01-19-2013 01:32 AM
Hi all.
I recently purchased a WoW World of Warcraft TCG Drums of War Unscratched Owned card. The seller gave the option of just emailing the code to you.
I contacted the seller, to do just this, I do not want the card, just the code. They responded that they will send the code once the funds transfer from PayPal to their bank account because of past fraud issues they've had with buyers from the past and will refund the shipping charge(which I did get).
My question is, is this not against eBay's policies?
The item was paid for. I believe that the 3 days is just the time for the funds to transfer from PayPal to their bank account. So what should I do other than wait until Monday, as the seller will not send it until then.
Thanks for any answers
01-19-2013 05:06 AM
Seller can not hold anything once you have paid they need to send your item.. They are also not allowed to send you code via email but if you guys agreed on it let it be .. I would just tell him code now or full refund .. Don't say anything about feedback when asking for the code now.. If you wanna leave them a neutral or a neg it is none of there business what you intend to do..
I have sold a fewq codes and bought a few codes and this is not something any seller should do ...
01-19-2013 10:40 AM
Could it be an echeck ? Not sure.
01-19-2013 11:10 AM
No. i don't use those. I use my CC.
Thanks for the info. It's what I suspected.
I was some what aware of not sending a code via Email.
01-19-2013 11:18 AM
"is this not against eBay's policies?"
Yes it is.
However, there is nothing you can do at this time but wait until you receive your item
The listing clearly stated "but I wait until payment has cleared to my bank before sending the code (this usually takes 3 business days)."
Some sellers suffer from paranoia and do not feel comfortable until the money is in their bank account. If you do not like the delays, it may be best to avoid buying from those sellers in the future.
01-19-2013 11:29 AM
Probably worth waiting it out.
Sound like the buyer has been defrauded in the past.
01-24-2013 07:29 PM
I would not have purchased from this seller. "but I wait until payment has cleared to my bank before sending the code (this usually takes 3 business days)." is essentially equivalent to "I want to make sure that if you have a problem, you will have absolutely no recourse".
09-22-2015 08:54 AM
flip the scenario around for a moment. What happens if the seller send the item then a few days later a claim comes through that he received nothing. "I opened the box and it was empty!"....now the seller suffers even though they may have sent a sealed box, or whatever item.... it can go both ways!