More adventures with customer "support"

I relisted a relist eligible listing on .ca (completely change the listing, lowered price) using the relist link. I'm as cheap as it gets in taking maximum advantage to lower listing fees, I know how it works. No problem with listings done Thursday the same way.

The listing said "eligible", but appears to not have worked as a relist as the original didn't get checked as relist, and it still shows eligible when hitting relist.

So I email a question to support, and get the quickest response I've ever gotten...but get the standard nonsense cut and paste of the relisting credit rules.

SO I respond again, and get another quick response...they've apparently identified an issue...but WTF???

I brought your issue up with our site specailists and after
running a few tests they found that this happens when you relist items
originally listed in the US site from the Canadian site.

They have identified this as a site issue and the workaround they say
to relist via the US site because relisting US items via the Canada
will not show the item as a relist.

When has it EVER been possible to relist a USA site listing The specialists have just run tests to determine this answer???
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More adventures with customer "support"

Community Member
support... yeah... right...
I don't write to them any more... what for? another copy and paste answer?.... they are useless :_|
if you gonna get any real help from them try the ~live help~


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More adventures with customer "support"

I tried "live help" last week. When they couldn't or wouldn't answer my question they ended the chat and posted something about having technical difficulties.:^O
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More adventures with customer "support"

Now we've gone through one csr claiming if anything is changed when its relisted it doesn't count as a relist, one agreeing the op one was wrong, and now they claim I hit sell similar instead of relist.
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More adventures with customer "support"

Oh, and one of them said 'd be better off to contact live help instead lol
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More adventures with customer "support"

Community Member
After talking to several people at eBay including Jordan Banks, the number 2 T&S guy in Canada and several eBay pinks in Canada and the US, they all tell me that the people that staff Live make sure you're sitting down.....are the better, more experienced CSRs! 😮

I've scoffed at all of them. I've even given examples of their incompetance in person and via email. They lower their head, cringe and say 'oh, yeah that wasn't good'. Now DO something about it!!! If they're the more experienced ones what the Heck does that say for the other CSRs??? *shudders*

Come See What Else We've Got Up For Auction!
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More adventures with customer "support"

Community Member


Message 7 of 10
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More adventures with customer "support"

Community Member
I see that the issues I’ve been having are nothing new and pretty much the norm for eBay.
I’ve worked in many different roles over the past 10 years and I have never seen a less helpful, less knowledgeable, more incompetent “support” system, and the worst part about it is that I am stuck with them.
How are you supposed to articulate a problem you have with their software on live chat????
They have no idea about anything that’s trays form the basic functionality of Seller Manger Pro, and even when they admit they don't have an answer they tell you they will get back to you and never do!!! Good thing I haven't been holding my breath for the past 8 business days.
You bet I’ll be on that conference call on August 1st. X-(
Message 8 of 10
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More adventures with customer "support"

Community Member
speak for all of us...
Message 9 of 10
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More adventures with customer "support"

Community Member
I know I shouldn't be surprised, but you have to hear this.
I made sure I was home from the office where I spend 8 hours a day, 5 days a week managing my ebay business, so that I can participate in the conference call with ebay Canada at 7 PM. I called in, gave then my name, user ID, and was then asked to hold until the call started. I was on hold for TEN MINUTES before the line went dead. I called back and got a different operator and when I told him what call I was participating in, he told me that the call wasn't taking place. That is was cancelled at the last minute... Again, not surprised but certainly pissed off.
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