Not enjoying EBay anymore :(

Community Member
How many of you feel this way? It's been 3 weeks and I'm not into it anymore. I find so little money for a lot of work. People don't have bidding wars like they used to. Way to many watchers. I feel like stopping for awhile and it's my busy season. Advice would be great!
Message 1 of 88
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Not enjoying EBay anymore :(

Community Member
Help me stop please I need hellllpppp.........
Message 41 of 88
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Not enjoying EBay anymore :(

Community Member
:-x yes, yes,...i know...born with brains/personality and beauty-its a curse...but i get by...:-)
Message 42 of 88
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Not enjoying EBay anymore :(

Community Member
Harvey: Here's a good example. I was just watching Just for laughs on CBC television. They are doing a gag. There is a pond in the park, where people are playing soccer. There are boards placed under the water in the pond. Everytime a soccer ball goes into the pond, this guy dressed like Jesus, comes walking over, walks on the boards...looks like he's walking on water...retrieves the soccer ball and gives it back. I'm laughing, do you find that humour offensive? I'm sure someone does!
Message 43 of 88
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Not enjoying EBay anymore :(

Community Member
Now they are handing people a leash with a llama on it. They don't see the Llama until the person has driven away. They are left standing in the street with a Llama. Call the animal rights people, that must be stressing the llama.
Message 44 of 88
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Not enjoying EBay anymore :(

Community Member
Now they are doing a photography booth in a mall, where they take your picture and alter it with a computer and give you the result. They just gave some old guy a picture of himself in a lace teddy. I don't know who should be angrier, old men, cross dressers, or lingerie companies.
Message 45 of 88
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Not enjoying EBay anymore :(

Community Member
ok now it's a sketch where a blind guy(supposedly) takes out a whole bike rack for of bicycles with his car.
Message 46 of 88
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Not enjoying EBay anymore :(

Community Member
This is our national broadcaster for heavens sake!!!!!
Message 47 of 88
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Not enjoying EBay anymore :(

Community Member
Well I guess it was because I was tired of reading his posts.

Now you know how most of us feel about your input.

Himalayan Salt Lamps - A Guide to Purchasing


Message 48 of 88
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Not enjoying EBay anymore :(

Community Member
Most of us??? You Bill & Harvey are most of us? Is that like the Royal WE
Message 49 of 88
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Not enjoying EBay anymore :(

Community Member
Have i missed something? Is there a prize for having the most posts?? Should I be putting each sentence into a separate post??? Help .... I feel left out of the loop!!!

By the way, of the above listed comedians, I don't find low humour funny, so I'm not a fan of any of them ... does that mean I don't have a sense of humour? Try me with something genuinely funny!!

Message 50 of 88
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Not enjoying EBay anymore :(

Community Member
Got a mirror?
Message 51 of 88
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Not enjoying EBay anymore :(

I read the post and found it very offensive too. I have never found humour in making fun of someone.
Message 52 of 88
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Not enjoying EBay anymore :(

Community Member
Geez... the one day i decide to take a break from ebay and missed the post!
Message 53 of 88
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Not enjoying EBay anymore :(

Community Member
Tea, your type of humour is easy to find offensive. You insult and ridicule and when any one takes exception you attack them personally. You are not funny. That is why your post was yanked. Apparently you are the only one that cannot see that. No one has come to your defense to say that they found your attack on bestshowtime packed with wit.

Your comment to Glenda in post 53 above is also not funny but reflects schoolyard immaturity. Consider using your mirror for a long look at yourself. I'm left to wonder if your running-down of other people are not efforts to build your own self-esteem.

Glenda, tea has become the spammer of the board. He can rarely make a single post with all of his accumulated thoughts and frequently posts six or seven comments before he stops to catch his breath. Much like spam, most of his posts are of little value and are highly repetitive.

Bill treasure-pot


Message 54 of 88
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Not enjoying EBay anymore :(

Community Member
Is it too much for you to give it up? Can you possibly think that maybe...just maybe...just a little bit....your post wasn't funny??? I'm not defending the person it was directed to, I'm commenting on the tone it was given in. Maybe in your head it seemed funny but really it wasn't. The fact that nobody ( so far) found it funny has to tell you something. I'm not saying you should apoligize or retract your comment (ebay already retracted it for you)but you seem to be fighting tooth and nail to justify it. Like I said, give it's not that funny!
I said in one of my past posts that I do enjoy your humour and easy going attitude but I and most others here think that your comments were wrong. THATS ALL, NOTHING MORE....Get over it!! In return you feel it necessory to attack all of us who comment against your post.
By the way, your posts 40 & 41...Darn you got me all excited, I thought you were talking about me Big Guy;-)
Message 55 of 88
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Not enjoying EBay anymore :(

Community Member
No, it was funny.
Message 56 of 88
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Not enjoying EBay anymore :(

Community Member
If I'm such a drag, why are all of you here on this thread chatting, your presence here proves the entertainment value of the comments. If it wasn't interesting you wouldn't bother.
Message 57 of 88
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Not enjoying EBay anymore :(

Community Member
Okay...if you say so.
Message 58 of 88
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Not enjoying EBay anymore :(

Community Member
Your participation PROVES your entertainment.
Message 59 of 88
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Not enjoying EBay anymore :(

Community Member
You can prove me wrong by just going away can't you??
Message 60 of 88
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