More competition for eBay Sellers?

Well, I suppose it was inevitable.  Take a look at what I found today on Pinterest (I'll have to insert it in the post below, as I can't seem to do it on this message).  


In a recent eCommerce Bytes article, eBay executives were reported to have said that the company wants to focus on alternate marketing routes (meaning social media, etc., i.e. anything but Google) as a means of boosting exposure.  After seeing this Pinterest announcement today, I'd say eBay had better hurry up or Pinterest will beat them to it (and do a better job, since they're already heavily linked with Facebook and other social media sites).


Depending upon how this feature is rolled out, it could be good or bad for eBay sellers.  Good, in that it's another venue to take advantage of, but bad in that it will water down the already troubled eBay exposure.  (Pinterest is presumably still in Google's good books).  


What do you think?




Message 1 of 41
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More competition for eBay Sellers?

Here's the screen shot: 



Message 2 of 41
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More competition for eBay Sellers?

As an average user/consumer of social media, I have never once 'pinned' anything. That is sooooo three years ago. 

Message 3 of 41
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More competition for eBay Sellers?

I run a Pinterest Board for CAN-CON 2015, the SF con I worked with until I moved out west.

We get from one to forty hits a day. There are a dozen sub-boards covering Writing tips, Canadian SF stars, Ottawa area geeky events, our Guests and Panellists, new publications, publishers looking for works, etc.

But I get just as many on the Board I started about Nathan Fillion. Of course most of those pins also have information about CAN-CON.


When I mention Pinterest to male friends, I get blank looks.



Message 4 of 41
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More competition for eBay Sellers?

At the risk of sounding like an old man in his rocking chair on the porch, pinterest is to me just another flash-in-the-pan time-bandit. I am not an early adopter, I admit, but I see it as a place for people who are looking for ideas and information but not to spend their hard-earned dough. My daughter uses it to come up with crafty gift ideas. She's 15 and has no money to spend. Which is the whole reason she wants crafty gift ideas. By the time she has disposable income, there will be something newer than pinterest for her to browse items she likes to admire.


eBay should utilize other avenues to reach new buyers and sellers but the company is such a wooly mammoth, my fear is by the time they figure out how to use one method, eight new ones will have taken their place. 


Bah humbug. 

Message 5 of 41
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More competition for eBay Sellers?

Currently, the "Buyable Pins" is only available to people who have a "Shopify" store at which point you can add the Pinterest "Buyable Pins" gateway in place and away you go.


I have known about this for a while and have been considering opening a Shopify store just because of this but everytime I look at this or any store alternative, the cost of advertising is frightening, to say the least, and I have not yet sussed out how to finance the advertising that is 100% necessary to be successful.


At the recent shareholders event when Ebay said they hoped social media sites like Facebook and Pinterest would pick up the slack where Google is not pushing traffic I nearly hurt myself laughing so hard as I already knew about Buyable Pins and as well, the thought that anyone would do anything for Ebay for free, in the manner that Google did for so long, was hilarious. Ebay was obviously trying to blow smoke, you know where, for the seriously misinformed or clueless.


This Buyable Pins plan is going to hurt Ebay and will be just another thing slowing business here. Sad.



Message 6 of 41
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More competition for eBay Sellers?

Oh, just a little sad funny I wanted to mention.


Ebay is so far behind in this area and talking about wanting Facebook to help drive traffic to the site just so silly.


Did you know that you cannot, no way, no how, without adding 3rd party app help, share your Ebay items to a page you own on Facebook. You can share to your account page but if you, like I do, have a separate business page you can't share your items to it without adding 3rd party plugins.


That's how far behind Ebay is and why their statement regarding Facebook and Pinterest is utter nonsense!



Message 7 of 41
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More competition for eBay Sellers?

That is my point entirely. If the powers that run ebay want to understand how grassroots social media works, they'd actually have to have their feet on the ground and not in the clouds. 

Message 8 of 41
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More competition for eBay Sellers?

Unless I'm missing something............... I've been doing this for a long time.


For a while eBay had a link to pin items to pinterest and I used that quite a bit.  The pinterest pin linked right back to eBay but I don't see it there now.

In any case. on eBay It's use was limited for me because I run my items on 30 day cycles on eBay and so the link would just lead to sold or completed items.


However, other sites didn't end it.

I have a pinterest page with my best items and it all leads back to my store.

My stuff gets re-pinned every day but I doubt it help sales.


Or is this something else/new?



Message 9 of 41
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More competition for eBay Sellers?

IMO it's features just like pinterest that are ruining on line sales for collectibles and other items as well.


A sort of buyer's ennui has set in.


It used to be that there was a thrill in owning rare and wonderful items, but when these are yours virtually on the screen at the touch of a button the thrill of ownership is drastically reduced.


The medium (the internet) itself is changing the way people buy and what they want.


That's why sales are slow for some items.



Message 10 of 41
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More competition for eBay Sellers?

If you really believe that the way eBay is running things is hurting your sales and the problem is due to Google hassles etc. etc. etc, then post an item that is in high demand at a ridiculously low price.


It probably won't last more than a few seconds.


They'll be on it like white on rice.



Message 11 of 41
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More competition for eBay Sellers?

@treasure.hunter.d wrote:


Did you know that you cannot, no way, no how, without adding 3rd party app help, share your Ebay items to a page you own on Facebook. You can share to your account page but if you, like I do, have a separate business page you can't share your items to it without adding 3rd party plugins.


That's how far behind Ebay is and why their statement regarding Facebook and Pinterest is utter nonsense!


I was under the impression, like 'sylviebee', that it was possible to share eBay items fairly automatically, using the buttons on listings.  Maybe that has changed?  I don't have a Facebook page, but I've tried it on Pinterest and I couldn't get it to work.  


Now another site I use is miles ahead of eBay on this sort of thing.  They even have a little automated "buy it now" button HTML you can easily cut and paste anywhere, and I mean anywhere.  I asked one of the staffers ages ago about having this feature, and what I got (I know he was trying to be helpful) was a page full of code to try on my own.  Well, that went nowhere.  


I agree with you completely that eBay is so far behind in the race that their talk about hoping to use social media to make up for their earlier Google misbehaviour, sounds like utter nonsense.  It's so sad, really, how they've missed the boat, even though they were practically the first out of the gate, before Facebook, Pinterest, and all the rest caught on.  They had such a golden opportunity and they've squandered it I believe.


BTW, I just wanted to mention, in response to 'mjwl', that Pinterest does have a big presence in the vintage, craft, antique, art, and collectible, etc. areas.  However, you may be right that it may have been abandoned by people with more techno-related interests.  

Message 12 of 41
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More competition for eBay Sellers?

@sylviebee wrote:

If you really believe that the way eBay is running things is hurting your sales and the problem is due to Google hassles etc. etc. etc, then post an item that is in high demand at a ridiculously low price.


It probably won't last more than a few seconds.


They'll be on it like white on rice. 


I do agree with you that what I call "buyer fatigue" (i.e. buyer ennui) may be setting in, but where eBay is concerned I don't think we can attribute flagging traffic and sluggish sales completely to one phenomenon or the other.  


I think that buyer overload -- whether it be just too much "stuff" on offer, or too many sites spreading buyers too thinly -- is just one component.  It's something eBay may well have been able to overcome (or at least have significantly mitigated), given its dominating presence in the online marketplace, if it hadn't been for all the mistakes and misguided decision-making on eBay's part.  


I believe that had eBay been more attentive and forward-thinking when it mattered, and less obsessed with feeding its shareholders' gaping maws at the cost of everything else, it could have trounced the competition and come out flying ahead.  Alas, short-term thinking won the day, and here we are, sad to say, becoming just one among many sites flogging essentially the same stuff.


As far as posting a high-demand item at a very low price goes, I agree that such an item would sell in a flash, but not because there is particularly good traffic to eBay.  EBay will always have its cadre of buyers, even if smaller than previously, who frequent the site on a regular basis, even daily, looking for ridiculously cheap deals, and amongst those will always be people who will snap up a desperately undervalued item.  That wouldn't necessarily prove there is still great traffic onto the eBay site.  It would prove there are still "bottom-feeders" on eBay, as there have always been. 


I don't know that there is any "experiment" we sellers could conduct that would actually show whether traffic to eBay has slumped.  I think that can only come from a broader sampling.  Certainly the Omniture statistics, as unreliable as some claim they are in specifics, have demonstrated a downward trend in my (and other sellers') reported experience over the past year or so.  


As an example, Google-directed traffic to my store currently accounts for only 6% of visitors; two years ago that figure was closer to 50%.  Overall numbers are down, despite the fact that I've maintained my TRS, have no defects, 100% positive FB, free shipping on many items, and am listing more items than ever.  I'm not trying to show I'm doing anything more than many sellers are, but the effort to maintain all of that has simply not translated into a better return (=more sales).  Two years ago (i.e. prior to the Google fiasco and the hacker incident), it did make a big difference.  


So what suddenly changed?  Surely buyer fatigue didn't have an overnight effect on giant eBay, nor could it have driven away a lot of previously loyal eBay buyers.  As an example, two or three months after the hacker attack, I began to notice that the FB profile of my buyers had changed significantly.  Suddenly I was getting a predominance of new buyers (less than 20 or 30 FB), and very, very few of my usual experienced eBay customers.  Unfortunately Omniture doesn't track those kinds of statistics.  


The only explanation I could come up with was that many experienced eBay users were frightened off by the possibility of having their personal information breached.  That trend, incidentally, has continued to the present time, although the proportions have changed somewhat.  We sellers had no choice but to return to the site after the breach, but buyers certainly had the choice to go to a site they may have believed was more secure.  


So in my view eBay did a good job of shooting itself in the foot in 2013, adding to what was probably already the marketing challenge of trying to keep buyers interested in the site and keen on coming back.  In other words, they didn't do anything to lessen the effects of buyer fatigue, but rather added to it, and in a fairly dramatic and public way.  Bottom line: I still think I'd give eBay a defect for its overall management of this venue in the past 2 or 3 years. 



Message 13 of 41
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More competition for eBay Sellers?

@rose-dee wrote:

As far as posting a high-demand item at a very low price goes, I agree that such an item would sell in a flash......................

The point is that buyers will find it if the seller has listed it correctly.   


The seller controls how it's listed ............. title words, price, photos, description etc., and not eBay or Google or whatever.


I think it's a very fair test.







Message 14 of 41
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More competition for eBay Sellers?

@rose-dee wrote:

@treasure.hunter.d wrote:


Did you know that you cannot, no way, no how, without adding 3rd party app help, share your Ebay items to a page you own on Facebook. You can share to your account page but if you, like I do, have a separate business page you can't share your items to it without adding 3rd party plugins.


That's how far behind Ebay is and why their statement regarding Facebook and Pinterest is utter nonsense!


I was under the impression, like 'sylviebee', that it was possible to share eBay items fairly automatically, using the buttons on listings.  Maybe that has changed?  I don't have a Facebook page, but I've tried it on Pinterest and I couldn't get it to work.  


Yes, you can share  to your one page that is your main page under your name however, if you have a separate page for your business for example you cannot change the target of the share to that.. It's a well known flaw and people have to use a 3rd party app or plugin to get around it.


So for example, in my case, I have "My" Facebook page that has my name on it but I also have a "Business" page that is a secondary page off of my "Name" page. If I want to get my Ebay items to my business page I first have to share them to my main page and then from there share them to my business page. With a couple different 3rd party apps or plugins I can do the share directly.


There used to be a sharing section under site prefs on ebay as well and I'll be darned if I can find it anymore. It seems to have vanished along with several other very useful features!



Message 15 of 41
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More competition for eBay Sellers?

@sylviebee wrote:
The point is that buyers will find it if the seller has listed it correctly.   
The seller controls how it's listed ............. title words, price, photos, description etc., and not eBay or Google or whatever.

That's quite true, but it doesn't tell us whether those buyers are "regulars" who would have come to eBay that day anyway, or additional traffic attracted from outside.  As I said, the bottom feeders have never been in short supply on eBay. 


You're quite right that the seller controls how an item is listed, but many other parameters control how (or whether) that item is seen or displayed to potential visitors (buyers) in places other than eBay.  In other words, factors beyond a seller's direct control do help to determine how much outside traffic is attracted to this site. The more who come through the door, the more chance each of us has to sell.  It's an old equation. 


Think of it this way: you can have the fanciest car in a showroom at a good price, well displayed and prominently positioned for visibility at the front of the group, and perhaps even well advertised on local TV, but if the City in which you own the business has made some bad planning decisions and you suddenly find yourself in a downgraded neighbourhood with fewer passersby, then the chances of selling will be lower regardless of whatever additional efforts you might make.  


This has, of course, actually happened to business owners with brick and mortar stores.  I happen to know of one in particular on a personal basis.  And I think we sellers are in an analogous situation with eBay.  


Of course, excellence in management and planning can have exactly the opposite effect, and actually enhance the number of outside visitors who log onto the site.  That part was up to eBay, and that's where I give them a failing grade.  


As I said, given their dominant position in the online marketplace, I think there was much that eBay could even have done, starting at least 2 or 3 years ago, to lessen the impact of buyer fatigue and to ensure they were out front and top of mind in the potential buyer marketplace.  Heck, they were so big they could have reinvented online shopping itself.  


Instead, they've puttered around, mucking about with little bits of this and that on the site until the whole place is full of glitches, ignoring trends picked up by competitors, thumbing their noses at Google and failing to spend the money necessary to ensure this site is secure.  


I don't think sellers could have had any input or made any difference whatsoever in the face of such a mess. Oh yes, and they still can't seem to make their checkout system work across their sites -- how can such a fundamental factor for an online shopping site not have an effect on sales?  

Message 16 of 41
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More competition for eBay Sellers?

@sylviebee wrote:

@rose-dee wrote:

As far as posting a high-demand item at a very low price goes, I agree that such an item would sell in a flash......................

The point is that buyers will find it if the seller has listed it correctly.   


The seller controls how it's listed ............. title words, price, photos, description etc., and not eBay or Google or whatever.


I think it's a very fair test.







I'm araid I have to disagree here.


The seller may well control how it is listed howevere, in the case of Ebay and Cassini I have seen and reported to Ebay, many times how items that have perfect structure to their listings are burried beneath page upon page of  items that should not be ahead of  them. The response is always the same, no one cares, or they tell you there is nothing wrong but can't explain how the search returns all of this garbage above your listing.


The search system on Ebay may be working exactly how Ebay wants it to but that is not the same is it working the way it should or returning results based on correct structure of the listing. Only Ebay knows what they are up to but there is absolutely no doubt that Ebay is manipulating the search results for some unknown to us reson, to fulfil some agenda that again we have no idea about!



Message 17 of 41
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More competition for eBay Sellers?

@sylviebee wrote:

@rose-dee wrote:

As far as posting a high-demand item at a very low price goes, I agree that such an item would sell in a flash......................

The point is that buyers will find it if the seller has listed it correctly.   


The seller controls how it's listed ............. title words, price, photos, description etc., and not eBay or Google or whatever.


I think it's a very fair test.







I'm going to have to respectfully disagree. I see auctions with a start of ONE CENT go without bids the first, second and third time around.


Who among us here today wants to test that theory first? 


If I search what I sell on google, I get 19 different INDIVIDUAL Amazon listings before I see even one from ebay. Some of this is due to Product Identifiers which Amazon requires and ebay is only beginning to adopt. Google has its own system of 'best match'. It doesn't take a scholar to read between the lines on that.  


When I have come home empty-handed from my shopping trip to blahlmart or the fleamart and I want to find online what I could not find in-store, I go to google. I enter a search, I get 19 Amazon listings. If I squint and hold my head sideways, I might see one for ebay. What are the odds that I am going to overlook Amazon 19 times out of 20? And go to the single ebay result? 


As one measly seller among a million on ebay, exactly how am I supposed to affect change there? Buy my own ad on the Google search page and then hope my shopper doesn't go any further than my storefront and make a purchase from the competition? I'd be better with my own Shopify store if I have to foot the bill for my own advertising. I already advertise outside of ebay and drive traffic to the site with no thanks. 


The reason people sell on ebay is because EBAY is supposed to have the answers here. But growth is stagnant and maybe that is good. If you ask me, people cared less about the hack (what retail chain hasn't been hacked within the past five years?) and more about the abundantly horrible experiences that many buyers have at the hands of either inattentive fly-by-night inexperienced sellers or the professional scam artists. I say, BRING ON THE DEFECTS. Dump the free listings! Eliminate the casual sellers in favour of the ones who work their buns off every day of the year. And start to really scrutinize the sellers and buyers who have been reported for untoward activity. This place needs some professionalism, pronto. 


Hard to do among the sea of the great unwashed, I know. I will tell you as a consumer, Amazon has NEVER let me down on customer service. Never. No matter how big or small a problem I face, the corporation fixes my problem within minutes or hours. Whereas, ebay....? Don't get me started. Three weeks and a dozen attempts to address the situation and I give up. When something goes wrong with a transaction, a buyer gets the short end of the stick from their seller and then ebay Customer Service compounds the damage.


Ebay needs to do better, more professional job supporting the buyer and seller both. That is the problem, as much as google search ranking. In my humble opinion. 




Message 18 of 41
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More competition for eBay Sellers?

@sylviebee wrote:

Unless I'm missing something............... I've been doing this for a long time.


For a while eBay had a link to pin items to pinterest and I used that quite a bit.  The pinterest pin linked right back to eBay but I don't see it there now.

In any case. on eBay It's use was limited for me because I run my items on 30 day cycles on eBay and so the link would just lead to sold or completed items.


However, other sites didn't end it.

I have a pinterest page with my best items and it all leads back to my store.

My stuff gets re-pinned every day but I doubt it help sales.


Or is this something else/new?



This isn't pinning. I believe that it's being able to directly buy what you have already pinned. There are a thousand third-party 'shopper' websites out there that cull active listings from online stores so that you can 'comparison' shop. I am assuming this is Pinterest's answer to that. My assumption here again is that they would take a cut. Yes? No? 

Message 19 of 41
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More competition for eBay Sellers?

@mjwl2006 wrote:

I'd be better with my own Shopify store if I have to foot the bill for my own advertising. I already advertise outside of ebay and drive traffic to the site with no thanks.  


This is a very interesting point you make, and one that I think is often overlooked by those who believe eBay does all the work for us sellers.  


I too do a lot of self-directing of traffic to my eBay store, through promotional and marketing efforts on other sites and on my own website.  When I look at my Omniture statistics, I can see that those efforts have picked up a portion of the slack lost from Google.  


You're right that it's a thankless proposition, especially if (as we can easily imagine, and as you point out) a potential buyer could conceivably be attracted by your advertising to land on your eBay storefront, then decide to go elsewhere on eBay.  


Sellers doing this may be helping themselves to some extent, but are just as likely to be helping eBay generally. I'm sure this applies a thousandfold to bigger eBay retailers, who have their own massive advertising budgets.   

So if we account for all the traffic that sellers themselves are directly responsible for attracting, it would logically make the reality of the eBay traffic situation even worse.  





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