twice showing different pictures.
Being relatively new to ebay, I was just wondering if this is acceptable. Thank you in advance for your input.
12-10-2012 09:44 AM
Hi .. Can i assume that the buyer collected your item and now has possession.
Once someone has possession they are free to dispose of in any manner of their choosing. Any listing issues are between seller/buyer and ebay.
12-10-2012 10:08 AM
Was the buyer sending you the emails? I doubt it.
So treat them as schoolyard tattletales. It is neither their business nor yours what the new owner does with a legally purchased item.
12-10-2012 10:16 AM
I guess I did not explain myself well enough.
I am not disputing the sale of the item. I would like to know the following:
Does it not create a problem if (1) item is listed twice?
I am bright enough to know that once an item is sold it becomes the property of the new owner who can do with as she/he sees fit.
12-10-2012 10:42 AM
Any time a seller cannot complete a transaction there can be negatives including a possible loss of fees paid to ebay. A reasonable person would not deliberately do.