08-10-2012 11:10 PM
I bought an item on auction and the shipping was almost 8 dollars to my address. AFTER the auction was over the seller doubled the shipping cost. I contacted her about it and was told that the item sold at a very low cost so that is why the shipping was more and that Ebay hadn't updated it. PLEASE help me.
08-10-2012 11:49 PM
Well, you can't actually force her to ship it to you, but she is absolutely not allowed to change the shipping amount after you win the auction. Sheesh, some people. Have a look at the following link under Terms and Conditions:
Have you paid? If not, tell her she must sell the item to you as per the terms of the listing when the auction ended, or offer you a Mutual Cancellation. The following link explains about how cancellations work:
If you paid the lower amount already, she must ship it to you for that sum total or refund you completely. She cannot force more money out of you, so if she does not ship it after you've paid, you have 45 days to file an Item Not Received claim and get your money back. In either case you have 60 days in which to leave feedback. I doubt you'll need it, but if you want to see how the Not Received process works:
Those are the facts. It is my *opinion* that she is lying her face off and when she didn't get as much as she wanted at auction, she sought to dig a little more out of the buyer with this other fabrication. She is blaming ebay for not updating a change that I do not believe she made in the first place. ... Ick.
Just for fun, - would you be willing to share the item number with the board readers here? -- Only the item number... 😄
08-11-2012 05:24 AM
Seller needs to be called out for that tactic. Send the link dmil posted and refer her to terms and conditions.
If you have paid , polite but firm..ship or refund my payment. If refunded , leave appropriate feedback with low DSR's . 1 is lowest.
08-11-2012 02:46 PM
08-12-2012 09:00 AM
In circumstances such as this , if seller files a mutual cancellation , i would refuse to accept. I see no reason to reward a seller for bad behaviour. Once refused , an unpaid dispute cannot be filed against you.
08-12-2012 05:03 PM