You're more than welcome to do as you please. It's your business not mine afterall. I'm just saying it's not very professional. Of course it feels good calling them on it a la 'what do you think I am, stupid or something?' but it's not the right thing to do.
I don't personally subscribe to the belief that the customer is always right either. I'll give them the benefit of the doubt and try to work with them because things can happen but sometimes, they're just not right in their actions.
I usually reserve thoughts like that for the UPI dispute panel. It's on record, for what it's worth, with eBay. I might, depending on circumstances say something like: I noticed that you've bought X things from other sellers and apparently chose to pay them but not me. I gave you time and several opportunities to pay. You repaid that kindness with fabrications. That wasn't nice and I don't appreciate it.
I had some goof buy the same book off myself and I think 4 other sellers. He kept finding it slightly less expensive but apparently didn't check condition or shipping costs. He emailed me and gave some lame butt excuse asking for a refund. I was in control here as he paid me already. I said sure I'll refund you minus $5. He agreed. End of story. I grumbled about it for a little bit though.
Next thing I know this guy emails me saying something to the effect of he made a mistake asking for a refund, he meant it to go to another seller as it already cost him $5 from someone else. It seems that he paid for some of the book and not others and asked for refunds for the ones he didn't want but he made a mistake and got his sellers mixed up. hahaha That'll teach you not to play games like that!
In the dispute panel I detailed that eBay is not the place to do the Buy Now on items and pick and choose who you want to pay or pay and ask for refunds because you found a 'better deal'. The time to do your research is before you click the buttons not after. This is not a video game and it costs seller money to list and when people buy things and play games like this. And by the way, the other book you bought was used and his shipping was much higher than mine. Mine was a better deal overall, brand new book, cheaper shipping in total cost less than what you paid for your used book.
I got a one word email from him, 'Sorry'.