Leaving feedback for buyers

Hello everyone,


I'm a new seller and I was wondering when I should leave feedback for items that have been paid for and shipped. Should I post positive feedback upon receipt of payment? I've read in a book about EBay that the seller should never give feedback first. Is that so?


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Re: Leaving feedback for buyers

Community Member

You will get varying answers on this. My belief is that if you want to be a trusted seller, leave the feedback as soon as the buyer has fulfilled their obligations. (As in, once payment has cleared)


Some hold their feedback until the buyer leaves them feedback, but I don't believe in this. If I get feedback from my buyer, that is a plus. I make money from the transaction, which is the primary reason for selling on Ebay.

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Re: Leaving feedback for buyers

For over fourteen years on eBay, I have always left positive feedback for buyers immediately upon receipt of payment.


To me, it is a "no brainer".


About 80% of buyers eventually reciprocate.

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Re: Leaving feedback for buyers

I get about 60% in return. I do it every few days.

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Re: Leaving feedback for buyers

There are different opinions on this, and I know some books on eBay do recommend waiting for the buyer to leave FB first.  I've always used this approach, and have usually had about 90% or better FB on transactions.  But then I sell in a completely different sort of category from someone like Pierre -- the potential for dissatisfaction or personal, subjective views about an item are much higher when you sell clothing and vintage articles. 


However, over the past year, and especially the last 5 or 6 months, my FB to transaction ratio has declined.  It's been about 40% - 50% since January.  Something is going on, and I'm not certain what.  I've changed nothing substantial otherwise in my store or selling practices, in fact I've lowered most shipping costs and have regular sales. 


My guess is that more and more people (especially younger people) are using mobile phones to search and purchase on eBay, and are just not bothering to go back and post FB. 


I'm considering as an experiment to try leaving immediate FB upon payment over a period of 2 or 3 months and see if the pattern changes.  If it doesn't, I'll definitely go back to my "full completion of transaction" approach.  Leaving immediate FB does close some doors that you may otherwise want to leave open. 


You will have to decide what works best for the type of items you sell.  If you're in a category where subjective satisfaction could be an issue, you might want to take the author's advice, at least for a while.  Incidentally, I put a little thank-you slip in with every item shipped, that I'd appreciate FB if they are pleased with the transaction, and that I'll reciprocate. 


I know eBay has making some effort to remind buyers to leave FB.  Ultimately though, my view is that you never, ever want to cajole buyers into leaving FB -- the ones who do so of their own accord are the ones you want.  Besides, for a seller it's the DSRs that are critical.  I'm just pleased with the FB I do receive, and don't try to worry too much about the missing responses. 


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Re: Leaving feedback for buyers

Anything in a book probably comes from the "old days" when buyers could be negged and it was a lot more contentious an issue where people retaliated against each other and a % of payments weren't paypal so were at risk of loss.  Now feedback for buyers is meaningless, and with anonymous dsrs punishing sellers there is no reason a seller would want more fb left after they have enough left for the paypal hold to be lifted.  


Like everything else on ebay, its heading to be more and more like it is on amazon where no one cares about feedback, buyers don't get any at all, and sellers get a much lower rate of transactions with fb left.   Don't think many coming to  ebay in recent years care about their feedback number the way it used to be in the old days.  So do what you want as it likely wont make any difference to anything

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