The Harper government strikes again……..

It’s not bad enough that there are people who are ill and in pain ….but now the Harper government wants to make a natural drug which truly helps ill people, further out of their reach.


“Those who use marijuana for medicinal purposes in Canada may want to reach for the aspirin when they learn about a pending price increase.

Proposed regulations posted by Health Canada say the price of medical marijuana should rise to $8.80 cents a gram —currently it ranges from $1.80 to $5 a gram.”


Also the government is getting out of medical grow ops and will no longer allow people to grow mj for their own use. Harper has given the business to Corporations and as usual…..making $$$$$ comes before the lives of people.


Just when I think Harper has gone as low as he can go…..he picks up a shovel and digs deeper.

Message 1 of 26
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Re: The Harper government strikes again……..

Community Member

Not just a pain killer, it's proven taking daily aspirin is the better choice.

A proof is a proof, and when you have a good proof, it’s because it’s proven

"New reports about aspirin’s benefits in cancer prevention are just as convincing. In 2011, British researchers, analyzing data from some 25,000 patients in eight long-term studies, found that a small, 75-milligram dose of aspirin taken daily for at least five years reduced the risk of dying from common cancers by 21 percent.       

In March, The Lancet published two more papers bolstering the case for this ancient drug. The first, reviewing five long-term studies involving more than 17,000 patients, found that a daily low-dose aspirin lowered the risk of getting adenocarcinomas — common malignant cancers that develop in the lungs, colon and prostate — by an average of 46 percent.       

In the second, researchers at Oxford and other centers compared patients who took aspirin with those who didn’t in 51 different studies. Investigators found that the risk of dying from cancer was 37 percent lower among those taking aspirin for at least five years. In a subsection of the study group, three years of daily aspirin use reduced the risk of developing cancer by almost 25 percent when compared with the aspirin-free control group."

"It came to me that every time I lose a dog they take a piece of my heart with them. And every new dog who comes into my life gifts me with a piece of their heart. If I live long enough, all the components of my heart will be dog, and I will become as generous and loving as they are."--Unknown
Message 2 of 26
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Re: The Harper government strikes again……..

Marijuana valve does not cure cancer, so I am not sure why you brought it up. Aspirin can have many repercussions on a patient's stomach.

Here, read about how MJ helps many ill people, in many ways. But those sick people, some of which are probably struggling with finances as it will have a more difficult time affording something natural which can help them.

Message 3 of 26
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Re: The Harper government strikes again……..

Community Member

Smoking inhaling causes cancer, aspirin prevents it.


Deduction: If you smoke MJ be sure you take aspirin as well.

"It came to me that every time I lose a dog they take a piece of my heart with them. And every new dog who comes into my life gifts me with a piece of their heart. If I live long enough, all the components of my heart will be dog, and I will become as generous and loving as they are."--Unknown
Message 4 of 26
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Re: The Harper government strikes again……..

…..making $$$$$ comes before the lives of people.

I said it before when two states recently legalized marijuana.  The state governments see this as a cash cow.  They will tax it so heavily that the home-growers and the illegal marijuana sellers will still have a lucrative business.  They will be able to sell cheaper than the govt. and still make a profit. 

So much for cutting crime by legalizing pot. 

Message 5 of 26
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Re: The Harper government strikes again……..

I had a quadruple bypass in June, and my doctor says I have to have one aspirin a day for the rest of my life.

Pot, on the other hand, is optional 🙂

Message 6 of 26
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Re: The Harper government strikes again……..

That would probably be baby aspirin then......81mg.

Message 7 of 26
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Re: The Harper government strikes again……..

That would probably be baby aspirin then......81mg.

I would suggest you go with what your doctor says on your prescription and NOT what "nurse betty" has said!!

Message 8 of 26
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Re: The Harper government strikes again……..

I would suggest that it is equally important to listen to a nurse with 30 years of experience and three degrees. Baby aspirin is 81mg which is sufficient to eliminate clots and thin the blood. Standard aspirin is 350 mg and hard on the stomach for many people.

People who help others find tax loopholes shouldn't venture into the unknown.


Message 9 of 26
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Re: The Harper government strikes again……..

I would suggest that it is equally important to listen to a nurse with 30 years of experience and three degrees. Baby aspirin is 81mg

so now your a nurse!!  congrats !

Message 10 of 26
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Re: The Harper government strikes again……..

so now your a nurse!!  congrats !

Probably not but my guess is that he probably dated a few back in the day.

Message 11 of 26
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Re: The Harper government strikes again……..

I marvel at the childlike naivety of how the Harperites pander to the corporites. They really do believe their ideological carpet bombing across all economic sectors will work out for the best.

Judging by the feedback on the story though, it looks like Canadians aren't nearly do dumb - and apparently they care more about this issue than they do about election fraud and quite a few of Harper's other "weak" points.

Message 12 of 26
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Re: The Harper government strikes again……..

Probably not but my guess is that he probably dated a few back in the day.


Only dated one nurse many years ago and she's in Scotland. The information I posted came from a nurse, with those credentials, a few minutes before I posted it.


puck's post 4 is on the money when it comes to the stupidity of the Harper government's logic. But what angers me the most is, as soon as there is a natural drug that actually helps many people in many ways and they don't have to pay much for it....along comes Harper and pulls it away from them, especially those on limited incomes because they are ill. To me that is just cruel and without conscience. But expected from Harper.

Message 13 of 26
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Re: The Harper government strikes again……..

childlike naivety


More like indoctrinated followers goose stepping to hate and anger, but void of compassion.

Message 14 of 26
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Re: The Harper government strikes again……..

Baby aspirin is 81mg which is sufficient to eliminate clots and thin the blood. Standard aspirin is 350 mg and hard on the stomach for many people.

I had a discussion with my doctor about three months ago.  I asked if I could take one regular aspirin (350 mg) rather than the 81 mg.  She asked if I took aspirins for headaches.  I said yes.  She asked how many.  I said two - sometimes three.  She asked if I experienced any stomach discomfort after taking them.  I said no.  She said I should be able to take a regular aspirin daily with no problem. 

Why did I ask?  It annoys me that they charge more fro 200 of the 81 mg. aspirins than it does for 200 of the regular oes. 

Message 15 of 26
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Re: The Harper government strikes again……..

I guess you better get a better doctor then!!

You have heard here that you should be ONLY taking 81mg. And they would know much better than some smuck with a DEGREE on her wall !

Message 16 of 26
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Re: The Harper government strikes again……..

Doctors, well I have come to the conclusion they all have different ‘opinions’, just like the masters of any other skill. If anyone knows a nurse with a lot of experience and who has worked with many doctors, they will attest to that as well.


My mother-in-law was on a lot of pills, too many to count and when she went into a retirement home it had it’s own doctor who analyzed all patients. He was shocked by what was being pumped into her by previous doctors and he cut her pills in half. She totally changed and became her old self again. I don’t care what it is in this world…… be it a doctor or the guy who fixes your furnace…….get a second….sometimes even a third opinion.

My wife has arthritis and she has had several doctors until she found the one that works and the medicine that went along with it. At the beginning long ago she took aspirin and the next doctor in line took her off of it because he said long-term it is not good for you.

Our foreman in the shop has a bad rotor cup at his shoulder and he was popping aspirin and eventually he had stomach problems.

My mother use to be in a lot of pain and aspirin was the common suggestion at the time. She ended up dying from a perforated stomach because of the aspirins.

Me, well anyone who knows me says I’m one of those people who rarely if ever takes a pill of any kind.


But as for Harper and this making medical marijuana more difficult to get for those who are ill and need it……….. “without humanity….a leader becomes a tyrant”.

Message 17 of 26
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Re: The Harper government strikes again……..

My wife has arthritis and she has had several doctors until she found the one that works and the medicine that went along with it. At the beginning long ago she took aspirin and the next doctor in line took her off of it because he said long-term it is not good for you.

Our foreman in the shop has a bad rotor cup at his shoulder and he was popping aspirin and eventually he had stomach problems.

My mother use to be in a lot of pain and aspirin

I think maybe he sould also get a new doctor and nurse as it is a ROTATOR CUFF !!!

Message 18 of 26
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Re: The Harper government strikes again……..

A rotor cup is what he called it. I don't know the technical name although I've put a few people's out just for the enjoyment.

Message 19 of 26
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Re: The Harper government strikes again……..

A rotor cup is what he called it. I don't know the technical name although I've put a few people's out just for the enjoyment

talk to your nurse and get her to explain a rotator cuff injury !!

Message 20 of 26
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