Another FREE Listing Promotion July 8-12

By invitation only 


Once again, please read the terms very carefully, then read them again!

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Another FREE Listing Promotion July 8-12

Yipee Store ID go this promo.........

Message 2 of 15
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Another FREE Listing Promotion July 8-12

Not applicable

Yep! Yes sir!!!!!


I got it for my store subscription.  I was anxious and impatient for this free promo as I need to relist my items that have been sitting in the inventory for more than 30 days after I was done with 500/500.  Yippeee!!

Message 3 of 15
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Another FREE Listing Promotion July 8-12

Still hoping for an email for my store or even for my non-store account! Just purchased tons of stock and need to list items!

Message 4 of 15
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Another FREE Listing Promotion July 8-12

Thanks for always posting these announcements here Pierre. I, for one, really appreciate it. There seems to be some problem with eBay's messaging system. I often do not receive the email saying I'm eleible, or once I received it on last day of a 4-day promotion (grrr), so now I don't wait.  I just check this board every day in case you have the announcement posted and then give it a try on a new listing. So far, whether or not I have received the "invitiation" from eBay, I get the promotion..... and that is the case today, for example. Who knows if I'll get this current email or not.....just another heads up to sellers who may think they don't qualify when they do! 

Message 5 of 15
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Another FREE Listing Promotion July 8-12

You are correct.  There are some problems in notification to sellers.


This time I received two promotion notifications: one for each of my selling IDs (one registered on and one registered on  Sometimes only one or the other User ID is invited, sometimes both, sometimes neither.


The notification was received at noon (Eastern time) yesterday by email 


The notification was only received this morning through a posting in "my messages" (no email).


For whatever reasons, the system is very inconsistent. It has been inconsistent for many years now and, quite frankly, I expect no improvement as eBay does not really care about those types of problems..

Message 6 of 15
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Another FREE Listing Promotion July 8-12

Didn't receive this one this time. 😞

Message 7 of 15
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Another FREE Listing Promotion July 8-12

We  have never received an invitation for these free listing days but

apparently we are eligible because we will do a test listing to see if we

will get the free promotion and sure enough we do.

Even if you did not get an invitation, do a test listing and see if

eBay includes you in the free promotion.

Remember, this one is for Fixed Price auctions only.



Message 8 of 15
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Another FREE Listing Promotion July 8-12

I tried a test listing, and it didn't work out for me. *sighs*

Message 9 of 15
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Another FREE Listing Promotion July 8-12

Nice promotion. To bad the items barely get any exposure! and if they sell, ebay overcharges on their fvf fees, scams a fee for shipping, scams another couple of points on payment and provides no customer service for sellers 

Message 10 of 15
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Another FREE Listing Promotion July 8-12

"ebay overcharges on their fvf fees, scams a fee for shipping, scams another couple of points on payment and provides no customer service for sellers "


If you really feel this way, why do you bother selling on eBay and using PayPal as a method of payment?


Can't you find another venue where to sell your products?

Message 11 of 15
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Another FREE Listing Promotion July 8-12

Anyone doing a "test" - it might show "0" insertion fee because you are using up your 50 free lsitings. This is what is happening to me on .ca

Message 12 of 15
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Another FREE Listing Promotion July 8-12

Community Member

Missed me Woman Sad

Message 13 of 15
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Another FREE Listing Promotion July 8-12

"We  have never received an invitation for these free listing days"


Many sellers do not receive promotional messages from eBay.  In addition to problems originating from eBay, often it can be traced to sellers not letting eBay communicate with them.


Check your Communications Preferences


Under Promotions and Surveys, make sure that the following boxes have been ticked:


- General email promotions


- Seller email promotions


- Postal mail catalogs and promotions


- Phone updates and promotions


There is nothing to gain by not selecting these boxes.

Message 14 of 15
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Another FREE Listing Promotion July 8-12


Don't ask silly questions like this. Especially from someone that was rewarded with a big stick from ebay as a whatever it was only later to hear you cry with your tail between your legs when you got a neutreul or something and Ebay wouldn't listen/get to your side.Proper ...... TEHE!  This is nothing but about the money. Everything else is a side show including the forums on this venue. ebay has no respect for their sellers contrary to what what you might want to believe so please enlighten me why I should have any respect for them?

@pierrelebel wrote:

"ebay overcharges on their fvf fees, scams a fee for shipping, scams another couple of points on payment and provides no customer service for sellers "


If you really feel this way, why do you bother selling on eBay and using PayPal as a method of payment?


Can't you find another venue where to sell your products?


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