09-05-2013 06:28 AM
09-07-2013 06:29 PM
...........and justifiably. Deal with it.
Hatred, whether directed at a race, someone's sexul orientation, someones religion, or just directed at a person for expressing an opinion is just - WRONG!
09-07-2013 06:31 PM
Yes they were attacked by all those people...........but..........do any of those people still control them? NO.
No, butthere are lot of Druids, Picts and Celts who want their land back.
09-07-2013 07:23 PM
@puckstopshere wrote:It's as if they have to find someone to hate or their lives mean nothing.
Or they go to a dock and spew their hatred.
09-07-2013 09:57 PM
Hatred, whether directed at a race, someone's sexul orientation, someone religion, or just directed at a person for expressing an opinion is just - WRONG!
I never read any hatred expressed about someone's sexual orientation, or religion. No comments were ever made about someone's race. Nothing was ever expressed in that location against someone's opinion unless the opinion expressed was a bigoted 'opinion' directed at people because of their Native race, or because they were of an Islamic belief. To be complacent and silent is tantamount to quiet approval.
09-08-2013 12:12 AM