There Might be Problem with the DSR system, But to tell you the truth I haven't noticed a difference when I search for my listings & sales are stable.
Mind you when I first heard about the new search filter it didn't make much sense to me and was afraid sales would slow, The only Positive thing I could think of that it would eliminate sellers like from china listing 100 or whatever of the same product for .99 Cents and 20$ shipping
The only thing I did notice though was my Listing would only show alot more hits in the last day of Auction and hardly any b4 that.
Also Noticed b4 I could do 1 Day Listings and still get the 40% of them sold when now when I list with a 1 day Listing unless it was to be a really hot item, It rarely sells and hardly any volume on 1 day Listings
Don't know but I think the system b4 this new search filter would benefit ebay and sellers more, now I try to stay away from 1 day listings
There is 1 very good change wich gave me 30% or more Sales for the type of Products I sell is the UK option, I was very Happy with that and Looking Forward to More Countries to be added
I don't think ebay done the error with the new Filter on Purpose, Don't forget this is a massive data Base and search engine and it doesn't take to much to unbalance it.
I also believe Ebay is working with us much more now since without us selling there would be no buyers etc.
Sometimes to many cooks in the Kitchen will ruin the Soup
Deep down there trying hard to make Ebay a better Place for all & it takes time to test and fine tune these type of Changes, Perhaps there should be more Like Beta testing done
Anyways Just venting here 🙂 Have yourself a Great weekend:)