Just sold my first item on e-bay. Not sure what to do next and ship item??


Have you been paid? If not send an invoice to your buyer....

Have you been paid? If not send an invoice to your buyer....

Have you been paid?

If not send an invoice to your buyer. There will be a link for this on you Sold page.


If so, ship and leave feedback telling your customer the date and that you used Canada Post shipping.





 Well, maybe I'm not a fancy gentleman like you, with your... very fine hat. But I do business. We're here for business.
- Captain Malcolm Reynolds

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Have you been paid? If not send an invoice to your buyer....

What you should have done before you listed the item was read everything regarding selling either in Customer Support or in the Site Map at the bottom of the screen.


Not knowing what you doing on ebay can be costly.


Non payers should get unpaid item strikes and be added to block bidders lists. Period.
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