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eBay Restricting use of outdated Internet Security Protocol

Hi eBay Members, eBay has decided to restrict the use of outdated Internet Security Protocol, SSL 3.0, because we have determined that it does not meet our standards. As such, some Turbo Lister users could see some connectivity issues. For more infor...

Holiday Returns available in Turbo Lister

Hi Turbo Lister Users, The option to apply Holiday Returns in Turbo Lister is now available in the Beta version of the program. When deciding whether or not to be a Beta user, please keep in mind that the beta versions aren't free of bugs, nor are th...


Recent Issues w/Turbo Lister Sign In

Hi Turbo Lister Users, A recent Windows update has caused some programs, including Turbo Lister, to crash. To sign-in to Turbo Lister before the improved Windows update is released, please follow these steps: Open Internet Explorer Open the Tools men...

Power Seller Certificate?

Hi. I've been selling on Ebay for over five years and I just received an email congratulating me for becoming an Ebay power seller! Maybe not the biggest deal to everyone else but I'm pretty proud of this. Ebay says that you get a certificate. I'm no...

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Comics Anyone? Want To Discuss Em?

Anyone interested in talking comics? Trends in the market.... Conventions.... Grades.... Third party grading companies.... Individual books from all ages.... I'm interested to hear from others with similar interests, so don't be shy! Andrew

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anyone using DHL Deutsche Post from Toronto?

anyone using them to send packages overseas? i've had a lot of my international small packet type packages now showing up lately, i'm pretty sure something is up at the toronto sorting facility but no one is saying anything, was wondering if anyone e...

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Post Your Funny Feedback

OK, you can't say I don't deliver ... The book fantastic and is very amused, and the photographies are hallucinating. Ann

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New buyer hit the wrong key and wants to back out, What should I do now?

A 0-feeback buyer used the buy-it-now and ended my auction. I got this email from him right after, says "I am truly sorry, I have never used ebay before and hit the wrong key. I do not want to buy this item. I apologize for any inconvenience." Obviou...

Clearing paypal echecks

Have I just been napping lately or is it suddenly taking a heck of a lot longer for echecks to clear? And Paypal seems to be contradicting themselves - when you click on "details" for a payment on the overview page, it tells you the expected clearing...

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US Shipping Locations Close to the Border and Parcel Pickups

Hi I am compiling a list of US shipping locations with Company Names, Addresses and Phone Numbers across Canada that are close to the border. If there are any requirements that these US Companies require to set up these addresses and accounts please ...

Question about Turbo Lister.........

I have been doing all of my listings manually and it takes a very long time, especially when I am continuously changing things in my description. Every time I consider using Turbo Lister someone leaves a post about another bad experience they have ha...

10 Cent Listing Day - August 23rd

Just received the email notice - thought I would give a "Heads UP" to those of you who haven't received it yet. It is, however, for .ca only which suits me just fine. Renee

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Where Is The Best Steakhouse In Downtown Toronto?

I'm heading to Toronto this weekend and would love a big juicy steak. I'm staying downtown near the Metro Toronto Convention Centre and would be interested in going out to dinner at one of the best restaurants that specialize in steak. Any ideas for ...

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I just had to refund a guy in Mexico through paypal claims who has at least a dozen times filed non-receipt claims and gotten refunded that I know of. This guy knows that if he buys something and if it gets shipped without tracking that all he has to...

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Lose out on Ebay and Paypal fees

I had to made a refund today to a customer because of a back order issue from the customer and i am out $11.50 paypal fee and $15 ebay final fees because it's pass the 60 days. Paypal said it's their "policy" that no refund can be issued after just 4...

SNPC Explanation/Clarification by Mr. JUSTUS (yup thats his name)

Ok so anyone else read the BS spread out by this VP from eBay. Looks like another one living on URANUS when it comes to telling the truth. 1% of the bad sellers are causing 35% of the problems -- ya right -- sure, that is why you focus on the Bronze,...

Anybody else notice any Less Traffic on Ebay

My store seems to be very slow. This is my First Summer selling on ebay and notice in the past 25 days my items are not getting any hits. Is summer months slower than every other month, not including summer items in my question.

Does Anyone Know?

Does anyone know? When you go onto Holiday Mode, and your sales don't "make it" for Power Sellers status for the month, the "time out" counted? My sales are low for August and I am considering either listing to catch up or just go on holidays f...

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We Need Reputation Protection

I have had many situations where I have not left a negative feedback for someone because of the fact that that person can leave a negative for me. If ebay really wants to give sellers unpaid item protection then a buyer who receives an unpaid item st...

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SPAM COMING in disguise as a BUYER!

My Buyer is from Canada....This is the contact info I received for invoicing:-- dhfggghkuh uljfjghjkgh xdgfjgfgjgh vgju fjfggjghjubb, MB w6a 2q1 Canada (568) 568-9767 I did a reverse check on the phone is not valid. I checked the postal code.....

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B.C Scammer - Bank Reversal

Got an unpleasant email notice for paypal stating that they received notice from of on our recent buyers bank to reverse the payment (no reason given) of over US$600. Unfortunately for us, we have already shipped the laptop 2 days prior to receiving ...

Tired of stupid neg Feedbacks?

I got a Negative placed on me which reads; He"Put my home phone number on package".This was a international package which I will place as much information on it as I can to insure delivery. Has anyone heard of Ebay doing something aboutA little more ...

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Ebay customer support AGAIN

I was shocked early this week to get notice of listing removal for "keyword spam", never happened before, and nothing to indicate what the spam is but to put the title of my listing in the email. So a couple days later I get a response to my email th...

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eBay stole my money.

So after winning that 3rd place eBay Entrepreneur of the Year Award in 2005, I was awarded $1500 in ANYTHING POINTS. There was absolutely NO EXPIRY on this in my PayPal account. Showed Expiry: None SO I still had about $800-900 left in the account to...

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listing fees vs. store fees

Good day all, Considering opening a basic store but did some numbers. Case study: A product selling for $250.00 total number of 12 units over a 30 day period. listing fee: $15.00 30 day 5.25% $25.00 $1.31 3.25% $225.00 $7.31 T $250.00 $$8.63 ea. tota...

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New Bronze powerseller

Hi all, I just made it to the Power Sellers List as a Bronze. Any helpful tips on or secrets to power sellilng I should know? Also does ebay give power sellers more dates promotional listing dates or no?

yeah I'm a power seller!

ok, so we get this nifty board to ourselves, is there anything else we get? lol I'm supposed to look like I know what I'm doing now right? LOL hugs, Kat

Canadian Seller Shipping from USA

How many sellers who live close to the border mail their packages from the USA. I have recently started to do this for the heavier packages because it saves the US customer so much money. I was thinking of shipping everything from the USA and go down...

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Invoice Date

Does anybody know the exact date and time of the current month's end for invoicing? Renee

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just wondering how all of you proceed exactly when it comes to your unpaid items? how long do you wait? do you send a reminder email first? two? send another invoice? or just file the unpaid item with no prior communication? just wondering if any of ...

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SPAM coming through ASQ

Anyone else having this problem? My mailbox is being swamped with SPAM sent thru eBay ASQ, This in the last few minutes alone: < font size="2"> eBay Member the_train_ou. ‎question from the_train_outlet - Dear sir/madam, With China entering into WTO,o...

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