Hello 'capelanderjim',
Just so you know, we are not allowed to post other ebay member IDs on the boards here.
It is a common new user mistake, so your post will soon be edited to remove that.
You can, however, post the item number for the listing in question. I know, I know, it amounts to
the same thing, but there you are.
I suppose if everyone can look at the listing, it better enables people to fairly assess the problem
rather than have disgruntled members post each other's ID to unfairly discredit them.
I'm not entirely clear what you are saying in your message. Did the seller end the listing early
after removing your bid first?
Under certain circumstances sellers can end listings early:
And they can cancel bids from people if they feel they need to:
Or did you win the item, have it show up in your Purchase History, promptly pay for it,
only to have the seller refund and refuse to ship?
In that case you could report him as a non-performing seller.
Or is it something else?
Your seller is in Hong Kong and likely has a zillion more of whatever it is to sell, so did you not
get an explanation of why your bid/transaction was cancelled? You may indeed think he is a
lousy seller, but it would help other members here understand the situation if you were to
post the item number. It's on the right side of the listing page in tiny writing.