Manufacturer Warranty & DOA Policies

I was just curious what peoples take on Warranty on arrival or DOA was for eBay.

I know most companies, including on my websites, if the person receives an item that is brand new and not working or has any type of manufacturers defect they are responsible for shipping back to the manufacturer.

I've noted that when such issues arrive that 90% of warranty customers immediatly demand that I reimburse them for return shipping of the defective item. And of course they always throw in the possibility of a neg if their demands are not met.

It's currently my policy on eBay to pay for return shipping of an item that isn't in 100% working condition and just wondered whether anyone else thought that was a good idea, and if others aren't doing this, how bad is the outcome?

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Manufacturer Warranty & DOA Policies

Alot depends on the kind of items you sell and how complex the item is to use and/or install. But offering to pay for all returns is a bad decision since this is costing more money than you might be aware of.

In our business model we could not afford to pay for return shipping costs, we instead try to resolve the matter amicably before a dispute is opened since through the PAYPAL DISPUTE process if we lose the claim then PAYPAL refunds their entire fees plus shipping costs as you know.

So, when we do get a claim, our goal is to settle with the buyer by first offering a replacement product and if that does not work then we offer an even better product. If buyer is still reluctant then we sweeten the deal with some sort of freebie from our inventory.

We find this process works very well for us however there is always exceptions where the buyer simply refuses all offers. In these cases, we stick by our DOA/RETURN policy terms and do not waiver from it.

We further protect ourselves by using security stickers when appropriate and we also maintain a photo database of all items we ship that show the condition of the item BEFORE it is shipped.

The security stickers and photographs come in handy to fight against bogus claims and/or when a buyer breaks an item and files a false claim.

Todate we have help eBay suspend 10 accounts due to false claims.

Also, alot of buyers are NOT AWARE that eBay does not tolerate false claims and will suspend them indefinatey if it is proven that they knowingly file a false claim.

WE MAKE IT A POINT TO MENTION THIS UPFRONT WHEN WE FIRST RESPOND TO A CLAIM. This alone is usually enough to scare away bogus claims.

Anyhow, hope I was able to offer some useful information for you.

Good Luck,

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Manufacturer Warranty & DOA Policies

Tim - Those are some interesting ideas - Thanks

I will definatly consider the photo database for some of the more expensive items. To date the claims have only ever been for speakers valued under $15 retail, and at that price Ive found it easiest to just send a new pair than get too technical!


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Manufacturer Warranty & DOA Policies

Ok, so if i send you $15 will you send me two pairs of speakers 🙂
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Manufacturer Warranty & DOA Policies

Its different if they are in Canada though because they can just Return to Sender and bill my account.

I should have mentioned that was only in the USA and another problem is the postage time. Whereas in Canada it is quick, simple and easy.

Nice thought tho 😛
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