Sold listings on eBay page

How long do sold listing stay on My eBay page? I thought it was 45 and they disappeared - but I have one still there at 47.


Old enough to know better. Young enough to do it again. Crazy enough to try
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Sold listings on eBay page

Hi Ross! They stay for 60 days...... I double checked, my oldest is October 7 so it seems right......

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Sold listings on eBay page

Check the time Period option in My eBay Sold listings view. It is near the top on the left. Most likely you are using the default 30 days. Change to 60 days and you should see them.


eBay keeps listings online for 90 days. My eBay only shows 60 days. All other eBay tools (Selling Manager, Turbo Lister) show the full 90 days. 3rd party tools like Auctiva, inkFrog, etcetera show the full 90 days. Why My eBay shows 60 days is silly. No need for this if some sellers use My eBay.


PS Selling Manager (basic not Pro) is free and shows 90 days. It is added onto My eBay options. SM is different looking than My eBay so some sellers dislike its look and feel. I use Selling Manager and find it very nice. Used SM or SM Pro ($15.99 a month) since I started selling on eBay 5+ years ago.

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