12-02-2013 09:45 PM
12-02-2013 11:13 PM
12-03-2013 10:21 AM
Do a search and see if there are any listed and also if any have been sold lately.
12-04-2013 10:03 AM
Probably less than you paid for it.
Items that are sold as 'collectibles" put most of their money into an advertising campaign to find as many potential buyers as possible.
In this case, I imagine this would be a sub-set of Marie Osmond fans.
When the market is saturated, the campaign stops. Leftover merchandise is either re-purposed (for example, putting different clothes on the doll and renaming her for a new campaign) or destroyed.
There is no secondary market for such items.
This doesn't mean that you did not pay a fair price for the doll. If you have enjoyed it, it has done it's job.
But it was never an investment.
Try to find someone who wants a Barbara Ann Scott doll who is under 70. No one else remembers her.