Stick a fork in me almost done

Community Member
Sales are down, freight cost with Canada Post way to high and they don't care, ebay fees to high exchange rate killing us Canadian sellers and they don't care,margins way to low against returns and effort needed to set-up and sell, spending less and less time even listing items, ebay informed me they are about to pull my power sellers status, basically the excitement and drive I once had for this site is all but gone. What use to be a blast is now a bust. "Stick a fork in me I'm almost done"
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Stick a fork in me almost done

You might want to re-evaluate your product line and see if you need to change and/or add some more popular items that can attract more traffic to your site.

So far we are experiencing a 100% growth in our sales after a slow August, September saw a 40% growth but October is just amazing with over 100% growth in sales sofar -- and yes our eBAY / Paypal fee has risen considerable too.

I hope things will turn around soon for you -- you built a business with you hard efforts -- don't give up too quickly -- think of new things you can do to increase sales -- try before pulling the plug.

Good Luck!

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Stick a fork in me almost done

Community Member
I'm with you!!!
Add pushy buyers and stick that fork in me too!
I closed my store as I was averaging $1200/month in sales to openning my store and my sales dropped to about $700/month! Add people how use feedback to blackmail... I've had with this place!
I'm just waiting to see how long it takes for them to pull my PS status too!!!!
Hang in there and open your own website!!
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Stick a fork in me almost done

Community Member
My power seller status gone any day now!!!!
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Stick a fork in me almost done

Community Member
I got the same email today. Sales are slow, it's my off season. I sell swimwear.
At first I was upset but then I thought I can relax a bit because when it picks up it's crazy busy.
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Stick a fork in me almost done

Community Member
Same email today too. Thats ok, I expected it, working too many hours to eBay lately.

Have a good Christmas season all!

Have a nice day! 🙂
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Stick a fork in me almost done

Community Member
It must have been that time of the month to be sending out those letters, lol
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Stick a fork in me almost done
Community Member
I just got my Power Seller status and was so pleased, after my trials and tribulations. I was hoping it got easier but after reading these threads, it seems that it is just as difficult if not more to retain it.

UGGHHH!!! We changed our line from party supplies, giftware to clothing and electronics and our sales increased multifold, but then so did our e-Bay fees. $300+ Cdn./month to make $1,850/month average as per e-Bay. That's not factoring the PayPal costs or the cost of the item. Estimate we are clearing about $500-600/month presently for working an average of about 30-40 hours/week if not more.

Once we get better at listing (TL has helped) and know what works, I hope the profit increases. Heck waitresses and retail clerks make more an hour.
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