List Auction-style free Jan 13 -19.

Community Member

Re: List Auction-style free Jan 13 -19.

If I may:  If you have a store it's what???   3-5 cents a listing?

That means that the promo of 50 listings saves you $1.50 to $2.50.........

or in other words: Nothing of note.

I don't understand the appeal for anyone who has a store.

It probably takes more time looking up the details and wondering if you've reached the 50 limit etc. than could eve be justified by $2.50.

What am I missing?  I'm sure there must be something.

Message 21 of 37
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Re: List Auction-style free Jan 13 -19.

Again no promo this time(none since June 2012). I guess this is a game i will have to play with e-bay.

I will let all my listing end in my store. In the mean time i will start a new account and cross promote in my current store. Witch ever account gets the promo, i will work and leave the other.

eBay sure do like to discriminate against long outstanding regular sellers.

Message 22 of 37
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Re: List Auction-style free Jan 13 -19.

Community Member

Happy Listing to all that can 🙂

Message 23 of 37
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Re: List Auction-style free Jan 13 -19.

Community Member

Already have my first sale on this promotion!  🙂

Message 24 of 37
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Re: List Auction-style free Jan 13 -19.

Actually, most months a seller with a store could save about $2.50......... this month it's unlimited.

It must be a tremendous amount of extra work for sellers with stores trying to cash in on those specials...........

Could it be worth it?

Message 25 of 37
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Re: List Auction-style free Jan 13 -19.

Sometimes its worth it & yes, it can be a lot of work.


Seems to be a split amongst the gang. Some do well, some do not.


My experiences with the promotions has seen a poor sell through rate. Of course my category is ultra competitive. Not sure if i could be considered a proper guage.


On the bright side there are some great deals to be had.

Message 26 of 37
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Re: List Auction-style free Jan 13 -19.

"most months a seller with a store could save about $2.50"


Not really.  It could be much more than that.


"Could it be worth it?"


For many sellers it is.  Not everything is about savings a few dollars on listing fees.  That is only part of it.


With one day listings a seller could get a lot more exposure at no cost.  For many, it is worth it. More so for sellers with multiple quantities.


It is not only a question of saving on listing fees, for many, the saving on FVFs are substantial.  9% (auction) is better than 11% (fixed price in most categories).

Message 27 of 37
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Re: List Auction-style free Jan 13 -19.

For many sellers it is. Not everything is about savings on listing fees. That is only part of it.


True, there can be a myriad of reasons why some sellers can engage in the promotions & use them to a great advantage.  I've used the promotions to try & move some deadstock.


Sell through rate was still poor for me, but some sales are better than no sales.



Message 28 of 37
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Re: List Auction-style free Jan 13 -19.

Not applicable

The problem is that with fixed price auctions, eBay put us in lower search capability which is unfair as we do pay the insertion fees never mind if high or low fees.


With auction-style format, at non-store I sold lots of items than I can sold at the store, so there is something fishy there by eBay!!


That is why I am rely on free listings promo since then.  It is bad enough that we pay insertion fees to list them, final value fees on sold items, PLUS final value fees on the shipping costs.  And not to mention that they put us in lower search capability.


So I prefer to list my items when I get the free listings promos.


It is shame that eBay needs to be a crook by doing that.

Message 29 of 37
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Re: List Auction-style free Jan 13 -19.

Should eBay Be More Democratic with Its Listing Promotions?


By: Ina Steiner 


".... Ultimately, no one could say for sure why some people receive invitations and others do not. "There is no pattern to the invites," wrote one seller. "I would get them on my least used IDs, then it switched to my most used. Entirely random."

Another said, "We all keep racking our brains to try to figure out eBay's reasoning behind who gets the invitations and who doesn't. There doesn't seem to be any reasoning."..."

Message 30 of 37
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Re: List Auction-style free Jan 13 -19.

Hello there, the same thing is going on with me exactly! Has anyone ever called and asked why all of a sudden the random exclusion?

Message 31 of 37
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Re: List Auction-style free Jan 13 -19.

"why all of a sudden the random exclusion?"


There is no "random exclusion"


It is a limited selection of registered sellers chosen by eBay for their market research. eBay does not exclude anyone, they simply include "some" based on undisclosed criteria.

Message 32 of 37
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Re: List Auction-style free Jan 13 -19.

O.K. I understand. It's just I feel so left out! Up untill last Nov, I was included in all of these invite only promos. I hope that they find me suitable again in the future!

I thank everyone who writes in these discussions, I get answers to all my questions here!

Message 33 of 37
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Re: List Auction-style free Jan 13 -19.

"I feel so left out! Up untill last Nov, I was included in all of these invite only promos."


Lucky you!


I never get invited to these promos.  I did not when I had a store and I still do not now that I no longer have a store.

Message 34 of 37
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Re: List Auction-style free Jan 13 -19.

Your Kidding! That just seems insanely wrong! All this time you have never inquired to E-Bay as to why your left out?

I will quit my whining and complaining now, I feel for you.


Message 35 of 37
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Re: List Auction-style free Jan 13 -19.

"why your left out?"


Is the glass half full or half empty? Mine is always at least half full. 🙂


I do not look at it as being "left out" simply as "not being included".


My understanding is that those "by invitation only" promotions are not made available to the majority of sellers. In the last six months on 2012, most of them seem to have been sent to some (not all) sellers without an eBay store.


Some members with more than one selling ID may have received an invitation on one ID and not another one.


Is it random?  I think not. eBay has specific criteria - most likely changing slightly with every promotion - to test its marketplace.


I suspect most sellers with a Premium or Anchor store really do not need the promotion. With listing feees of only $0.03 or $0.05 per fixed price listings for up to 30 days, there is little value in re-arranging their listing procedure to save so little.  I doubt the $0.03 or $0.05 saving would entice sellers to list more.

Message 36 of 37
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Re: List Auction-style free Jan 13 -19.

I like your outlook! I can see why you have such high feedback.

I will just consider myself lucky for the promotions I was a part of.


All the Best

Message 37 of 37
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