October Sales

Community Member
Is it just me or have your October sales dipped a bit this month? I was trying to blame it on the whole seasonal effect but not so sure. I just hope this is not a trend.
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October Sales

Black October, sales trickle and it appears to be global. I think the world is afraid of the upcoming US November election. I have decided not to post further auctions until the results are in.

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October Sales

Everyone seems to be complaing of slow sales. Even September was slow.

And I think the elections coming up will have a short term impact. I was going to list some new stuff leas Sunday, but wait until this Sunday to list.n It seems many will not wait to see if there is a clear winner.
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October Sales

Community Member
I have half of September's volume in Oct. Last year was similar sutuation.
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October Sales

Community Member
sales dropped of about 20%-25% for me. I had very very very slow first 3 weeks of the month and in the last week or so it just picked up. This is my first full pre-xmas selling and I was hoping for better sales. please tell me that there will be mad sales rush before the end of November for xmas stuff. My August was great and it has been down hill from there. oh well.
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October Sales

Community Member
"please tell me that there will be mad sales rush before the end of November for xmas stuff"

There will be a mad sales rush before the end of DECEMBER for Christmas stuff.
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October Sales

Community Member
On the US PSers board the slow-down is being blamed on the changes to the ebay template making it difficult to find the SEARCH button.

Don't know how true this is but since they changed it in late September it seems everyone's sales are down.



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October Sales

Community Member

December will be a killer month! Patience... 😄
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October Sales

Community Member
Yeah it will... my stuff isn't exactly "gift" material, but December is always a good month anyway.

I agree that it could have to do with the recent changes, including the fonts being FAR too small and unpredictable, the hidden search button, the searches not accepting apostrophes and commas, etc.
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October Sales

Community Member
October sales were definately off, however in our line, this is normal.

Last year, our November was off the previous Novemeber (our December sales take place in November as probably do all others), I do think the novelty of Ebay is wearing a tad thin (coupled with the fact that the number of vendors grows expotentially to the number of sellers) and alot of the blame lies with Ebay themselves for taking a simple selling medium and complicating the whole thing with all of the fangled gadgets and add-ons instead of concentrating in attracting buyers....

Okay, I am going to hop off my soap box for now.

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October Sales

Community Member
I lucked out in October. While my sales were nothing to brag about, I was on the verge of loosing my PS status due to my low August and September eBay sales (not to mention July as well). This was something I was aware of as I was on a business contract and could not afford the time to deote to selling on eBay.

I managed to get sufficient October sales to raise my overall performance and keep my PS status and am expecting a great November and unbelievable December as I am now gearing up to do eBay full time.

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October Sales

my sales are on a par with October 2003 - EXCEPT the Canadian dolalr is about 15% lower than this time last year so I guess REVENUE is actually down quite a bit.
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October Sales

I've felt a slump too...DVDs were hot during the summer, they're cold now...

In my experience though, eBay business picks up *BIG TIME* towards the end of this month through the end of the Christmas vacation so if I can't sell for what I want now (and I've resorted to using RESERVES now...yuck), I'll wait until next month.
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October Sales

Community Member
You had sales In October?
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October Sales

Community Member

October sales were terrible and November is not much better. I opened a Ebay store recently and am selling some product thru the store.
It is getting harder for Canadian to compete with US competitors especially on the shipping rates. As the Cdn dollar gets stronger the shipping fee for the US gets higher because of the exchange rate.
I also find it hard to also compete with sellers listing the same item(s) for $.01 or $.99.
I appreciate the buyers who have become my regulars and usually send them a bonus magazine with their bulk order to show my appreciation.
Bur when will the Xmas shopping period start is what I keep asking myself

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October Sales

Community Member
What is far worse than the shipping rates is the increasing delays in goods crossing the borders due to ever increasing security measures. You arent competing as much with the price the Americans are paying as you are with fewer Americans wishing to purchase from Canada due to delays in getting their products.

Expect 4-more years of it getting worse and 3-chears for all those across the border who re-elected the war monger. Its reassuring to know that commerce across our borders will soon come to a complete stop for fear of someone mailing something to a US citizen from an eBay sale.

And of course our government will follow suit and implement further rules and procedures wich will give us no more protection but cost us even more business.

Got love it. 3,200 innocent people die in the World Trade Towers and so far close to 40,000 innocents have died in retailiation.

Goods coming into Canada from the US via USPS are taking upwards of 6 weeks and ours arent doing much better (save for the premium services some of us use).

Fear mongering and wall building is what has happened over the last 2-years and you can expect it to get worse before it gets better so you better have some spare change put aside for a rainy day.

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October Sales

Community Member
Selling to Americans? I haven't sold squat to an Americian in weeks...... I think they have already closed the border....

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October Sales

Nor have I...I think I got one US bid in the last 2 weeks. *applause*
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October Sales

Yeah, my sales for the first week of November are actually DOWN compared to the first week of October.

Lots more Canadian & European buyers - getting a good deal with the exchange rate - but far fewer US customers.

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October Sales

Community Member
DOnt worry about American buyers over the last month. Historically they spend very little during an election year and almsot mnothing in the final weeks. Now that the election is over and the majority of people voted for Geiorge Bush who convinced them that their economy is strong and getting better every day, you should see an increase in American customers.

This increase will however be somewhat dampened by (a) delays in Cdn products clearing US customs and (b) those US believeing in Bush who are prepared to spend, dont believe in Canada as we tended to be more supportive of Kerry and his principles.

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