Still a waste of time, I tested my products for Best Match...
This is what I get my product comes next, the sellers item who comes first is not better then mine.
My Product
Cost: $2.29
Shipping: $2.50 (i post shipping in search)
Total: $4.79
My Feedback DSR: 4.9, 4.9, 4.7, 4.8
My Feedback %: 99.8%
Total + Feedback: 911
Last 12 Months: 0 Negatives
Best Match Level: 2nd
Location: Ontario, Canada
Listing Type: Buy It Now
Ebay Status: Power Seller
Cost: $1.61
Shipping: $3.50 (does not post shipping cost in search)
Total: $5.11
His Feedback DSR: 4.9, 4.8, 4.6, 4.6
His Feedback %: 99.4%
Total + Feedback: 1549
Last 12 Months: 5 Negatives
Best Match Level: 1st
Location: Ontario, Canada
Listing Type: Buy It Now
Ebay Status: Power Seller
Now you tell me who should have been on top!?
(Dream About Comics)