12-19-2013 05:11 PM
I buy about 60% of my stock from the US so there is my hate relationship right there BUT my US sales Are really picking up .. I just sold over $1000 of movie in 1 shot to a US seller/buyer because there dollar is kicking butt...
this currency thing is really putting a damper on my purchases though ..
I guess this was a mini rant but does anyone feel the good and bad of the currency drop in the canadian dollar
12-19-2013 05:18 PM
12-19-2013 05:29 PM
12-19-2013 05:40 PM
Is there a way for you to pay for US purchases through your Paypal account, in US dollars?
12-19-2013 05:48 PM
I use to sell in US but change because Canadians like the Canadian currency and for the most part the Canadian dollar is Usually below the US dollar which gives US buyers incentive to shop with me and increase my US sales ..
i guess it all depends on how thing work for indivduals..
I wish i could get most of my stuff from Canada but in Canada there is no big suppliers that can compete with US market unless the big suppliers are getting big shipment from the US ..
It's funny no matter how hard i try i always just feel like a small fish in a big see .. Example Yesterday I got 5 skids of movies then got an email from a US seller to buy a about 10 skids of mostly disney movies but do not have time even though i would make about 100k off of it ..
So I message one of my suppliers his response is what made me feel like a small fish .. no sorry I just got 80 skids of stock in .. WHAT LOL
12-19-2013 06:12 PM
The nice thing about eBay is that you can buy stock from the USA in US Dollars and sell it on eBay in US Dollars. In that situation it doesn't matter if the currency shifts your cost of goods as a percentage of the selling price doesn't change like it would if you are buying in one currency and selling in another.
Right at the moment I'm really liking this current drop in the CA$, I sell in US Dollars but I'm paying shipping in Canadian Dollars, my shipping costs have gone down by about 8% because of this. At the same time when I convert some of my US Dollars to Canadian I can buy more food to eat.
The so called "currency experts" all see the CA$ going lower in the short term, they don't agree on how far it will fall but the general prediction is that we will see a plateau of about 90 cents over the next 6 - 12 months.
Too bad the 68 cents thing of the early 2000's is likely a never to be repeated event.
12-19-2013 06:15 PM
12-19-2013 06:20 PM
@brandeentertainment wrote:
It's funny no matter how hard i try i always just feel like a small fish in a big see ..
I find this typo amusing when you think in terms of search visibility. With all the listings on eBay, having your listings show up is truly like a small fish in a big see. LOL
12-19-2013 06:38 PM
So very true .. good catch there poco ...
if I am not mistaken after you pay conversion are you not only gaining maybe like 3% .. I can't remember the paypal currency exchange rate but right not the gain is what 7% minus exchange rate...
i remember people telling me you will get more US buyers with US Rate but to me i would think it all depends.. If they know the canadian dollar is week I think it would appeal to have listed in C$ but if the Canadian dollar is strong I would think listing in US would be benefical but i know there are dozens of factors for individuals just kinda guessing here ..
12-19-2013 10:24 PM
but I'm paying shipping in Canadian Dollars, my shipping costs have gone down by about 8% because of this.
An interesting take.
12-20-2013 02:23 AM
@reallynicestamps wrote:but I'm paying shipping in Canadian Dollars, my shipping costs have gone down by about 8% because of this.
An interesting take.
Exactly right. As Mr. E points out, there was a time when the currency exchange practically covered all expenses (including a lot of the shipping costs) if you were selling mostly to the US but paying your expenses in $Cdn. Still, those were the days when business was fantastic and shipping a 1kg box to the US by air only cost a few dollars.
I'm wondering -- I've listed in $US for quite some time, but with sluggish US sales at the moment, if the Canadian dollar goes down to around $0.90 US, it might make sense to start listing in $Cdn again. The effect appears like an instant discount when US buyers look at the converted price in a listing. But then there's the "familiarity" argument of $US prices that we're all told by eBay is the key to higher sales (really?).
12-20-2013 09:14 AM
see yesterday I have 2 buyers take full advantage of the currency rate .. Between the 2 US sellers/buyers they bought 22 cases of movies which 30 copies a case that is 660 Movies I sold yesterday to just 2 US buyers ....
goooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo currency lol
12-20-2013 11:08 AM
Way to go Brande.
New toys for the young one or better yet a Vintage Shirt.
Course it will take fifteen years for her to grow into it, but why wait.