London Chippewa protest 401 and Wellington Road

Community Member

First Nations rally expected to close major London road Wednesday


Nearly 1,000 people are expected to take part in a peaceful rally that aims to raise awareness about issues that affect First Nations communities and shut down major roads in London Wednesday.

Organizers of London's Idle No More — a grassroots movement gaining momentum through social media and rotating protests across Canada — say Londoners can expect a convoy of protesters to shut down portions of Highway 401 and Wellington Road.

The convoy will include people of all ages from every First Nation in the region, and organizers are hopeful to have a large number of non-aboriginals as well.

"This is an outcry and it's meant to create awareness, not just for our own people, but for all Canadians," said Ray Deleary, senior policy analyst at Chippewas of the Thames First Nation, which has organized the London rally. "This is open to everyone."

Several laws being debated or recently passed are "positioned to eliminate First Nations' Treaty and Aboriginal rights by transferring federal responsibilities to the provinces," said a statement released by Chippewas of the Thames.

Supporters fear the shift in power could effectively turn First Nations into "special interest groups," and reserves would be treated the same as towns.

"We deserve the opportunity to participate in lawmaking. We deserve our treaty agreements to be honoured," said Deleary.

"The Canadian government continues to impose jurisdiction of the First Nations as if it has the right to legislate one particular community based on race," said Deleary.

"The title Idle No More is very fitting," he said. " It's not just a new idea, it's acknowledging enough is enough. We want to make sure everyone is aware of this issue and we are not going to stop until there is change."

Police will be at the rally and helping with traffic control.

"We are prepared and . . . from a motoring public point of view, we are working with organizers," said OPP Sgt. Dave Rektor.

The route (expect traffic delays on Highway 401 and Wellington Road):

9:30 A.M. – All participants to meet at the Best Western Stoneridge Inn near the intersection of Col. Talbot Road and HWY 401.

10 A.M. - Vehicle convoy to begin, taking up both eastbound lanes of Highway 401, stopping at 401/402 merger for short rally. From there convoy of vehicles and marchers will travel north on Wellington to Ivey Park at the Forks of the Thams.

1 P.M. (approximately) - gather for rally with speakers including Chippewas of the Thames First Nation Chief Joe Miskokomon.



"It came to me that every time I lose a dog they take a piece of my heart with them. And every new dog who comes into my life gifts me with a piece of their heart. If I live long enough, all the components of my heart will be dog, and I will become as generous and loving as they are."--Unknown
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London Chippewa protest 401 and Wellington Road

The federal government should settle all 1st Nations claims before they do anything.

The ancestors of the people protesting fought alongside of the  ancestors of white Canadians in many wars.

Including the War of 1812 and if it weren't for them we would all be speaking American. They played a very important role in the war of 1812.

I don't what should be done because I don't enough about the issues facing the 1st nations people, but they should be heard and their problems should be addressed.

Message 2 of 12
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London Chippewa protest 401 and Wellington Road

I will risk the wrath that I am about to unleash.

First of all, lurk, pack your bags.  Nice of you to be so eager to help out.  There is a good chance that you are living on land that originally belonged to the First Nations.  Some would say that they have a legitimate claim to all of North America. 

Message 3 of 12
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London Chippewa protest 401 and Wellington Road

There is a good chance that you are living on land that originally belonged to the First Nations.


Some land was sold, some traded (which was easy to contrive off many First Nations people) and some just taken (past and present day). Lurk lives on land legitimately sold. Most of BC though, as one example…….stolen.

No ‘wrath’ shall be ‘unleashed’, just simple facts and truths.


Bill C45, snuck in with Harper’s fast track omnibus bills….just another way of stealing both land and resources and rights.

Message 4 of 12
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London Chippewa protest 401 and Wellington Road

Bill C45, snuck in with Harper’s fast track omnibus bills….just another way of stealing both land and resources and rights.

another vote that Justin Trudeau and Joyce Moore could not bother to show up for!!

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London Chippewa protest 401 and Wellington Road

Have you heard mikey. This might be new news for you. But Harper has a MAJORITY government. Sorry to have to shout but thought it might help get it through.


(I wonder, will he say he agrees or disagrees with C45?)

Message 6 of 12
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London Chippewa protest 401 and Wellington Road

So i guess no reason for him to ever show up for WORK then--well except for the FACT he gets paid to be there!!!!

Message 7 of 12
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London Chippewa protest 401 and Wellington Road

ROTFL..........yep, he wouldn't talk about the Bill. It's just an 'I hate Justin' moment. (if Justin got a coffee double cupped....he'd complain about that!)

Message 8 of 12
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London Chippewa protest 401 and Wellington Road

So i guess no reason for him to ever show up for WORK then--well except for the FACT he gets paid to be there!!!!



McGuinty does not need to show up for work and is still getting paid

Message 9 of 12
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London Chippewa protest 401 and Wellington Road

McGuinty does not need to show up for work and is still getting paid

Thats probably saving us millions with him not being there and starting another scam spending billions with his friends!!

Message 10 of 12
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London Chippewa protest 401 and Wellington Road

McGuinty can't screw up when he isn't working. I suggested to a friend that he was better off paying one of his employees to stay at home for the same reasons.

Message 11 of 12
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London Chippewa protest 401 and Wellington Road

Bill C45

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