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05-20-2013 03:13 PM
I was just wondering if anybody else was getting no sales or low sales from the 15 to now.I had O sales this weekend.The weekend has always been my best sales. I was reading on . com and they are having the same problem one guy said he was down $ 8,000.00 since the 15 of may. He phoned Ebay they said 2 different things one was a Hacking problem the other answer server trouble. And sellers have had there buyers blocked for no reason. :_|

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07-19-2013 11:58 PM
"Provide better titles, lower pricings, free shipping, etc., etc...."" Nah!! It makes NO difference at all.
I even read somewhere on the boards that they don't like 'free shipping", they want to know how much to pay for the shipping. So it makes no difference in any way. I offered free shipping, no free shipping, low shipping, low prices, etc. I even listed many of items at 99 cents and nothing works. There is something wrong on the eBay system.
I used to have many items sold like 1 or 2 every day without fail the first 2 years as a seller and now the past 12 months, it really down to a few every week, sometimes nothing for 12 days straight which is very unusual. I was forced to open another account to focus on small size items at auction-style format and am doing very well. While with the present account with the fixed-price format, it is becoming slower even with 500/500 free listings.
It is ironic because with the other account with small size items, I am making way lots of $$$$ when eBay offers us the free listings promos which I take advantage of, each time. Last month I earned nearly $2,000.00 for small items with a starting price of $5.00 each and even had some bidding wars over some items and sold for $105.00 and $103.00 each from the starting price at $5.00. Awesome!! It is more successful than with the other account. The free listings promo ends today and I hope I will have another success, wait and see.
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07-20-2013 05:14 PM
pierrelebel wrote:
If you want your listings to be near the top of the search results page, provide better titles, lower prices, 'free shipping", 30 day return privileges, one day handling, etc... In other words, beat your competitors.
rose-dee wrote
This of course is always the correct approach, yet I don't know that it would explain why so many sellers (in both Canada and the U.S.) seem to be reporting an unusual, even drastic, drop in sales at the same time.
I don't think that there are more reports than usual (compared to the number of sellers listing). There do seem to be a lot of low-volume or new sellers complaining. I wonder if this is because they are not used to the normal fluctuations in the market.
I know that my busy season is January through May with a spurt from September to November. My products should not be seasonal (used books, postcards, dress patterns) but over the past decade or more that pattern has been consistent.
Are the worried sellers keeping monthly and annual records or are they just guessing.
1) EBay site was swamped with an enormous flood of free listings over the past 3 or 4 months;
2) Too many (and too many drastic) changes to the eBay site and policies in a short time, resulting in "buyer fatigue" -- i.e. just easier to click and go elsewhere, to a site that still looks familiar;
Maybe, but a lot of buyers are also newbies, so for them there is no change. It looks the same this week as it did last week the first time they visited.
3) Is it possible that eBay has effectively attracted enough new buyers who actually prefer the big-box mall-style, cookie-cutter shopping experience, and are passing over the smaller sellers of unique items? As one poster said, perhaps the younger generation no longer has an interest in collecting. They certainly appear to have money though ....
Oh the new generation collect. They just don't collect what their parents and grandparents did. For example, I would have loved an "Eaton Beauty" doll as a child. My daughter (35) is vaguely aware that there used to be a store called Eaton's.
But Legos are going strong, with both adult and child collectors. And Monster High dolls are a rage, even on the secondary market.
4) The increasing use of cell phones, and the "attention deficit" behaviour that goes with them, not to mention the problems of "old style" eBay listings being not quite compatible with cell phone viewing;
Absolutely. Mobile viewing does not show the entire listing. And I really gotta do something about that Real Soon Now.
5) Higher shipping costs everywhere
Free shipping helps a bit with this, even though wise buyers know that the cost of shipping is part of the purchase price. We all still go for it, don't we?
Shipping rates hit everyone equally. Canadians have always had to compete with the subsidized shipping rates of the USA and China.
6) General worry and caution over the economy.
I've been following chat boards about Nathan Fillion (yeah, I'm a Browncoat, get over it) who recently as part of a renegotiation of his contract with ABC did not show up for work one day. The network leaked the information and the "fans" spewed a lot of vitriol about how he should be glad for work in such a tough economy and how he signed on to work five -16 hour days a week and how he was overpaid for a very easy job. Who benefits from the leak? The network can show that his fans do not support his demands. (Nathan has not commented. Of course, he was off to ComicCon this weekend).
Well, that was not quite as off topic as it sounds. The North American economy is not is fabulous shape, but it is almost back where it was when the US real estate bubble. Obviously, those fans had drunk the koolaid that they should be personally fearful of their income and never never rock the boat. Who benefits from that fear?
The best way to get an economy moving is to pump cash into it. (Not credit by the way, cash). But a slow economy allows some to deflate wages and increase their own cut of profitable industries. All of which is probably a thread of its own.
These are just a few aspects I can think of off-hand. Two other elements of the equation that I've wondered about lately are:
1) Feedback has dropped off the cliff along at the same time as regular, dependable sales. … Or is cell phone use the culprit - simply not bothering to return to leave a comment?
The one concern about feedback dropping off (which has not changed for me) would be that fewer FB means less of a cushion against the lunatic fringe who decide to trash DSRs, just because they can.
2) A number of "Watchers" on an item used to translate almost certainly to a sale …
I've never found watchers to be buyers of my vintage items. Of course, I use Fixed Price listings. I have Watches on a couple of packaging items that I order fairly often.
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07-20-2013 05:21 PM
Umm -- for those who did not study Latin in high school "cui bono" means "who benefits".
Always a useful questions when faced with a strongly held point of view. Or pretty well any time, actually. I think the current version is "Question Authority".
And I did not notice that this is not the ID on which I sell used books and dress patterns. So don't be confused that this ID sells new philatelic literature and discount postage. The selling patterns are different but there is definitely a pattern.
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07-20-2013 05:54 PM
"Provide better titles, lower pricings, free shipping, etc., etc...."" Nah!! It makes NO difference at all."
Everyone is entitled to an opinion.
However, you may want to take note that the CEO of eBay stated last week: "Half of all U.S. Marketplaces transactions included free shipping in Q2".
I know that you do not want to hear this, most Canadian sellers facing much higher shipping costs than their American competitors do not want to hear it, but it is the way it is. Free shipping sells and is quickly becoming the standard for online commerce.
As stated earlier, everyone is entitled to an opinion.
Those who refuse to adapt to this constantly changing e-commerce world will be here next year complaining about slow sales. What else is new?

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08-02-2013 12:58 AM
I totally understand what you are saying. But I don't think Ebay is fair to Canadian Sellers at all. American sellers charge outrageous amounts for shipping up here and yet we are expected to do "free shipping" or eat the costs. Shipping in Canada to other locations is really expensive and buyers have unrealistic expectations on costs for shipping in my opinion. But I think you are right about having to come up with different solutions!!!
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08-02-2013 01:03 AM
I totally agree with EVERYTHING you said. As a new seller I feel so daunted at times by the lack of feedback despite eating a lot of the shipping costs. The shipping is my main problem and really frustrates me. I am not big enough to get the shipping discounts to get big. Massive catch 22. I think Ebay just needs to stop changing everything so the buyers are happy with the site and not getting tonnes of junk feeds of stuff they don't want.
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08-03-2013 01:03 PM - edited 08-03-2013 01:05 PM
@hautehookup wrote:I totally agree with EVERYTHING you said. As a new seller I feel so daunted at times by the lack of feedback despite eating a lot of the shipping costs. The shipping is my main problem and really frustrates me. I am not big enough to get the shipping discounts to get big. Massive catch 22. I think Ebay just needs to stop changing everything so the buyers are happy with the site and not getting tonnes of junk feeds of stuff they don't want.
Yes, it was so much easier being a new seller and getting established on eBay even 2 years ago; 5 years ago it was a breeze. I've been selling actively since 2008 and the game (and this site of course) has changed more in the past 12 months than it had in all the previous years.
I can honestly say I've tried virtually everything eBay has made available to me to increase sales - free shipping promos, discounted prices, email promos, discounted US/Int'l shipping, more photos, etc. etc., and yet I'm getting complete "dead zones" where sales are concerned, the past 3 weeks being a case in point. This is new - it almost never occurred previously.
The suggestion made by many on these boards, to roll shipping costs into item prices, to me is counter-intuitive: we Canadians also have to compete with lower U.S. item prices, so where do higher item prices get us - nowhere. Buyers are looking for the best price overall. I lose in shipping discounts on almost every transaction already, and I've lowered my prices somewhat over the last year, but neither has made a significant difference. I've got Canadian TRS status, but that doesn't help my visibility where the U.S. is concerned (and 90% of my buyers are American).
If I had to put my finger on the two major changes that are most affecting smaller sellers at the moment I would say the swamping by millions of free listings (don't forget that also means free listings every month for eBay stores the size of Target), and those "Feeds".
Of the two, I think the "Feeds" are ultimately going to be the biggest long-term game changer. Buyers will stop using searches (why bother?) as eBay's computer algorithms get better and better at personalizing these Feeds. And GTC listings will drop off the radar.
However, let's not miss the forest while staring in disbelief at the trees! Without sounding like a conspiracy theorist, my personal view (and it's just that), is:
1) I imagine eBay must have been obliged to agree to a number of radical changes in order to seal the deal with big sellers such as Target. These sorts of sellers have legions of employees who can list, list, list, keeping everything new and fresh on the Feed; and
2) I suspect Target and other big players told eBay they wouldn't come on board until the site is more friendly to their own needs, i.e. clean up all the "mom & pop" yard-sale sellers' acts, tighten rules, streamline (or better still - eliminate!) the need for direct communication between buyers and sellers, automate returns, etc. etc. etc. In other words, make it look like a big eCommerce site that such huge retailers can feel comfortable with.
Whether eBay is cognizant of it or indeed whether it cares, I expect Target and other such retailers will use eBay for their own purposes too, to test out the viability of online sales until they're ready to set up their own sites.
Still, I think eBay should care. And here's my pitch for the small seller (anybody listening?):
In the long run, it's the millions of individual sellers who use eBay's site that are here because they can't afford to sell through their own sites or would never get the same visibility elsewhere. What if they begin to fail, or trickle away to other, more comfortable sites? I think eBay is putting too many eggs in one basket in its starry-eyed effort to cater to huge retailers by drastically altering its policies and its site. Pierre is right that eBay doesn't give a hoot which seller it is that makes the sales, for now at least, but what if some of those big sellers have agendas of their own for the future that don't include eBay?
Watch out Canadian sellers - as 'bb' said earlier, life is going to get tougher here. I will now step down from my soapbox...
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08-03-2013 03:11 PM
I have actually had a great month.........and what do I attribute to this? One of my IDs had the invite to three different free promo listings. It was the free listings esp the Auction ones that allowed me to make some incremental sales. When ever they run auction promos I try and list them daily as 1 day auctions. Its a lot of extra work but I find it works for me.
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08-03-2013 03:58 PM
If that soap box is old with markings from a dairy from many years ago..
Do not throw it out
It could be valuable.
Too many people give away something only to realize... Too late... that is was quite valuable...
Sometimes one gets stagnated in a category... The only option is to branch out... find new categories of inventory... unique inventory and build on something new,.
Too many people start hot with something new and then sales drop off.... Several different but complementary categories do keep the sales coming...
One should also take note that there will be No-Sale days... Two years ago it was 10 % of the days in one year... Last year I had that count in 6 months... Yet the total value for sales last year was the best ever.
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08-03-2013 03:58 PM
Sales last few weeks have been worst all year. Listing views are down alot also. Not good for me or others i can see. Looking to move else where.
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08-03-2013 04:07 PM - edited 08-03-2013 04:11 PM
This thread caught my attention because my eBay sales are way down during the past 2 months as well.
I skimmed the posts above ......................... so I hope I don't repeat.
I'm pretty sure that the same concern is posted every summer, but at the end of August things always pick up.
In my case it was the same stroy for my retail store 20 years ago.
In my area there has been no increase in number of items posted.
In fact, there are far fewer quality pieces than ever before, and perhaps fewer pieces in general as well.
Certainly not an increase.
That seems to be category specific and my eBay sales have taken a dive as well.
IMO Free Shipping is kitschy for quality items (for now, but that may change), but shipping costs have to be on par with the way US sellers charge when shipping to their own.
In my case that's about a one half to a third my actual cost............. so that's what I do.
As a Canadian selling mainly to the States I've always had to work a little harder............. and that's OK........
BUT what I have never understood, and now with GSP etc., it's more of a puzzle than ever........
is : Why are Canadians not buying Canadian?
I do believe that Americans are buying from their own when given the choice more than ever, so what's up with Canadians?
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08-03-2013 05:39 PM
Many Canadians choose to do their searches for something to buy ... on as opposed to
They find the best of what they want... and they buy....
Canadian sellers have to learn how to get the attention of Canadian eBay buyers and hold it.
What each seller has to do is specific to the inventory being sold....
and... One has to recognize that certain categories of inventory will be very difficult to sell on eBay ... .com and a Canadian seller....
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08-03-2013 07:47 PM
@taz6511 wrote:I was just wondering if anybody else was getting no sales or low sales from the 15 to now.I had O sales this weekend.The weekend has always been my best sales. I was reading on . com and they are having the same problem one guy said he was down $ 8,000.00 since the 15 of may. He phoned Ebay they said 2 different things one was a Hacking problem the other answer server trouble. And sellers have had there buyers blocked for no reason. :_|
I STRONGLY suggest that you list on .com and use USPS prices plus a US PO Box to ship from.
Americans want to buy from Americans - if you look like an American, they'll be more likely to buy from you.
The once a week trip to the PO Box is a bit long - if your sales come up the 600-800% that mine did when I started shipping from the States, you may be able to go 3 times every 2 weeks.
Imagination will often carry us to worlds that never were. But without it we go nowhere. Carl Sagan
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08-03-2013 07:49 PM
Generally, a lot of our sales come from the US, which has been hit much harder than expected by the sequester.
Imagination will often carry us to worlds that never were. But without it we go nowhere. Carl Sagan
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08-03-2013 07:50 PM
@pinetreecottage wrote:
It would seem that "pierrelebel" will defend ebay to the end, having been a sort of ebay VIP. I got that from his ME page. So take heart all mt fellow *no-sellers* you're not alone, and you're probably not doing anything wrong. I was a successful seller for years, always selling most of what I listed, now I only have viewers in the single digets over a period of many days, and very few sales. My titles are correct, my pricing below that of the competition, and my shipping costs below actual. I just ended 3 listings, as there was 0 viewers. It's very sad and disappointing, but maybe ebay has run its course for us sellers of misc. knickknacks and collectables. "pierrelebel" does not really belong in this category, as he sells only stamps. He is of course just as valuable a seller, as the rest of us, but may not be expiencing the same *invisibility*. He will always have repeat buyers, stampcollectors who may have bought from him in the past etc. Please rest assured, this is by no means meant to be disrespectful to *pierrelebel*, but as he seems to be answering every post, I just had to add my 2 cents worth. Cheers.
Pierre has forgotten more than you'll ever know about ebay, kid.
Look at your feedback, look at his feedback.
Then show a little respect next time - Pierre has certainly earned it.
Imagination will often carry us to worlds that never were. But without it we go nowhere. Carl Sagan
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08-03-2013 08:51 PM
Pierre has been on eBay since 1998....
At present he is "sort of" retired.... from selling on eBay.
Many his age ( and my age ) are asked ...When will you retire?
There is no such thing as retirement in today's age.
One accumulates... and analyzes..... information over the years...
and that information is valuable to many others.
Everyone learns... so do pay attention..... I have learned.... and I am sure that Pierre learns something new with every question, with every discussion.... and will contribute where appropriate...
We all come here to learn... and will continue to learn with each passing day....
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08-04-2013 04:57 PM
I totally understand what you are saying. But I don't think Ebay is fair to Canadian Sellers at all.
Of course not. It's business.
American sellers charge outrageous amounts for shipping up here and yet we are expected to do "free shipping" or eat the costs.
The USPS sells Delivery Confirmation for less than a quarter domestically. US sellers are nervous of shipping cross-border without DC. This means the nervous US shipper uses either Global Priority or the Global Shipping Program, both of which add to the buyer's costs, without any money going to eBay or the seller.
Shipping in Canada to other locations is really expensive and buyers have unrealistic expectations on costs for shipping in my opinion.
BUT what I have never understood, and now with GSP etc., it's more of a puzzle than ever........
is : Why are Canadians not buying Canadian?
I do believe that Americans are buying from their own when given the choice more than ever, so what's up with Canadians?
We have been taught that there is more stuff and better stuff at lower prices in the States. Even with the currencies practically at par, many Canadians persist in cross-border shopping, ignoring add-on costs like gas, hotel bills, time spent queuing a border crossings, etc.
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08-04-2013 06:11 PM
Canadian sellers have to be quite imaginative... and in many instances quite inventive in order to be a successful Canadian seller on eBay.
It was not easy in years past... and it will not be anymore easy in the next few years and beyond.
The Bottom-line is that Canadian sellers have to move forward and make it happen...
Take what eBay is doing make the appropriate adjustments and make it happen
Use the reality of the GSP, of high USPS international postage, to make your listings desirable to Canadian sellers. ..... and be competitive on eBay Canada....
It takes time, but I have found that Canadian buyers will find you... if you as a seller do it right..
Time will tell...
It started for me back in the fall of 2008 when I moved my store from .com to .ca, and I decided to sell Canada and everything Canadian....
If I had something new to list I used to check on to verify what was available to buyers.
Now I always check first, second and use the presence of the GSP and high USPS shipping to Canada, to my advantage...
Success may depend more on what you sell as opposed to how you sell...
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08-07-2013 02:05 PM
Anyone who works within the sales and marketing structure knows that adaptation is the key. You adapt to fads, so you sell what is currently hot at the moment; you adapt to age demographics, so early collectibles may sell four years ago but not so much now, however, give it another year and who knows. With one of my businesses, the influx of new customers was incredibly important to the business`s continued success. As older customers tend to wear down having bought generally all that they can from you, you need the newbies to take their place. It`s the same in factories across the board. Older workers are utilized until they retire while at the same time, new and younger workers are searched for and brought into the factory to replace those who are leaving. The world of sales is a revolving door. The same seems to be happening on eBay, sadly so, but the huge influx of newbie sellers seems to be taking the place of the older, more seasoned sellers, some who are experiencing burnout or having trouble adapting. The older sellers who stay are the ones who research, adapt, change with the times. Trends come and go and if you do not keep abreast of them, you`ll fall behind and eventually become obsolete as newer, fresher and more viable sellers come on board.
Many don`t handle change well. Who can blame them, really. Being comfortable about something is safe. If it`s not broken why fix it attitude however, will only eventually result in their falling behind and again, becoming obsolete. What works sells, and it`s up to the smart sellers out there to stay on top of things if they wish to stay in the game. Grumbling about changes won`t stop them from happening and are a waste of time. They will happen as eBay sees them necessary for the continued success of their business and they will continue to adapt and change so they, an old gray horse itself, doesn`t fall behind and become obsolete.
Do I personally like the changes... well I absolutely don`t like all the glitches that are coming along with the changes!

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08-10-2013 04:48 PM
@Anonymous wrote:Last month I earned nearly $2,000.00 for small items with a starting price of $5.00 each and even had some bidding wars over some items and sold for $105.00 and $103.00 each from the starting price at $5.00.
Can I ask you what is the category you were listing in?