Professional Grade Auction Templates

Community Member

Does anyone know a great place to get some great auction templates? My current template is boring me and I'd like something a little more finely tailored to the items I sell. Honestly, where I am from people are charging $600 per template (plus 4 billable hours at $60 each template) and this seems ridiculous. I would be willing to pay almost anything lower than the 4 quotes I received locally.

Thanks in advance.
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Professional Grade Auction Templates


Check out this item 320072904151. Terry does great custom work, very affordable and in a very timely manor. Check out her portfolio.

Good luck!

Trinkets in Time
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Professional Grade Auction Templates

Community Member

I have purchased my templates from a lady who loves doing them. If you like my templates her email address is:

They are very affordable also.

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Professional Grade Auction Templates

Community Member
Hi again,

If you would like the new email address for the lady who has done templates for me please contact me and I will give it to you.
The above is apparently an old address.

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Professional Grade Auction Templates

Community Member
I know this topic is a bit older, but this plave os great and what i use: Click to visit

Click to visit

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Professional Grade Auction Templates

Community Member
Honestly, where I am from people are charging $600 per template (plus 4 billable hours at $60 each template) and this seems ridiculous. I would be willing to pay almost anything lower than the 4 quotes I received locally.

You get what you pay for. I have taught myself HTML, CSS, photo editing and animation over the past 3 years. I made my template and storefront, as well as a few others for people who have asked. I don't go into the business on a large scale because of the attitude that you can get quality work for peanuts.

Most of the templates sold by "designers" on ebay are very simply tables within tables with different backgrounds inserted. Once they take the 15 minutes to produce the tables, they can pop in different backgrounds and come up with multiple "custom designs" in minutes. You can teach yourself the required HTML within hours, do a search for free backgrounds on Google and pop out a bunch yourself.

A true custom template will take much, much more time and care to produce and perfect. $600 may seem like a lot of money to you...but it wouldn't seem so much if you were the one spending 40 - 60 hours producing a true custom design.

Himalayan Salt Lamps - A Guide to Purchasing


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Professional Grade Auction Templates

Community Member
If you are interested in a quality template for under $50 please email me and I will forward the information to you.
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