Theresa Spence unsatisfied with meeting between Harper, chiefs
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01-20-2013 10:02 PM
Attawapiskat Chief Theresa Spence says she plans to continue her hunger strike until there is a meeting between Prime Minister Stephen Harper, the Governor-General and first nations leaders.
In an interview Sunday morning with CTV’s Question Period, Ms. Spence said she is unsatisfied with the meeting that took place earlier this month between Mr. Harper and some chiefs, calling it a “working group” when native groups had called for a “nation-to-nation” meeting that would also include Governor-General David Johnston.
“It’s important for all the treaty partners to be in that meeting. That includes the Crown,” she said. “So [Mr. Johnston] is representing the Crown. He should be there.”
The native chief has been a prominent figure in the Idle No More movement that has galvanized first nations activists as they express frustration over recent federal legislation and demand a better relationship with the government.
Asked about a controversial audit of her community that came to light earlier this month, Ms. Spence said she was “disappointed” when the report became public. The audit found the first nation’s leaders had not properly accounted for millions of dollars of spending.
She said the audit should have been a useful tool for both the Aboriginal Affairs department and her community’s leadership. During a meeting about the audit last fall, Ms. Spence said she told officials she would work to comply with the recommendations.
“I told them, ‘OK, we’re going to comply with the recommendations, but we don’t want you to use this against us. We want to have a better working relationship,’” she said. “And they said yes, we will. We will promise that we’re not going to use it against you. This is why I was really disappointed to see it on the media.”
Ms. Spence added that she had asked for a forensic audit but was told that would take too long. She said the auditor was in the community for a total of 10 days to complete a comprehensive audit and did not consult some records that were available.
Holding an eagle feather as she spoke, Ms. Spence appeared tired and weak. She said she has lost more than 30 pounds since she began her hunger strike last month. She has been surviving on tea and broth since that time. “I go day by day, and I’m still waiting for that meeting that needs to take place,” she said.
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01-20-2013 10:03 PM
Sounds like Spence is learning to put her own "political spin" on things.
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01-20-2013 11:04 PM
Most Canadians are unsatisfied with spence and her lack of accounability to both the taxpayer and the indians.
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01-20-2013 11:11 PM
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01-21-2013 01:13 AM
I have to agree with NUV on this one .. If I was part of her Tribe or reserve I would demand answers if my kid was living in a shack and she had millions of dollars disappear ooooo man she would have to answer to that ... I really am for the idle no more movement but I am really starting to hate this spencer chief ..
Maybe she can put oput a workout video how to lose 30 pounds and 30 days .... Makes 200k within her household and looks at her nieghbors living in a shack If that ws me I would be ashamed of myself nevermind the goverment..
I mean damn I took in and fed 4 or 5 good friends for months at a time growing up making 7-8 bucksa an hr and all she can do for her community is eath broth ... She's a joke and the sooner the media stops paying attention to her the better ..
I have now read a few stories of Native Americans who are tired of her as well .. BOOOO SPENCER YAAAAA IDLE NO MORE
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01-21-2013 01:36 AM
Finally Found a form that takes no sides and speaks the truth and puts the responsibilities of all of this on both The Goverment and the Native Americans ...
Nothing in depth just straight to the point and rings true.. I mean putting millions of dollars into someones hand is just stupid the goverment needs to help but not by handing out money .. Go in and help set up educational systems and housing etc. I mean come on all the money chief spence haqs gotten and she has done nothing with it no jobs no good housing no good education .. I know money doesn't go along way in the middle of no where but I can tell you this My bosses wife homeschool 3 of there 7 kids and she is not a teacher not even close and these kids are crazy smart and it cost them $100 a year ...
The goverment owes Natives but the Natives owe themselves too
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01-21-2013 10:01 AM
First off no one here understands the rules and regulations put on to Reserves by Indian Affairs in how they spend their money. Secondly Chief Spence called for a forensic audit which was refused by Harper and his government. Does that sound like a woman who has something to hide? Who has something to hide is Harper, because a forensic audit would show that there was no illegal or other activities done by Chief Spence or the council. Harper would rather the rumour mill of gossips and the insinuations and accusations keep coming because it suits his purpose against Spence and the Native people in general. It’s what his voting base wants to hear.
People also have to educate themselves about the history of Canada and the treaties with the First Nations people…..including the treaties that were not kept by previous governments and the treaties that were ignored by past and present governments and the theft of land without treaties. If you look at the treaties…… you will find that the money given to them are not handouts…….they are money owed to the Native people. Certainly the treaties were done long ago, but they still stand. It would be no different than any other person in Canada who had an agreement with someone to rent their land and they would want that agreement…..adhered to in full!
Lastly the LFP (London Free Press) article. The LFP is owned by Sun Media, the most fanatical right winged media organization in Canada and a fervent Harper supporter. It is unfortunately the equivalent to the right winged Fox News in the US……with a heavy dose of National Enquirer. Now look at the author of the article …..Farza Hassan. I tried looking the person up on the Internet to see what qualifications he or she had with the Native situation and found …..nothing…..I mean nothing not only in the Native area but for that matter not even any articles on any subject. Then I looked down in the LFP article to the comment section and found the information from Leila Paul.
Comments about Chief Spence and weight loss are not necessary. What’s the point in saying things like that? Comments about home schooling comparisons have no association with this situation and I am sure that there is very little, if at all, home ‘high school’ abilities that match being in a school with good knowledgeable teachers and the proper equipment to keep students in a school wherever it is, on the same level as kids in any other school in Canada.
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01-21-2013 10:14 AM
The audit found that going back to April 1, 2005, the band council didn’t properly prepare budgets or keep minutes to support band council resolutions. About 80 per cent of the transactions analyzed — many of which took place before Spence became chief in 2010 — didn’t have proper documentation to support spending of about $104 million in funding provided to Attawapiskat during that time.
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01-21-2013 10:25 AM
How do you find out how many chickens the fox ate if the farmer didn't record how many chickens he had in the first place. How can you figure out if the fox had accomplices if you have blundered through the barnyard and erased all the tracks?
Sounds like the Co-Op gave lots of chickens to the farmer but the farmer didn't take proper care of them. And now the farmer is indignant that the Co-Op is displeased with his poor stewardship. As if this is all the Co-Op's fault, cause he thinks it is the Co-Op's responsibility to track down who ate the chickens that he was supposed to look after.
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01-21-2013 10:50 AM
Was the Co-Op (the Canadian Government) was grossly negligent by providing millions of chickens ($$$) to a clearly incompetent farmer (Chief Spence & Associates). year after year, because the chickens all disappeared, and the farm (Attawapiskat) was kept in a terrible state of disrepair.
Even more baffling is the fact that the farmer had a farm manager that she hired to keep track of them chickens, and a bunch of paid workers to work on the farm. It appears they did a lousy job.
I think the Co-Op needs to find a competent farmer to look after the chickens housed on this particular farm. Perhaps the current farmer and her pals need to learn proper poultry husbandry, and farm financial accounting. Perhaps their resumes do not match their skill set.
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01-21-2013 11:12 AM
Wow, will actually have some time this morning.
Two cancellations today but with the minus forty three with the wind chill we could all this this happening.
We all knew a couple of weeks back the government was going to revisit the funding allocated to the reserve.
IMO she should have been prepared for this as this came as no surprise to anyone. Her credibility & reputation has now become the issue.
I will stress the word "Her" as there are many Reserve Chiefs are very responsible with their funding.
Never wanted to see this turn into a side show but this seems to be happening.
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01-21-2013 11:19 AM
The audit found that going back to April 1, 2005, the band council didn’t properly prepare budgets or keep minutes to support band council resolutions. About 80 per cent of the transactions analyzed — many of which took place before Spence became chief in 2010 — didn’t have proper documentation to support spending of about $104 million in funding provided to Attawapiskat during that time.
1. A lot of documentation was there. As Chief Spence said ….” the auditor was in the community for a total of 10 days to complete a comprehensive audit and did not consult some records that were available.”
A ‘comprehensive’ audit for years of bookkeeping, well before Chief Spence would take longer than 10 days and a ‘comprehensive’ audit would not overlook documents available, they would look through all documents.
This was not comprehensive or thorough at all and in my personal estimation it was a set up by Harper which he kept and released when he needed it.
2. Despite the so-called comprehensive audit, there are no allegations or proof of any ill-doing, other than what some would consider poor bookkeeping both past and present in the mind of the auditor.
Also the books of all Rez’s are overseen by the Dept of Indian Affairs and inspected on a yearly basis and there were never any questions, or accusations about the books done at Attawapiskat.
The accusations and the agenda based innuendos are coming from people in Canada who have something against Native people in general and unproven allegations are just convenient fodder for their cause.
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01-21-2013 11:51 AM
Elvis told the PM to hire some recent graduates of some obscure Southern Baptist University to do a shoddy incomplete audit. Yeah, that's the ticket.
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01-21-2013 12:24 PM
The ‘facts’ are:
a) No company can do a ‘comprehensive’ audit of ‘years’ of elaborate transactions in 10 days. A friend of mine who owns a welding company had an audit done for one year and it took over a week. ‘Comprehensive’ ….I’d like to see proof of the accurate use of that word in this situation. And I repeat….no auditor would do a decent audit and not look at stored documents.
b) Not by the Dept of Indian Affairs that look at the books on a yearly basis or by this auditor appointed by the Harper government is there ‘any’ accusations or hint of any wrong doing……zip, nada, ziltch.
So why do some people keep bringing it up in the media? It’s because they are desperate and I mean that in every sense of the definition to find something….anything….on Chief Spence and the past Chiefs of that Reservation in order to give them fuel for their real agenda which is to discredit all Reservations and in association..... all Native people. Mulroney can take envelopes of cash in deals made in hotel suites and forget to claim them on his taxes and for many people it’s “lets forgetaboutit”. But let a Native council on a Reserve have what is just bad bookkeeping and the innuendos flyyyyyy!
Anyone who can’t see what is 'really' going on isn’t thinking.
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01-21-2013 01:51 PM
Harper style witch hunt.
she had asked for a forensic audit
Funny that several media outlets (as I reported in another thread) had received copies of letters from members of her band to the government asking for the audit.
Unfortunately, she is a native - and you believe everything she says. You do not believe she is capable of manipulating the media and putting her own spin on things. She is an elected politician and, whether native or not, fully capable of having her own agenda. You have your blinders on, Prior. Maybe you should get the eye holes cut out on that mask.
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01-21-2013 02:01 PM
No company can do a ‘comprehensive’ audit of ‘years’ of elaborate transactions in 10 days.
My nephew, Dan, is a forensic auditor.
He said that an audit of a company as small as Spence's is simple.
A forensic auditor knows where to look, especially if there are a lot of records missing.
Normally, when he does an audit, the company has all of the requested files ready before he ever gets there.
My nephew regularly does audits on companies worldwide - dealing in billions.
He flies in on a Monday; works on the areas he needs to audit; and flies out on Friday
P.S. He says it is kind of hard to come home and balance your own budget after dealing in such high dollar values.
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01-21-2013 02:02 PM
Never wanted to see this turn into a side show but this seems to be happening.
No longer a side show; it's a three ring circus.
The next act may feature Ms Spence appealing to Robert Mugabe to intercede on her behalf.
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01-21-2013 02:47 PM
puck…..I do not believe everything she says just because she is Native. Where do you come up with this stuff?……just because I am going against the views of others??
I’ve said in here many times that there are good and bad in every race of people.
Chief Spence could be dishonest but …………………………………there is nothing at all that points to that.
If she is I’ll come down on her as hard as anyone else.
However at this moment in Canada it seems that the Native people are the flavour of choice for being ridiculed and misinformation passed out and even down right lies are being told about them. Seriously, how would you like it if your books were audited and someone said they heard that you didn’t keep books like the auditor liked and you had missing information and then suddenly……..people started subtly accusing you of misappropriating or misusing funds. What would you say? Probably a) you have done nothing wrong and...... b) don’t judge me until all the facts are in.
Now if that’s how you would want to be treated………do the same for her!
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01-21-2013 03:56 PM
don’t judge me until all the facts are in.
Aha! The crux of the matter. Maybe all the facts are in and she is making excuses and trying to cover her (now skinnier) butt. That is why I referred to it as political spin.
you didn’t keep books like the auditor liked
No, not liked the auditor liked. There is a standard method of doing your books. There is a standard method of dealing with expenses and payments. It is expected of all business and all charities.
If she didn't know how, then she shouldn't have been looking after the money. Or was that the "consultant's" job for $200,000 plus per year? One might even say that her hiring of a consultant and her relationship with said consultant are if not questionable, then certainly unethical. What are the credentials of this consultant? What is his background and experience? It seems like a highly unprofessional way of doing things. One that you or I would probably come under legal scrutiny for. But we are not natives and are held to a different standard.
I see it as something like: I get a grant from the government to hire a consultant to assist me in a government related area of my business. I go down the street and hire my out of work brother-in-law. He has little or no experience or expertise in any field, but hey, let's keep the money in the family. You think the government would accept that. I don't.
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01-21-2013 04:26 PM
Maybe all the facts are in
If they were and they showed any misdeeds they would be out in the media faster than a New York second. You know that.
As for the rest of the comments, they are all information and part information just thrown out there with little to nothing to back them up. ‘What about this and what about that’? Sounds like a bunch of part time junior detectives playing Clue without any dice.
Chief Spence also asked for a forensic audit…..why not ask yourself this question…..''why has it not been done''? Real simple, not difficult. I believe that this has not been done because both Harper and Indian Affairs know there is nothing wrong and an audit would clear things up once and for all……..which the government does not want. What is happening now with all those rumours and unanswered questions which open the door to innuendos and accusations are much more helpful for the CONs.