Miriam - an ongoing problem!!

Community Member
WHY does ebay and PayPal still let Canadian buyers pay without including tax(es) even though the seller has indicated everywhere possible that he/she is a registered merchant and the amount of tax to be collected from each province? So what good does that do? NONE!! If buyers pay before I can invoice them, taxes are NOT added. What is the good of a so-called checkout system that doesn't include taxes? Either get it right, or scrap it!!!

I realize that this is not something that you personally can correct, but PLEASE convey our frustration with this ongoing problem to the appropriate department! This could be the straw that breaks this particular camel's back!!!

Thanks, Glenda
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Miriam - an ongoing problem!!

Community Member
"I shared this thread with Rodney, and he raised the roof with the developers to get this fixed. It's an intermittent bug, which is why some folks are having no problems with sales tax while others are getting a totally broken experience."

It appears Rodney will have to raise a few more roofs!!!! This is STILL going on each week and really needs to be addressed. This weekend I had several local buyers pay before I was able to send invoices and NONE of them had taxes added.

When buyer's get an additional bill letting them know they still owe more money than eBay originally told them to pay, this is NOT helping eBay's avowed plan to make buyers feel more confident with online buying! Perhaps eBay has to automatically add ALL possible taxes and trust vendors (OOOHH .. ebay trust vendors? There's a stretch!!) to refund overpayments??!!!! Sorry to sound cynical, but .....

Message 21 of 31
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Miriam - an ongoing problem!!

The arrogance of this company is plain criminal -> they tell us sellers to be more professional, respectfull and accommodating to buyers - which for the most part - most sellers are. Because of a few rotten apples they punish the whole bunch of us and expect us to take it up the you know were to appease them.

They continuosly release extremely buggy or not working at all applications that are supposed to help us improve the buyer experience - ya right - I think they purposely release crap code just to piss of both buyers and sellers then turn around and us that against us sellers, kind of like a double wammy effect.

We spend hours adjusting invoices and sending emails asking for payment of taxes and for the most part we simple eat the lose as it is kinda stupid to chase a buyer for 50cents or a $1. However the loses do add up but when we complain to eBaY - our rep just credits our account a few dollars to make us happy given our volume.

They completely miss the whole point about how the buyer is fustrated and upset that their item has not shipped and is on hold because of incorrect payment - they do not realize the invoice they got was wrong and if they do realize it is wrong they obviously are using the opportunity to their advantages.

Would you go back into a store and tell them they undercharged you on the applicable taxes and that you owe them $1.50 more??

Ok, enough venting, back to adjusting invoices and refunding buyers who changed their minds.

Message 22 of 31
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Miriam - an ongoing problem!!

Community Member
"for the most part we simple eat the lose as it is kinda stupid to chase a buyer for 50cents or a $1."

I agree, but if the sale is in the neighbourhood of $300+ it becomes unstupid and, while most of my postcards sell for much less than that, several buyers buy multiple cards and they DO add up and so do the taxes.

"Would you go back into a store and tell them they undercharged you on the applicable taxes and that you owe them $1.50 more??"

Probably not but it would depend on whether the store is a small business or a large chain, and I have told the individual clerk or waitress that they forgot to charge for something - they're usually very grateful!

Message 23 of 31
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Miriam - an ongoing problem!!

Glenda - Most honest ppl would do the same, myself including I would not feel good about taking away from a small business owner not to mention a waitress whom I am sure the owner would deduct from his/her pay.

All I can tell you is that if you are losing money on sales - then document it and then contact eBaY and provide them the evidence and hopefully you might get something back from them.

As for your paperwork. kept very good records as to why the tax amount collect on the sale is different from what your eBaY/PayPal invoice shows cause if you ever get audited and they see the difference you can tell them why, notes are a good way to keep track.
Message 24 of 31
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Miriam - an ongoing problem!!

Community Member
"As for your paperwork. kept very good records as to why the tax amount collect on the sale is different from what your eBaY/PayPal invoice shows cause if you ever get audited and they see the difference you can tell them why, notes are a good way to keep track. "

No problem there - DH is a retired accountant so, while his knowledge of current tax law is not up-to-date, his accounting skills are good! Also, over the past years of being self-employed, we've been audited 3 times (no discrepancies or back taxes owing, but a HELL of a Hassle!!!!) Just as an aside, the tax you collect, if it's incorrect, has NO BEARING on the tax you have to submit! The law reads that taxes come off the top of any payment - if it's short-paid you have to pay it anyway and it comes out of your share of the payment.

PS ... if you're ever audited, make sure the auditor uses a calculator with a tape! We found several errors on our last audit when the auditor used a hand-held calculator with no tape and several errors! ALWAYS double-check their figures - the last one told us we owed $3,000 in back taxes ... our figures, on tape, showed his several errors and we owed NOTHING!!!! He wanted us to feel sorry for him for wasting that many hours with no problems - yeah, right!!

Message 25 of 31
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Miriam - an ongoing problem!!

We were audited last year and all went well - we keep very good and organized records.

We were quite surprised to find that the taxman has no clue as to the workings of eBaY and PayPal.
Message 26 of 31
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Miriam - an ongoing problem!!

"the taxman has no clue as to the workings of eBaY and PayPal. "


However, based on the questions and inquiries submitted, the tax department is learning fast! .
Quality stamps from Canada, British Commonwealth and Worldwide at Wholesale Prices
Message 27 of 31
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Miriam - an ongoing problem!!

Community Member
All I can Say;

The Tax Man Will be coming, I would Say Another year or
Two, And they might just add Line # 666 Report Any income From These Sites "OUCH"
Tibor Jr. 🙂
Message 28 of 31
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Miriam - an ongoing problem!!

some buyers know they have to but still try to avoid it. have you tried selling and having tax included in prices ?
Message 29 of 31
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Miriam - an ongoing problem!!

Community Member
Pretty sure if you just include taxes in your items, like just mentioned, you would have more sales, Simply Put Buyers don't want to pay tax, Since this site is not like a private one. I know there are diff. tax rates etc. just include the average and don't even mention tax in your listings, further more if one could have there account in one of your kids name etc. this way you wont get hit with all those taxes, I don't know what your selling and how much you make, just wondering why are you so concerned about taxes? unless your making a Killing
Message 30 of 31
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Miriam - an ongoing problem!!


I know in Ontario at least you have to have permission to include the tax in your price. Certain vendors such as food vendors and a few others are an exception. If you do include the tax in the price, you have to show it somewhere. It isn't legal to collect it without telling people although many sellers do it. I see it at craft shows all the time.

You are right. The buyers don't want to pay tax, but the fact remains that you have to collect it, therefore they have to pay it.

You can't get around taxes by putting an account in your kids' names. Not in Canada. I don't know all of the rules on that, but I know it was discussed at a seminar that I attended awhile ago.
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