01-25-2013 11:56 AM
Mayor Rob Ford walked away with a win in his conflict of interest appeal Friday.
Ford thanked those congratulating him for winning the appeal as he left his lawyer's office Friday.
Walking back into the mayor's office at City Hall, Ford said he felt "fantastic" with the win.
His staff could be heard applauding and cheering for him as he walked inside.
Councillor Doug Ford said he felt “great” about the decision as he climbed into his brother’s SUV.
“It’s a great day for democracy,” Ford said.
The three-judge panel threw out the ruling from Justice Charles Hackland ordering Ford out of the mayor's chair for violating the municipal conflict of interest act.
With the decision, Ford now no longer has to worry about losing his job as the mayor of Canada's largest city due to this particular court action. It also ends weeks of speculation about how council would replace Ford - councillors would have been tasked with either appointing a replacement or plunging the city into a mayoral byelection.
The mayor is expected to address reporters later in the day.
01-25-2013 12:14 PM
I thought it was overkill to throw him out but it's such a farce as courts continually reverse their decisions.
There doesn't seem to be enough incentive for courts to come to well defensible decisions.
01-25-2013 01:40 PM
This was a "witch" hunt from the very start. What a waste of the courts time and energy. And now the crown wants to appeal it again. How many shots do these people get to take and waste taxpayers money?
01-25-2013 02:11 PM
If someone is in politics......they follow by the Rules which protects everyone and lays down a level playing field for all those with power who especially have to be held accountable. One cannot say "we'll apply the rule over here....but not over there". Ford has a reputation for breaking the law inside and outside of politics. He had the option to apologize and return the money.....he refused. He was put on notice those days are over.
Even I.....who has no use for Ford .....felt this was a minor infraction. But he asked for it.
01-25-2013 02:18 PM
He had the option to apologize and return the money.....he refused. He was put on notice those days are over
which part of it did you not get HE did not get any money--how is HE to return something HE never received?? Even the judge mentioned that in his statement ( I know you did not read it but it's there)
01-25-2013 03:22 PM
01-25-2013 03:48 PM
Mayor Rob Ford walked away with a win in his conflict of interest appeal Friday
Good. Chalk up a loss for the leftist nutjobs.
01-25-2013 03:54 PM
While I believe that he should be punished for what he did. Losing his job was like giving a life sentence for shoplifting.
They have the opportunity to look to have reasonable punishment for conflict of interest issues.
01-25-2013 05:34 PM
I think you will see a different Ford returning to the Mayor's office.
At one time, I am sure that he thought he was untouchable.
That belief has been shaken and totally destroyed.
He now realizes that he is not invincible and will be somewhat lower key in the future.
01-25-2013 05:43 PM
We here in London do not have to worry about Rob Ford. We have our own version.
Last week, City Council voted down $200,000 to be used for a rebranding-of-London ad campaign to be implemented duirng the upcoming World Figure Skating event. The problem was the log. No one had a clue what it said.
Of course, this was one of Joe's pet projects. A councillor decided he could change the logo, which he did. Joe was happy and wanted to open the issue to another vote. There is a rule. If a motion has been defeated, it needs a 2/3 majority to reopen it and to vote on it again.
The motion did not get the majority it needed. End of story. Motion defeated.
No! No! says our Joe. We can still vote on this. We don't need to worry about the 2/3 majority. We can just go ahead and vote. His funkies, the Fontana Eight, all nodded and agreed with his lordship.
And so, they voted and the motion passed.
Is this not a violation that should get Joe a visit from the Municipal Board or whatever group investigated when the Eight had an "unofficial" budget luncheon awhile ago at a local Chinese Buffet. Of course it wasn't a meeting, Joe said. And the inspector bought it.
Hope the Judge in your fraud case is less influenced than your council minions. Must be a heavy burden to carry around; being God, that is.
01-25-2013 06:11 PM
A Freudian slip or what?
CTV London was reporting on the Ford decision. They displayed a large picture of Joe Fontana at the same time. Someone must have realized it and it disappeared.
01-25-2013 08:26 PM
Let's see how Bozo makes out with his campaign finances.