I, and I'm sure lots of you get fed up with people moaning all the time on here, so I thought I'd share with you what a great seller I had yesterday & today. It's my great niece's lst birthday and she has an unusual name - Talia, and of course you can never find anything around that has her name on it in stores. I used to hunt for my name, which is a b it unusual when I was a kid, and could never find anything. Anyway, I found a great kid's clock with teddybears, etc. and you can personalize it. I was thinking here I am buying it from the U.K. and then sending it back there! It crossed my mind just for a minute if he could send it from there, but I didn't ask. It was him that noticed my username and asked me was I sending it to the U.K. He sent me a mock-up of the clock which was great, I paid for it and then he said he'll send it for me on the day I want and to mail a letter to him to enclose if I wanted. Last time I sent a small parcel to the U.K. (without tracking - too expensive) for some reason it took over a month.
Anyway, great seller!