12-29-2012 04:19 PM
A lawyer who's asking to sue Connecticut for $100-million (U.S.) on behalf of a 6-year-old Newtown school shooting survivor who heard violence over the school's intercom system says the potential claim is about improving school security, not money.
“It's about living in a world that's safe,” New Haven attorney Irving Pinsky told The Associated Press on Saturday. “The answer is about protecting the kids.”
Mr. Pinsky asked this week to sue the state, which has immunity against most lawsuits unless it gives a party permission to go forward with a claim. Connecticut's claims commissioner couldn't be reached for comment Saturday.
Mr. Pinksy's client, whom he calls “Jill Doe” in the claim, sustained “emotional and psychological trauma and injury” on Dec. 14 after shooterAdam Lanza forced his way into Sandy Hook Elementary School and gunned down 20 children and six adults inside in one of the deadliest school shootings in U.S. history.
The child heard “conversations, gunfire and screaming” over Sandy Hook's intercom after someone in the office apparently switched on the system, according to the claim. Mr. Pinsky said Saturday he didn't know whether his client saw anyone die.
The state Board of Education, Department of Education and state education commissioner failed to protect the child “from foreseeable harm,” including by failing to provide a safe school setting, the filing said.
It also said the parties failed to review and carefully scrutinize annual strategic school profile reports from the local school district and Sandy Hook Elementary as well as “other submissions with respect to student safety and emergency response planning and protocol.”
It says the parties also failed to require the school and local Board of Education to formulate and implement an effective student safety emergency response plan.
Mr. Pinsky said Saturday he didn't want to reveal more about the six-year-old or details about her experience during the shooting because of privacy concerns.
The lawyer said he hasn't gotten a reply from the state yet. The Hartford Courant first reported the filing.
12-29-2012 04:21 PM
The insanity continues.
I wondered how long it would be before the lawyers got involved.
And of course, it is not about the money. Who does he think he is - Ken Lowenza?
12-29-2012 04:35 PM
Read that over lunch. Just Incredible.
I imagine lawyers from all over the State chartered a bus to Newtown "To Offer Assistance" to the survivors & their families for their customary thirty percent.
12-29-2012 04:36 PM
“conversations, gunfire and screaming” over Sandy Hook's intercom
He should take on the US government on behalf of the innocent people in Iraq who didn't have to listen to an intercom....they just opened the window (if there was one left in a building, if the building was still standing). It's already been decided it was an illegal war ....so the lawyer is half way to a victory.
And of course, it is not about the money.
Certainly it's not. They just are required to fill in the blank on the civil suit form or it won't be processed.....and a 100 Mil is a nice round figure.
12-29-2012 08:02 PM
And of course, it is not about the money.
I believe the lawyers for the aboriginals are saying the same thing.
12-29-2012 08:40 PM
For the Lawyers it is about the money.
12-29-2012 09:15 PM
Some of the people on the US eBay boards are talking about suing eBay because eBay won't let them list weapons that are considered legal under US law.
12-29-2012 09:58 PM
"A Civil Action" was a good book. And a good movie. Not too often that happens.
12-29-2012 11:04 PM
won't let them list weapons that are considered legal under US law.
It's a privately owned business so they can make the rules....the same as many department stores choose to not sell legal weapons. eBay also does not sell WW2 German items (with the exception of stamps and coins) although they are also legal to sell and own.
They would have a hard time winning their case.
12-29-2012 11:53 PM
Plus they would have to crawl out of their bunkers to go to court.
And they wouldn't want to do that unless they are allowed to take their assault weapons with them.
12-30-2012 12:14 AM
I kinda feel sorry for the US and all the increased paranoia they are experiencing for the last few years. There seems to be a wave of fear that has gotten out of control like a bad horror movie and the pause button isn’t working. Then on top of all the different types of violence ….there is the internal fear for the economy and the fear people have about their futures and that of their children. It’s a mess and Obama, or any President, has his hands full and no matter what someone in that position does, it will never satisfy everyone.