Community Member

I know why the GSP "wreaks havoc" for buyers and sellers.


Buyers are buying from GSP listings, not reading or understanding the terms and conditions, and crying about it later.


Sellers are using the GSP and are either unaware that they're opted in or else they haven't done their homework and researched how it looks for their potential buyers.


It's not rocket science.


And I thought my post was an even-handed explanation of the GSP, not a "defence".

Message 5 of 21
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Why are some sellers now adding 43% in import charges to the cost of their items.  Why are only some and not all sellers adding import charges?  Why is this only being levied on items from the US to Canada?  Who receives this money?  In 13 years of doing business with eBay, I've been charged import fees 3 times and it was nowhere near 43% of the cost of the item.  Needless to say, I do not buy from sellers who are charging import fees.  When I have questioned sellers about import charges, they have almost always removed it. 

Message 1 of 21
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I too have paid years ago some import charges at my post office in Canada, from an international or US seller.


Just now I notice on some items ( I am viewing DVDs sets) there are import charges listen by some sellers while another seller has no import charges.

However I asked that seller to clarify for me, just to be sure about it.

Because the discrepancy in price is really exorbitant and maybe I am just ignorant about this but to me it makes no sense to me.


To reiterate,I paid at my post office some small fee relative to how  much the item cost.

This took place on my end, in Canada.


But now, like you mentioned there are 'import charges' along with the item already listed (on the seller's page).


Do you know if in addition to the seller's 'import charges' , one would have to pay any additional fee at the Canadian post?

Because I haven't pain any fees for years at my post when I would receive international and/or US items.


For instance one seller quoted me UPS and that rate was substantially higher than another seller's shipping fee to me.


To be honest, for me this is very confusing.


Can anyone shed some light on this issue?


Thank you.


Message 2 of 21
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Listings that have "import charges" attached to them are ones associated with eBay's Global Shipping Program.  It enables sellers to ship to a warehouse operated by Pitney Bowes, which administers the GSP, who then subcontract the deliver to a carrier or carriers who send the item to its final destination.


The GSP ensures that any taxes (and duties, if applicable) and customs clearance fees owing on an item are collected (more accurately, advanced by the carrier) prior to shipping, instead of leaving them to chance and the Canada Border Services Agency.  Any item with a declared value of over C$20 is subject to taxes, etc. but items sent through the mail sometimes (if not often) get through without being charged these taxes (plus a C$9.95 processing charge by Canada Post).


There should be links to further information on the page of any listing that uses the GSP.  Here's one in fairly plain English:


and here's the terms and conditions page which is a bit more of a brain-bender:


The main problem Canadian eBayers seem to be running into with the GSP are that:


1.  Many buyers don't appear to be aware that personal imports shipped by mail or commercial carrier above C$20 are subject to taxes and duties and they wonder why they have to pay them for an GSP item.


2.  The GSP isn't all that well-suited for small, modestly-priced items as the shipping and import charges are disproportionately high compared to the item's selling price.  Unfortunately, sellers don't realize that as they don't set any of the GSP's shipping or import charges (nor do they collect them) and quite often the GSP is used for the wrong sorts of listings.


Here's a good page that gives considerable information on the GSP from the sellers' perspective:


The idea behind the GSP is that it's supposed to make international shipping non-threatening or easier for U.S. sellers.  It's not really designed to make it more affordable or easier for buyers, despite what the marketers try to spin it as being.

Message 3 of 21
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marnotom!:  It's plain that you have no concept of how the GSP wreaks havoc for buyers or you wouldn't support it like you do.


You never miss a chance to defend the program.


Certainly it works out for a few items, but those items are so few that it's hardly a defense.


As has been stated many times:  If  the GSP worked for none of the items none of the time, then P-B would never have been able to get their foot in the door.


Also, you continue to explain our Canadian tax laws to buyers who are much knowledgeable than you are in terms of how that law is put into action.


That said:  For the same reasons it's such a problem for buyers, it's also a gift to Canadian sellers as long as buyers stick around to continue buying.







Message 4 of 21
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well said
Message 6 of 21
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That's odd.  This was supposed to be a response to another post on another board.  Oh, well.  Thanks for the stamp of approval, Nudibranch.

Message 7 of 21
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You are absolutely correct:  Your post above does not defend the GSP in the usual way.


I agree, this post is clear, but I don't view buyers as "Crying About it Later."  (A little condescending, don't yu" think? :  It's a shopping venue not a police state.!")


The GSP is indeed wreaking havoc for buyers and US sellers.  


Buyers are out for a pleasant shopping experience and the GSP hampers that.  Moreover, the GSP is now appearing in more listings than ever.


That's because eBay is sneaking it into listings, either through the back door or just landing it there because they can.


Innocent shoppers are blundering into it, perhaps eager and excited for their next score and not taking the time to read the most recent fine print.


Sellers are much more unaware than buyers are and since sellers have always demanded control over their listings........... :  This is quite the fiasco.

Message 8 of 21
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GSP adds brokerage fees that are an unnecessary additional delivery cost to buyers in many countries whose postal service will process the order for free. US sellers are unknowingly making themselves less competive by using GSP.

Message 9 of 21
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marnotom!:  Since you were obviously responding to this post, I have cut it from the Town Square board and placed it here to the board where you want it to appear.


marnotom!:  It's plain that you have no concept of how the GSP wreaks havoc for buyers or you wouldn't support it like you do.


You never miss a chance to defend the program.


Certainly it works out for a few items, but those items are so few that it's hardly a defense.


As has been stated many times:  If  the GSP worked for none of the items none of the time, then P-B would never have been able to get their foot in the door.


Also, you continue to explain our Canadian tax laws to buyers who are much knowledgeable than you are in terms of how that law is put into action.


That said:  For the same reasons it's such a problem for buyers, it's also a gift to Canadian sellers as long as buyers stick around to continue buying.


Message 10 of 21
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You never miss a chance to defend the program.


The first two posts are from posters that are not familiar with the GSP program or how it works and they are asking why some listings have import charges. The third post answers those questions, explains how GSP works and comments that the GSP program was

"not designed to to make it more affordable or easier for buyers, despite what the marketers try to spin it as being" 

That is defending the program?


How exactly do you suggest that someone reply to the questions that were asked? Personally, I think that it makes sense to respond with facts and show where they can get more information about it. Then people can decide on their own whether or not the program can work for them in any way or that they are better off to avoid using it. 


Certainly it works out for a few items, but those items are so few that it's hardly a defense.


Again..I don't see the post as defending anything. The above sentence gives your opinion based on items that you have looked at. I don't doubt that in your case, the GSP costs more. Should people take your word for it that it only works out for a few items or should they be given the information to figure it out based on what they want to buy? Of course there are many others who have said that the program is more expensive and a hassle for them to use. In many cases, until they purchased an item through the GSP, they had no idea what it was or that it even existed. So now they feel ripped off. If they had the information before they made the purchase, they would have been able to decide the pros and cons of buying that item from that particular seller. Information is power.

Message 11 of 21
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I*m, your dictionary seems to define "condescending" and "police state" differently than mine. 

Message 12 of 21
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@letmeinpls2010 wrote:

GSP adds brokerage fees that are an unnecessary additional delivery cost to buyers in many countries whose postal service will process the order for free. US sellers are unknowingly making themselves less competive by using GSP.

My understanding is that it's a country's customs service that will process a postal import, not its post office. 


And the items that are "less competitive" when sold through the GSP are the ones that aren't suitable for it in the first place.  I just looked at a listing for a neon Budweiser sign selling for US$289.99.  If you subtract the US$37.70 in Ontario HST that would be payable with the GSP, that leaves US$7.06 of the US$44.76 Import Charges for anything customs-related.  That's a better deal than what Canada Post wants for simply collecting and remitting taxes.


Or do you mean the taxes themselves when you say "brokerage fees"?



Message 13 of 21
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@marnotom! wrote:

I*m, your dictionary seems to define "condescending" and "police state" differently than mine. 

EBay can be difficult for buyers and they have to be on their toes to do everything correctly.  Obviously eBay is not a police state and I used the term figuratively only.  


The rest is self explanatory.

Message 14 of 21
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"I don't doubt that in your case, the GSP costs more."


Please PJ allow me to have a different opinion.


I do not think it is a case of having made an honest analysis of all known facts showing actual higher costs.  If such analysis had been completed, we certainly would have seen some concrete results backed by numbers.



Message 15 of 21
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PJ..... the reason I posted that it works out for a few items was because that's what you've been posting.


I've found no such item during my searches.  I just took your word for that.


Moreover, since it takes so much work doing these comparisons etc. to come across an item which can compete, it's a terrible waste of time, energy, and effort for buyers................... and also stressful when you find just the item you want but it's been priced out of the market because of the GSP.

That's very common.


Yes, I do see these posts as defending the program.

What most buyers are pointing out is that they've never had to pay taxes before the GSP arrived.


What you see as helpful, I view in a very different light.




Message 16 of 21
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Re: IMPORT CHARGES comments were in response to your post about marnotom who was answering questions that were asked in the first two posts. If you don't like the way he answered, why didn't you answer their specific questions?  You totally ignored their posts but attacked someone with a different point of view than you have. Did that help the posters in any way?


PJ..... the reason I posted that it works out for a few items was because that's what you've been posting.


Really? I believe I used the term 'some' which does not mean a few.


I've found no such item during my searches.  I just took your word for that.


No need to take my word for it, they are easy enough to find if you actually try.

But there have been many examples given.  I have noticed though that when someone does give a specific example that doesn't agree with your point of view, you ignore that part of the post. I've also noticed that you insist that you are right yet you never give any specific examples proving what you say.


I am not trying to get anyone to believe that the GSP is wonderful.  I dislike it as much as anyone does...well..maybe not as much as you do. 🙂   But I see no point in letting people believe that it is illegal for PB to collect taxes or that taxes are never due for items from the U.S. etc etc. I believe that if you have the right information and know how the system works, it is easier it is to figure out a way to use the system so that it works to your benefit. Even if that particular poster is not interested in that info, someone reading it may be.


You obviously don't agree with that point of view and that's fine. I don't agree that it is better to look at the negative side of an issure and totally ignore everything else.


Message 17 of 21
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PJ....... as I said I read these posts from buyers much differently than you do.


You asked why I don't address some of your "points?"

I don't respond to all of you questions because I already have in previous posts.

At this point there is no point in repeating the same statements over and over ad nauseam. 


Responding would only be argumentative.


I would also like to point out to you that no one has supported the GSP more than I have.

From my first posts on the topic a long long time ago on to the present, I've stated that it's a gift to Canadian sellers.


For buyers there is nothing to support.  


Message 18 of 21
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@i*m-still-here wrote:


What most buyers are pointing out is that they've never had to pay taxes before the GSP arrived.




I was paying taxes and duty before GSP arrived. But it was only based on luck: I didn't paid taxes/duty on a big box (RC car, 600$) or a 35'' long box ( RC boat, 250$) but paid taxes/duty on a relative small box (RC receiver, 90$) or a smaller box (watch, 120$). I was aware of the game and was considering lack of taxes like a bonus on my purchase. Now with GSP I can't even hope I will have a lucky day.

Message 19 of 21
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@jean-philippe.vert wrote:

I was paying taxes and duty before GSP arrived. But it was only based on luck: I didn't paid taxes/duty on a big box (RC car, 600$) or a 35'' long box ( RC boat, 250$) but paid taxes/duty on a relative small box (RC receiver, 90$) or a smaller box (watch, 120$). I was aware of the game and was considering lack of taxes like a bonus on my purchase. Now with GSP I can't even hope I will have a lucky day.

Depending on how much it costs to have the item shipped to the Global Shipping Center in the first place, you may end up "lucking out" on the shipping cost. For certain items, shipping them through the GSP can be less expensive than using the postal system. Buyers need to weigh the pros and cons of a GSP sale and see if it makes sense overall.

Message 20 of 21
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