09-13-2011 07:52 AM
Greetings folks.
I would like to know how to hide what I pay for my stock in feedback as its not really anyones business but mine.
I have searched around my site for the tool to do this and have been unable to find it.
I have seen other sites where their purchase prices are not published.
Anyone know how to do this?
09-13-2011 08:07 AM
"how to hide what I pay for my stock in feedback.."
Most sellers who also buy on eBay simply use a different User ID to buy so that their seller feedback does not reflect their purchases. That is what I do.
There is no way around it unless you only buy from "private" listings.
09-13-2011 08:12 AM
thanks for prompt reply.
If I set up a different user ID wont that require new Paypal accounts etc?
09-13-2011 09:31 AM
You will need another credit card, but both accounts can feed the same Paypal account.
09-13-2011 09:45 AM
"wont that require new Paypal accounts etc?"
You will need a different email address for your second eBay account.
The same PayPal account can handle up to 8 different email addresses.
09-13-2011 09:59 AM
OK--I have set up a second ebay account with a new email address.
I will use the new account and address for all my buying with existing paypal.These buys will not then show up on my store feedback which has my original account and shop tied to it.
I do all purchasing using paypal a/c so no need to tie a credit card to new account --right?
Thanks a lot for your help folks!!
09-13-2011 10:20 AM
" do all purchasing using paypal a/c so no need to tie a credit card to new account --right?"
That is correct as long as you do not use your new account to sell - at which time eBay will ask you to provide a credit card information.