Pier Morgan debates gun control with Alex Jones

Community Member

Ya gotta hear this!





"It came to me that every time I lose a dog they take a piece of my heart with them. And every new dog who comes into my life gifts me with a piece of their heart. If I live long enough, all the components of my heart will be dog, and I will become as generous and loving as they are."--Unknown
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Re: Pier Morgan debates gun control with Alex Jones

Holy !!!!!!!!! that was the funniest thing I have seen in a longgggg time! Jones is a whack job!

“how many chimpanzees can dance on the head of a pin” !!!

“America was born on guns and whiskey” !!!


I was waiting for Jones to blow a blood vessel.


If this guy is a representative of the gun lobby….they really need to put out a call for new resumes.  


......The funny thing is do you know what is the largest mass murderer in the US?

Message 2 of 38
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Re: Pier Morgan debates gun control with Alex Jones

Gun toting cigarettes!!

Message 3 of 38
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Re: Pier Morgan debates gun control with Alex Jones

That was really fuuny.  Get the net.


Can you just imagine putting a gun in his hand.

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Re: Pier Morgan debates gun control with Alex Jones

As long as it had just one bullet.

Message 5 of 38
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Re: Pier Morgan debates gun control with Alex Jones

Not applicable

That Alex Jones is a real wacko than Michael Jackson!!  I saw it on his show last night.  He just is totally a real jerk!!  I hope there are not more wacko like him somewhere in USA or even in Canada.


It is insane to think he is trying to "deport" Piers Morgan just because Piers speak up about the gun control.

Message 6 of 38
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Re: Pier Morgan debates gun control with Alex Jones

Wouldn't want to be stuck at that end of the table dring Christmas dinner.


Nice to see he has passion, although somewhat misdirected.

Message 7 of 38
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Re: Pier Morgan debates gun control with Alex Jones

He's one of those guys, take away his toys and he becomes a puppy looking for the a sheet of newspaper on the floor. (that's the most PC way I can put it at the moment)


All kidding aside though....I hope he doesn't have children. What he tries to indoctrinate into people's heads is more dangerous than the arsenal he owns. 





Message 8 of 38
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Re: Pier Morgan debates gun control with Alex Jones

Big problem is these people have liike minded friends.


Scary thought.

Message 9 of 38
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Re: Pier Morgan debates gun control with Alex Jones

Over 100,000 like minded friends....

Message 10 of 38
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Re: Pier Morgan debates gun control with Alex Jones

Lol Steve, could be a lot more though.



Message 11 of 38
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Re: Pier Morgan debates gun control with Alex Jones

All kidding aside though....I hope he doesn't have children. What he tries to indoctrinate into people's heads is more dangerous than the arsenal he owns.


Piers had an ex-marine on last night.  He had done several tours of duty in Afghanistan.  He wrote a letter to Diane Feinstein, the Senator who is pushing for gun control.

He says that she wants to take away his right to pass his guns along to his children when he leaves this world.  He and most like him spout the NRA line passionately, and word for word.  If you listen closely, they all use the same wording and the same examples. 

They also argue the most minute points.  He has the same guns that were used in Aurora.  He argued that they are not capable of mass destruction unless you alter them.  He would not say if his had been altered or not.

Message 12 of 38
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Re: Pier Morgan debates gun control with Alex Jones

Yesterday I sent the link to a list of people I ‘know’. (sorry about that mikey) Some of them are Americans in Calif, Nev, Texas, Florida, Louisiana. One fellow replied and I argue all the time, on the Internet and when he is in Canada, face to face. He's a dyed in the wool, card carrying, lock and load Republican. His history is strange as well....ex-Colonel US marines....did a lot of travelling, but the people who know him (mostly military people) and actually introduced me to him say that there is about 14 years of his life unaccounted for and if asked directly about those years he Texas two steps around any attempt to get into it. The general consensus is because it is known that he jumped from one European country to another he most likely worked for the CIA. He's an interesting man with a personality that could sell snowballs to an Eskimo, but there's also something else about him, in his eyes.

His reply was as follows….verbatim:

“Good for Alex! We are the United States of America the strongest country in the world and we control it. Immigrants like Morgan do not belong in our country and telling us we should give up our guns. England was powerful a century ago but they are ____ now because their people do not have guns. They are controlled by the ______ in their government. We have one in our government Obama but real Americans don’t care about him_____ he is not one of us.

God Bless the United States of America”



He argued that they are not capable of mass destruction unless you alter them. He would not say if his had been altered or not.

Any gun is capable of ‘mass destruction’ under the right circumstances…..and semi-autos can be made into full auto with in most cases not a lot of work…..the only drawback is they can jam up. But even semi-auto, especially with a larger clip, they are equally as deadly. The events in Aurora and Newtown and other areas were not full auto anyhow…they were all semi’s.

He says that she wants to take away his right to pass his guns along to his children when he leaves this world.

What he is actually saying is something most people don’t understand. He seems to be interested in ‘passing’ on his guns. Why would that be a big deal when anyone can go out and buy practically any gun in the US? My guess is it’s because he owns machine guns. In 1986 Reagan signed a bill into law that prohibited the registration of new machine guns for civilian use…..however old machine guns can be passed on in an estate. This also answers the question he avoided.... if he had altered guns or not. All ‘new’ machine guns in the US after 1986 can only be owned by the military or police.

Message 13 of 38
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Re: Pier Morgan debates gun control with Alex Jones

Jones is making it hard to like him even if he was advocating for "Save The Cute Puppies" cause.

First half of the discussion Morgan was just sitting back letting Jones make clown of himself and other half he made few feeble attempts to ... fuel Jones into more loud monologue.

Some of those arguments Jones says are actually good arguments, it's the way he presents it ... so repulsive and sometimes out of topic.

Message 14 of 38
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Re: Pier Morgan debates gun control with Alex Jones

Morgan isn’t one of my most favourite people but his basic views of gun laws:

a)      Ban on semi-auto assault type rifles

b)      Ban on high capacity mags

c)      Running background checks of people selling at gun shows


are all logical.


The people who complain about gun laws are mainly hunters. So what do they really need for hunting? Well a shotgun and a rifle (calibres depending on what the person is hunting for).

Semi-auto rapid fire guns….no need. Assault style weapons….no need. Large capacity mags…..no need. If a hunter needs any of these…..he’s a lousy hunter.


Then there is safety at home. Best gun a pump action shotgun. Makes a lot of noise that intruders don’t like and even if you have a minimal of ability to aim….you’re probably going to get a piece of him somewhere.


Done deal.  

Message 15 of 38
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Re: Pier Morgan debates gun control with Alex Jones

Morgan isn’t one of my most favourite people


I find him arrogant and obnoxious.  I feel that it is arrogant for a person to come to a country and spend much of your time telling people what is wrong with it.  He could have stayed in England and had enough ammunition for a thousand programs.

He also likes to spout the typical U.S. line that America is the greatest country in the world.  Some of his comments during the last election were ludicrous.  And he can't even vote.

Message 16 of 38
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Re: Pier Morgan debates gun control with Alex Jones

He makes for good TV.


Has very decent ratings for a cable network which the sponsors love.


Much like O'Leary on Dragons Den.

Message 17 of 38
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Re: Pier Morgan debates gun control with Alex Jones

I find him arrogant and obnoxious.


LOL… Morgan comes off like that, but it’s his ….manner. A lot of Brits are like that for some reason and others....are totally the opposite. I mean take the Queen….she’s suppose to be an example to the people. I rest my case.


I feel that it is arrogant for a person to come to a country and spend much of your time telling people what is wrong with it. He could have stayed in England


I don’t see anything wrong with that. Free speech is not just in the US Constitution but it’s a human right. Also he is saying the same things as many people in the US are saying….including those who buried their children and loved ones.

Anyone who says that someone from outside a country has no right to say what is wrong with it….forgets that we and the US send armed military to counties and do the same thing….with disastrous results. At least Morgan is only using words.

Message 18 of 38
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Re: Pier Morgan debates gun control with Alex Jones





It is your right to bare arms,

to protect yourself from harm...both domestic and foreign....


signed by the forefathers of that newly formed republic



ban cars...they kill people

ban cars..


think man think....

Message 19 of 38
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Re: Pier Morgan debates gun control with Alex Jones

Actually the exact words are:

"A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed."


However it was written at a different time, different circumstances. In those days a 'militia' was a necessity because there wasn't much of a military and many of them were militia anyhow.


Personally I think what the founding fathers meant but weren't specific about was that the people have a right to keep and bear arms as 'a militia'. These days many cities have militia headquarters and they have armouries where weapons are kept...everything from high powered ordinance to armoured vehicles and tanks. So the militia concept is pretty much covered and the US certainly has a much larger and powerful full time military than the forefathers could probably have ever imagined in their wildest dreams!


I'm not against guns but I agree as I said earlier with Morgan....people don't need assault rifles or full auto rifles or shotguns and they don't need massive clips anymore than they need grenades or mortars or personal nuclear weapons. All of that is just a Rambo mentality of adults who never grew up and because they want 'their' toys.....it's costing the lives of many innocent people.



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