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02-23-2013 07:13 PM
Toronto becomes Canada’s first ‘sanctuary’ for illegal immigrants
The City of Toronto has put out the proverbial welcome mat for its' tens of thousands of illegal immigrants.
On Thursday, City Council voted in favour of Motion CD 18.5 — the so-called 'access without fear' motion — making Toronto Canada's first city with a formal policy allowing undocumented migrants access to City services such as foodbanks and homeless shelters.
[ Related: Immigration Minister Jason Kenney defends the transformation of Canada’s immigration system ]
The rationale of the 'don't ask don't tell' style policy is that some undocumented immigrants are causing themselves harm because they don't access services out of fear of detention or deportation.
"I think this is a historic moment,” Councillor Joe Mihevc told reporters according to Now Toronto.
"We’re saying we are a ‘Sanctuary City,’ and that anyone who is in the City of Toronto will be able to access all the services that the City of Toronto offers.
"That’s the kind of city that we want. We want to open our arms to anyone who comes here. While they’re here, mi casa es su casa."
Specifically, the motion, which passed by vote of 37 to 3, requires senior City staff to review opportunities to improve access without fear with regard to all city funded initiatives. It also inclines Council to lobby their provincial and federal counterparts for more friendly policies in the same regard.
One of dissenters was Councillor Denzil Minnan-Wong.
"We shouldn’t encourage [undocumented immigrants]. We shouldn’t help them. We should not facilitate them. They are an insult to every immigrant who plays by the rule to get into the country. They are an insult to every immigrant who is waiting to enter this country legally," he told the Toronto Star.
"It sends a message to the world that it is okay to break the law to come to Canada and it says that the City of Toronto is an accomplice to this lawbreaking."
In addition to Minnan-Wong's concerns, some analysts worry that the new rules will encourage illegal immigrants from across the country to descend upon the Greater Toronto Area.
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02-23-2013 10:55 PM
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02-24-2013 09:43 AM
"Thuggery is rampant in the nation and therefore combating it should be one of the priorities of the upcoming police chief."
It certainly sounds like this rampant thuggery is a problem.
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02-24-2013 10:18 AM
I've asked Minister Kenney on his facebook how the article fits in with current immigration policies which he has championed. And, I posted the article on his FB page. If you have FB be his guest and go there and comment.
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02-24-2013 10:42 AM
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02-24-2013 10:48 AM
Let them get comfortable and then CIC will raid the shelters and scoop them all up.
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02-24-2013 12:24 PM
What would Christ do?
What do you mean by that .. I only ask because religion to be is a personal preference with no facts mostly stories and fiction so I find it strange you would mention Christ so I am thinking there is a jk i am missing LOL
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02-24-2013 12:31 PM
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02-24-2013 12:37 PM
Thugs get lonely too.
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02-24-2013 12:42 PM
Perhaps more relevant, then, what would a self-proclaimed (solitary or not) witch (warlock?) do?
€ Lucifleur
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02-24-2013 12:59 PM
People escaping from poverty and persecution. What would Christ do?
What does Christ have to do with this?? Why does religion have to enter into everything?
You mention people escaping poverty and persecution. How many of those escaping poverty and persecution are criminals, work under the table or underground, pay no taxes nor observe any of our laws? And when caught breaking our laws, they become outraged because they think that since they came from the old country with NO laws, they shouldn't have to obey OUR laws. Or we should have the SAME laws here that they had in the old country (Sharia laws). Why should they get any kind of benefits by jumping the line instead of following the line into legal immigration ahead of the legal immigrants who did things the right way?
Why should our tax dollars go to support them and thier illegal ways? Why should we support Chinese-owned mines that import thier own workers from China and refuse to hire Canadians? Why should we support agreements like FIPA that Harper is trying to sneak into law where China can buy companies here in Canada, rape our resources and if anyone opposes then, the company can sue our government? Why should we lose jobs to companies that employ illegal immigrants and flout our labour laws?
Why is it that it's mostly the natives that are willing to act for thier country/lands/rights (IdleNoMore movement WITHOUT Spence being involved) but regular Canadians just keep bending over and spreading the cheeks?
When are we going to say ENOUGH IS ENOUGH and actually do something about it?
I have zero problems with immigrants that obey our laws and embrace our way of life, I welcome them. But I will not welcome those that break our laws, illegally jump ahead of others, think they are above us Canadians in our own country, or try to bring the very poverty and persecution they are escaping from to thier new home and cry "RACIST" when we frown on them.
Instead of saying what would Christ do, why not say what should Candadians do, given that this is our country?
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02-24-2013 01:49 PM
That was a cracking good post you just posted, Bilge, IMO.
"Their extreme secrecy combined with their mastery of murder made the Thugs the deadliest secret society in all of history. In the early 19th century they were credited with 40,000 deaths annually, stretching back as far as anyone cared to count. Some estimates put the overall death toll as high as 2,000,000, but with the cult potentially operating for more than 500 years before formal records were kept, the true number is impossible to determine."
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02-24-2013 02:42 PM
Canadians lose !
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02-24-2013 03:50 PM
witch (warlock?) do?
There is no such thing as a warlock. You’ve been watching too much Disney. It was also a word used to label people by the Christian church from Old English wǣrloga “one that breaks faith”. Churches always hated personal freedom.
Why does religion have to enter into everything?
Well it doesn’t enter into everything, albeit it it can be a lot. It just shows the hypocrisy prevalent in society.
How many of those escaping poverty and persecution are criminals, work under the table or underground, pay no taxes nor observe any of our laws?
Why don’t you find out, instead of just pointing out the ‘problems’ and not even mentioning those who legitimately are trying to escape that poverty or persecution.
jumping the line instead of following the line into legal immigration ahead of the legal immigrants who did things the right way?
Ask that of the staving child or the family with death all around them, just waiting for their turn. We have a vast spoiled country of pleasantly comfortable people and a government with lot of money (if they didn’t waste so much) and we tell those in need to wait in line. Be glad you weren’t born in another country where you have to go through what many others have to.
Why is it that it's mostly the natives that are willing to act for thier country/lands/rights (IdleNoMore movement WITHOUT Spence being involved) but regular Canadians…..etc
Because when the Europeans arrived the Native people never said “no”. The European invaders were welcomed…..until…..the invaders lied, manipulated, stole, murdered and got more and more greedy back then……and to this day. I wonder if those in Canada who do not want immigrants in the country are really thinking that they worry they will be people…….just like them.
Instead of saying what would Christ do, why not say what should Candadians do, given that this is our country?
So, go ask the people whose country this is, the Native people.
That was a cracking good post you just posted, Bilge,
Ahhh the desperate need of affirmation.
Noticably no one answered my question. :^O It was expected.
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02-24-2013 05:51 PM
yeah, that's the ticket!... it's a "desperate need for affirmation". Lol.
Some people though seem to have much more of a "desperate need" as evidenced their own hate forum to bash folks! Not to mention the "research" conducted on "enemies" who's opinions and views clash with theirs. Dossiers and little black books......Nixonesque behaviour.
Captured screenshots of their opponent's posts are even offered upon request! It is desperate behaviour all right. Attention seeking by a fellow with far too much idle time he wastes.
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02-24-2013 06:15 PM
This sort of thing just brings on my bleeding heart humanism so you'll just have to excuse me. How lucky for those born in Canada. You don't know what it's like to need to escape another country. You don't know what it's like to be hungry, not have shelter and not be able to get health care. I personally don't know either to the extremes that these ppl would know it but what I don't want to see is ppl going without the basics to survive anywhere. I don't want to hear that someone is dying in this country because they couldn't get health care or food. I don't want to hear that someone has frozen to death because they couldn't find shelter. I've never thought of myself as any nationality, I'm human that that's all. Born of this earth and should have the rights to all of the resources of this earth.
My husband is an immigrant from Scotland. We went through all the red tape and money to make him legal. I'm not at all offended by this.
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02-24-2013 06:39 PM
Canadians lose !
Are you saying canadians are losers?
Welcome to my world. These lands have been plagued with thugs for centuries.
Beating,robbing, raping,murdering,brainwashing,cheating anything that stood in its way.
Get over it!
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02-24-2013 06:59 PM
"Why is it that it's mostly the natives that are willing to act for thier country/lands/rights (IdleNoMore movement WITHOUT Spence being involved) but regular Canadians just keep bending over and spreading the cheeks?"
We are battling thugs who stole our lands and continue to try to strip us of our inherited rights and culture. Thats why!
There is a reason why the flag flies atop the peace tower and not firmly implanted on terra firma. These lands do not belong to you.
I prefer to spread cheez wiz
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02-24-2013 10:30 PM
People escaping from poverty and persecution.
Also those with lengthy criminal records and those escaping prosecution for serious crimes. Give them a seat around the council table, preferably next to Ford.
Why bother with laws at all?
Why sign up to come to Canada?
Just pay $30 or $40,000 to some smugglers, pile into a shipping container with no water and food, and come on over.
This policy encourages human smuggling and will make Toronto the prime destination.
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02-24-2013 10:51 PM
Also those with lengthy criminal records....
Do you know how many have lengthy criminal records? When you do, let me know. Until then, try to focus on the good immigrants escaping countries and trying to save their lives.
When people in Canada constantly focus only on the criminals they paint everyone with the same brush and create unnecessary fear. Unless of course, that is their objective.
This policy encourages human smuggling
What encourages smuggling is keeping well meaning desperate people out. It is the same for all forbidden things.