Has anybody else noticed that Paypal works much better for Americans than it does for Canadians. If I sell a pool table on Ebay for, let's say $1600 CDN and my buyer decides to pay through Paypal. First you pay the Paypal fees 2.9% Which is very reasonable compared to other credit card processing companies. Now here's where it can get expensive. If your buyer pays you in CDN your Paypal account is probably set to USD primary so you have to convert the funds in to USD. When you do this you lose about 4%, and than because we are in Canada to take the money out at a atm it gets converted back to CDN and you lose another 4%. So it costs you approx $160 by the time your finished (my math and percentages are probably a little off) Now when you tell your customer you are going to charge an additional $100 if they use paypal they decline and either want to back out because they don't have cash and wanted to pay with their credit card, or have to scramble around finding another payment method, and when you call paypal about it you wait 15 mins to talk to the first guy who after you explain everything to him put's you on hold until you hang up. Has anybody else had this problem, and if so did you find a solution. Thanks