Item not received - Brazil

I had sent items to Brazil in the past without problems, but this time a guy in Sao Paolo with 0 feedback robbed me. So I am going to add this country to mandatory tracking countries  list or cancel the sale...


I asked eBay to let me  prevent people with 0 feedback from buying from me, apparently they make money from these cases.

 On all sales have tracking numbers.


Message 1 of 12
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Re: Item not received - Brazil

Well there are a couple of work arounds.

You can Block bidders who do not have active Paypal accounts.

On Buy It Now or Fixed Price sales you can set up Immediate Payment Required.

You can Block bidders with two or more Unpaid Item Strikes in the past year.

You can ship with tracking, even if your S&H doesn't mention it. No rule against 'upgrading' the shipping system.

While most sellers only bother with three S&H destinations (domestic, USA, set countries), you can divide that further so that you have  a shipping cost for 'safe' countries like Britain or Netherlands and another service for 'questionable' destinations like Italy, Brazil or Russia.


I notice you have about 200 successful sales over the past year. And apparently only one unsuccessful. Have you considered Cookie Jar Insurance?

This just means you add a small amount to every S&H (or asking price) as a self-insurance premium against losses. When you are faced with a claim, you reach into the virtual Cookie Jar where you put all those dimes and quarters and pay the claimant. No real money is lost.

If your good sales get even stronger, you might even be making  little money on the Cookie Jar, just like the 'real' insurance companies.

Message 2 of 12
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Re: Item not received - Brazil

Femme, some seller would rather do without $10,000 worth of sales than lose a $50 widget.


My "cookie jar insurance" has PAID ME $11,000.


Some "sellers" make business personal, you and I do not.

Message 3 of 12
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Re: Item not received - Brazil

I refuse to ship to Brazil.  I've had 0 feedback non payers, got ripped off buying stuff from selllers there.  then Last spring a buyer there who had 200 all postitive feedback begged me to give him a cheaper shipping rate, said he was ok with not having tracking info.  Sure enough the second I marked it as shipped he asked for the tracking number & the second he could file a claim he did.


Message 4 of 12
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Re: Item not received - Brazil

I had sent items to Brazil in the past without problems, but this time a guy in Sao Paolo with 0 feedback robbed me. So I am going to add this country to mandatory tracking countries  list or cancel the sale...



I completely understand , and thieves are in every country. Some worse than others, but if you have had good business in Brazil then why stop selling to them because of one bad apple. If I did that to every country I list to , I would be out of countries and selling out a kool-aid stand. Think of this as a learning curve.

Message 5 of 12
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Re: Item not received - Brazil

If I gave up because of one in a country, I would not be selling to Canada or the US. Does that make any sense?



I have a shrinkage (loss) budget. Every seller should have one, just like a real business.

Message 6 of 12
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Re: Item not received - Brazil

I looked at your Sons Of Anarchy item that says "I do not ship to Brazil". Went into "Shipping & Payments" and shipping to Brazil is $25. Make up your mind.


Revise your listings and block the countries you do not ship to. Saying in your listing where you do or do not ship to is meaningless.

Message 7 of 12
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Re: Item not received - Brazil

I can see it makes sens to set up shipping & handling fee for insurance money for parcels not received.  However don't  you get a defect each  time a buyer open an item not received,  and even if you refund the buyer you still get a defect, and according to what ebay was telling me the only way you get a defect removed is by providing a tracking number.

Message 8 of 12
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Re: Item not received - Brazil

Yes, no, maybe.


My volume of cases opened has dropped dramatically with the new system eBay has introduced. Buyers are now being steered to sending an email instead of opening a case.


For eg, buyer emails me with a problem, I go into  resolution centre, find item, refund buyer, choose buyer requested. Refund goes and no defect.


I have had three fake INRs and no real ones in the last 3000 packets. 3/3000 is .1%. Why are you concerned about .1%?

Message 9 of 12
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Re: Item not received - Brazil

I find with the new system I get more cases. Are you selling or .ca ? I think I am not understanding the new system correctly, I was thinking that each time a buyer open a case for an item not received it count as a defect even if you refund the buyer.

Message 10 of 12
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Re: Item not received - Brazil

Buyers are now being steered to sending an email instead of opening a case.


In some cases they are steered to send a message but when they ask a question and if the topic they check is "I received an item that wasn't as described" you automatically receive a defect. If the topic is "I haven't received my item" you get a defect in most cases unless you phone customer service and show them via delivery confirmation that the item was delivered.


I'm not sure if this first screenshot is the actual screen that all buyers are supposed to see but I know that some sellers have mentioned that buyers have used the first option. 


However, I made a purchase on Nov. 14th on .ca and the second screen shot is the one that I see when I want to ask the seller a question. Perhaps that is changing?  It doesn't seem to be working properly anyway. I checked off item not received to see what would happen and it told me that I had to pay for the item first.  I did pay and have already received the purchase. Sheesh.




Message 11 of 12
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Re: Item not received - Brazil

Thanks for the info.

Message 12 of 12
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