Thead for those of us who sell items over $80.00

I thought I would start this tread for sellers who do not have stores and sell more expensive items. Those on the other two boards does seem to have any interest in those of us negatively affected be the 10% flat feet increase. We are the sellers who are targeted for a major hit in the pocket bookk in this latest release


Anything over ~$80 will see an increase in fees. The more expensive the item is the more the increase. This escalates dramatically to the point where it is no longer reasonable to sell any four figure item on ebay... the fees at that point are outrageous!  In a way sellers of large items are subsidizing the "fee decrease" of sellers of small items, since their fee increase more than offsets the other sellers' fee decrease. IT IS NOT FAIR.


The email I got from ebay said my fees would be reduced by 17% under the new fee schedule.


I was about to list another Addison catalin radio for sale on BIN for $2,250.00 + $45 Expedited Shipping.


Under the current fee schedule, the ebay fees would be $88.90


Under the new fee schedule, the ebay fees are $229.50


 THAT'S A 158% INCREASE OF $140.60


I cannot in good faith mark up a radio an extra $229.00 to cover the fees nor can I absorb that amount of money . Buyers for high end antiques and collectibles will go to the markets where the sellers are, if the sellers of those items move, the buyers will move as well.  




Old enough to know better. Young enough to do it again. Crazy enough to try
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Re: Thead for those of us who sell items over $80.00

rose-dee: I've had that surgery. It is basically painless and doesn't take a lot of recuperation. Plus you get a cool black patch for your eye! Which is always fun.

Wishing you a good surgeon and better drugs.


Message 21 of 24
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Re: Thead for those of us who sell items over $80.00

To "pj" and "ross" - thanks so much for your kind thoughts. 


The surgical treatment literally involves a sharp stick in the eye; not a pleasant prospect, but better than losing my vision!


I've probably done this to myself staring at computers for so many years, but c'est la vie -- at least there is an effective treatment.  The physicians don't know why it happens really, they just shrug and say "age-related" like everything else.  😐



Message 22 of 24
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Re: Thead for those of us who sell items over $80.00

rose-dee: I've had that surgery. It is basically painless and doesn't take a lot of recuperation. Plus you get a cool black patch for your eye! Which is always fun.

Wishing you a good surgeon and better drugs.



Oh, thank you for this insight (pun intended)!  I've been having images of Frankensteinian-type equipment holding me down and me screaming, no, no, NO....:_|

Message 23 of 24
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Re: Thead for those of us who sell items over $80.00

I believe that the quote from Rose-dee needs to be brought up at least one more time - because she is just soooooooooooo right.



From reading the current discussion boards, it seems to me sellers are focused on the trees and not noticing the forest.


I continue to maintain that the true purpose of the current changes is to push and shove non-store sellers (i.e. those who decide to remain on eBay) into the store corner, and those with stores into the "perma-store" subscription corner.  There is nothing better for eBay than a dependable, continuous income stream - shareholders' dream.  I've said before that I believe we'll see increases in yearly store subscription fees very quickly once sufficient store owners have been coaxed into that mode because of high monthly prices.


I think this spring's changes were a major step in that direction, yet another departure from the option-rich environment on eBay, and I too believe eBay will look radically different in 2 or 3 years because of it.  



We are being manipulated by the Cororpate Weenies whose giant salaries that we are paying with the new 21% savings we have been blessed with - you know the savings that actually work out to the 153% increase in eBay fees - cause after all the 10% flat rate is new and is going to make things so much simpler - well for the eBay weenies anyway.


Old enough to know better. Young enough to do it again. Crazy enough to try
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