Normally my British purchases arrive faster than those from the USA. Most European sellers ship by air, and there are no great delays.
Even Asian purchases are usually reasonably fast, with experienced buyers counselling that a non-arrival dispute that is opened after 30 days is reasonable, since most items, again shipped by air, will have arrived by then.
In the short run, if you paid for this item with your credit card through Paypal, use the 1-800 number on the card to phone about a chargeback. Have all the information about dates, transaction numbers, shipping service etc available for the clerk to process a refund.
While you have only 45 days to start an eBay or PP case, most credit cards allow a longer deadline. You can leave appropriate feedback for the seller for 60 days after purchase. You can leave a Response to any feedback (yours or his) in definitely. The most effective feedback is calm and factual. "Not recieved. No replacement. Stonewalled past refund deadline." is a suggestion.
In future, do NOT allow a replacement to be shipped. It may or may not be, but it will arrive after the deadline. Instead ask for a Mutual Cancellation, get a refund, and agree to the cancellation. This gives your seller his selling fees back (an inducement) and both of you can leave feedback.
Then if you are still comfortable with the seller, buy the item again and have it shipped by Air. Or just move on.