01-08-2016 10:47 AM
After bidding on ebay and winning an item. I find that the seller offers the item for cheaper on a different web site. Am i obliged to pay the seller the higher ebay price?
01-08-2016 10:57 AM
Yes you are.
01-08-2016 12:03 PM
Certainly you are. A bid is a binding contract.
You may, however, ask your seller to Cancel the Transaction. (He or she is in no way obligated to do so for you.) You may also initiate a Return once you receive the item if the seller's Returns policy allows it. Your third option is to not pay at all and accept an Unpaid Item Strike on your account which will make short work of your ability to purchase from other sellers.
01-11-2016 01:40 PM
Short answer. Yes.
Longer answer. If you somehow manage to back out of the transaction here, and the seller realizes you bought it again on their other site, you may find yourself blocked here (and there) from ever buying anything else from that seller again. Sellers list cheaper on other sites because the fees/seller requirements are lower (or non-existent). I sell mainly bicycle related items and maybe 10% are listed on other sites but I won't sell to buyers who contact me on those sites for items not listed there (only here on ebay). I also will not sell ebay items to regionally local buyers who contact me through ebay to sell items at some lower price because they don't want to pay for shipping (I do not offer local pickup), the exchange rate (I only list in US dollars), or think that they're doing me a favour avoiding ebay's final value fees (which being a top-rated store-account seller is only 7.2%).